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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Cute video and yes, she sounds just like you.
  2. Dayo does not eat too much chicken, but he loves them bones!
  3. After reading this entire thread and viewing the photo of your baby grey, I would guess your grey is closer to 12 weeks old. This would fit the feeding and starting to fly behaviors you have described. Some Greys do wean earlier than others. It does sound like yours is going to make an early switch over. Unless it was the lower temperature that was a turn off. Beautiful Grey and I look forward to hearing and seeing a lot more.
  4. Crossfit - Thank you for your detailed comments. I for one believe a degree and experience in Psychology is helpful to humans or any critter when we are trying to figure out what is going on in someone or somethings mind. I am sure everyone here knows Dr. Friedman. Susan is a psychology professor at Utah State. She has contributed greatly to the Parrot community in helping us understand what goes on in our Parrots minds. Many of us use the trial and error method by browsing countless hours on the web for resources to address specific issues we are encountering at times with our avian friends. Through Susans work over the years in studying a parrots mind, she has a ton of information on how to deal with behavior. Many things that work with human children and adults, also work when applied to critters. Personally, I welcome and value statements made by someone with a degree in a specialized field. If anyone has expert advice in the respective field, it should be considered a good answer that may or may not help in the singular request for advice. But, I do think it will be very close, if not spot on to the correct answer. Thank you Crossfit and please do not stop posting!!!
  5. LOL, I love it!!! Now where did he get that from? Someone in the household is obviously the dominant one.
  6. Your response is fine, if you don't wish to continue after a few, then stop. He will quickly learn your routine. Of course, he will still call. If I know I will be back in the room with dayo in 30 seconds or a minute, I will just keeping returning his calls, whic he changes each time almost it seems to keep himself amused while still confirming I am in earshot. If I know I am going to go take a shower for example, I will tell him what I am going to do. He will then call a few times and stop because he knows a shower takes a while and I will not return calls while in there.
  7. I wonder if Brutus is not telling you his sad story on purpose, to see or hear your thoughts of him or for assurance he is NOT? I also wonder, if when you hear this,if you walked in and said "Brutus is a good boy" in a high pitched happy voice with smile to match and tell him afterwards "I love you" gentley. I don't know if this will help wth a parrot or not, but as smart as they are, I suspect he thinks he is "Bad". We all know all people and critters of all types can overcome those "Bad" feelings and guilt in a positive reinforcing atmosphere with people that care and love them unconditionally.
  8. One of Dayo's word and noise games... When I am sitting at the PC, he will start the game. Dayo: Sing! Me: I sing the Banana Boat song and he dances and whistles during it. Then.. Dayo: Whistle! Me: I whistle the Andy Griffith tune, then he joins in and bobs up and down. Then... Dayo: 911!!! Me: I make the siren sounds several times. Dayo: Boom, ratta tat tat, Boom Ba Boom Ba Boom, tat tat then a whistle and another cyle of those noises. Me: yeah Good Beatbocx Dayo! Then .... Dayo: BeatBox! Me: I do a few cycles of beatboxing Dayo: Dance! Me: I put on some music and dance and he joins in. He will continue this cycle over and over several times.
  9. If Francis is contact calling with that sound due to being in the cage and wants out or wants to see you. They will not stop, atleast not for a long time. They may reduce in frequency as Francis learns no one is responding, but probably not stop completely. My opinion on this issue and the affect it is having on your family relationship. Is if the tension level is rising by the minute and it continues to escalate. I would strongly reccomend taking Francis back sooner, than later. The reason I say this, is because the longer she stays, the more attached to the environment and flock she will become. Right now, it's no more than a boarding experience and she's not sure if she will see her former flock come to the rescue or not for her. I would hate to see what was perhaps a mistake in getting a Parrot, become the reason your human family relationship became jeopardized. We all have made mistakes during our lives and took on things we truly were not prepared for, but thought we were. It's ok to say "I think I made a bad judgement call", we all have.
  10. What you describe is normal, especially at a young age. They rely soley on their parents by instinct until around 2 years old. Even at 2 they are less dependent obiovusly but still keep their parents in eye shot at all times. They stay with their parents until 4 to 5 years of age when they reach sexual maturity and start finding a life long mate. The contact calling still happens with Dayo at 3 years old if I leave the room. Most times Dayo will just fly and land on my shoulder. But when I leave and he is not paying attention, he will normally not just fly and will contact call instead, which I return. If I don't return them, he will continue for a while then stop normally. When he was was at the age of Murphy, he would try his damnedest to follow and would make all types of whistles, screeches etc. almost in desperation due to the close dependence he had on us. The dependence and contact calling will not start a plucking episode, as long as he has toys and things to keep him self entertained and a tv or stereo on for background sound will help as well. They know when your in the house, versus you have left and are acustomed to it. They will of course contact call and chirp while your leaving, but they will stop shortly knowing you are not in earshot.
  11. LOL Jan! They do love their own made-up games. Never dreamed of making such noises myself. NOT!!!!
  12. I am with all the other replies. Dayo will do the same unless it is something he lavishes down to the last crumb. He loves grapes and apples. However, he does not use his foot to hold. They are so amazing at the way they can eat all but the skin using just their beak and then let the skin drop when finished.
  13. GreYt weekly update again! Bottom line, the time outs will get the message across biting is not appreciated or socially acceptable. They will slow down over time with consistancy. BUT, if they have something or are doing something they find to be BIG FUN, they will bite the crap out of you if you try to take it away or remove them. Then the next level....You take it away, they fly right at you or swoop around , land in the middle of your back and give you a proper pinch, then fly off satisfied they got their message across to you... Me no likey!!
  14. LOL!!! Nothing like a 1 pound grey conscience to keep you on the right path.
  15. Alfie is really clear in saying "Star", "your a star". Totally enjoyed watching this at work. (Lunchtime of course) Thanks for sharing this.
  16. If you stop touchig him and just let him pant and walk around, it's fine. Our Grey does this at times and he does not get aggressive at all. He will just wind down from his little cute panting with wings dropped and go about playing in about 20 seconds. Also note: Just don't tickle under the wings, breast or place your hand on his back. Head and neck scratching is ok. As long as your grey settles down, there is no need to cage him. He will not understand what he did worng if he did not do something agressive that he woul dlink to the caging, like biting you.
  17. What a sweet mental image that conjures. Thanks for sharing this.
  18. What a GreYt update. You are doing things properly by introducing things slowly and respecting fear he may display when encountering something new. Time and patience will pay off. The worst mistake some people make is trying to handle and cuddle a Parrot like a dog right off the bat. It does not work and they are not dogs, nor do they ever act like one. You've done a great job and your new grey is showing that by the contual progress you are reporting. Looking forward to hearing more updates.
  19. The Timnehs for the most part are not as phobic and more laid back than a Congo. Of course they are also smaller, horn colored beak and maroon tail. If one is intimidated by a larger bird and does not want to deal with a little more aggressive and nervous Grey. The Timneh is normally the best choice for them.
  20. What a beautiful set of photos. Totally enjoyed them, thanks.
  21. GreYt photos. Thanks for sharing these.
  22. Penguin goes to the market for dinner.
  23. The progress of her settling in to the new home and family sounds very good. What a sweetheart she is. I enjoyed the photo link you posted as well. Thanks for keeping the thread updated.
  24. That looks pretty good, forget thew dog and the bird. Give me of that!
  25. Sorry about receiving the bites. I can predict the future though, more will happen. My Karnak hat never fails
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