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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Most will remain completely quite and hid for 24 hours. It is a natural instinct for survival in a dangerous world full of critters that could harm them. Once they become hungry and thirsty, they become much more desperate and will of course start having to expose themselves in search of those items. They will then start possibly returning a contact call they use. Never give up and the don't let the thought of never finding him enter your mind. Think "When" you find him. Hang in there and please know we are all with you and praying for a quick and safe return.
  2. What a wonderful story of how Emma was found. They human closeness and interaction that took place, shows without a doubt Emma knew she had to make contact and trust a human to receive what she needed, safety, food, water and a home to rest without fear. Thanks for sharing this story. I know the drama of having a lost bird all too well. It will be a few weeks before your mind and emotions become completely normal again. IT may be that long for Emma as well. It wonderful to hear she is doing well.
  3. danmcq

    Cherrio's bad?

    Cherrio's and other cereals are good for your bird, as others already pointed out. The one thing to be cautious of is how much sugar it may have and the quantity your bird eats. Zinc is actually an essential mineral humans and critters alike need. The problems come when too much of anything is consumed in large doses. A bird can receive huge dose of zinc by chewing on a metal item made of 100 percent zinc, so can a human.
  4. I am sorry to hear this Jan. I look forward to hearing what the vet has to say in regards the cause and a solution.
  5. There is no doubt in my mind that most of creation uses math functions in their brain, whether they are aware of it or not is near impossible to prove, except in a case study such as Alex. I do know, Ive been trying to teach Dayo Math from around 6 months onward and it is a challenge. He knows his number set 1 - 10 and zero. He knows a different number equals how many items I place in front of him. He also knows if he hears a varying number of "Kissing Sounds" they equal a value in numeric terms. The problem is, he rarely gets it "Right" at this point. He will even make say 4 kiss sounds, then say "Two" or make 7 kiss sounds and say "Nine". Then he will remain silent for around 20 seconds and say "Zero", which he always gets correct..... I can only assume it is because zero in his brain equals no sound, no object etc. I guess maybe I am expecting a lot out of a 3 year old. All of creation uses music in some way as well. Music is math, in my mind. Everything has a rhythm, beat or tone and we can see everything in nature using it in one way of another. In fact, all life depends on the rhythms of sun, moon, tides and seasons etc. In tying Math and Music together, it was Pythagoras who realized that different sounds can be made with different weights and vibrations. This led to his discovery that the pitch of a vibrating string is proportional to and can be controlled by its length. Strings that are halved in length are one octave higher than the original. In essence, the shorter the string, the higher the pitch. He also realized that notes of certain frequencies sound best with multiple frequencies of that note. For example, a note of 220Hz sounds best with notes of 440Hz, 660Hz, and so on. The closest tie between music and math is patterns. Musical pieces often have repeating choruses or bars, similar to patterns. In mathematics, we look for patterns to explain and predict the unknown. Music uses similar strategies. When looking at a musical piece, musicians look for notes they recognize to find notes that are rare (high or low) and less familiar. In this way, notes relate to each other. Relationships are fundamental to mathematics and create an interesting link between music and math. Sorry I got long winded in explaining my thoughts on this. Now that Ive bored everyone, I'll stop.
  6. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, thanks for the morning laugh, I needed it. Thanks posting this.
  7. Welcome to the forum!!! It is so exciting getting your first Grey and the waiting is period most of us anxiously went through as well. Are you able to visit or are the breeders too far? Sorry to hear of your sun conures accident and I can only imagine that painful feeling when it comes to mind. I am looking forward to hearing more as this progresses.
  8. Hawkins is displaying that he is cognizant of musical rhythms. I would love to see a video of this! What a smart young Grey!
  9. HUGE leap! This is clearly an excellent example that Tobie has a ground level understanding of the English language and correct sentence construction using words to form a new sentence . Thanks for sharing this!
  10. All - We have been through this before, so it's nothing new to those of us that have been here from the beginning. There are always people that come, make friends and are enjoyed as well by us all while reading their posts. Then something happens that pisses one off, then the "Best Friends" get pissed off as well. The next step is one leaves, then some of the other friends. The pain is not only of losing members we enjoyed, but also the flurry of threads started by one or more of those members as they vent and then exit. I am sorry this is going on, but you can not stop a train very quickly. Hopefully this thread will just die of it's own accord and slowly work it's way down the list out of view into oblivion. If it does not and gets another roll going, I will lock it. I hope it does not reach that point. Thanks - Dan
  11. Hahahahahahahaha! Thanks for bringing humor to the middle of this "Crap".
  12. Awww, they are so cute when just single digit weeks old. Thanks for sharing this!
  13. What a wonderful story of things righting themselves! Thanks for sharing this.
  14. Ozzysmom, I don't see anyone saying not to voice an opinion. Personally, I will normally ask the one I am wondering about a statement they made or question I have in a PM, unless I think they have attacked someone or myself personally in public view for all to see. ONly then will I respond directly in the thread. Why not just PM Fred and ask? At any rate, why not just stay, enjoy all the other GreYt topics and let this go? I always enjoy your posts here and would not like to see you stop posting due to this. :-)
  15. Sadly, this is another calamity caused by Man that has affected this earth and all that live in it. The last hundred years mankind has lost touch of being keenly intune with nature and mother earth. It is been an all out effort of Man to use earths resources to selfishly make life easier, quicker and more enjoyable with no consideration of the impact it ultimately has on all. The Native Indians of this land we call America had it right. They lived in respect of nature, earth and maintaining the delicate balance in the circle of life.
  16. It is a good opinion and spot on. I wish ALL people going out and looking for a Parrot thought that way. I am certain, after reading here on this forum and the other sources you have tapped in to, have given you a good idea of what owning a grey is like. Adopting a Grey with baggage is even more challenging and must be considered unconditional love, whether it is returned or not. The point is helping out a critter in need of a loving and caring home it can become all that it was intended to be. Being a part of that process is a reward I can only classify as invaluable.
  17. Wow, I get busy a day or two at work and so much abnormal activity for this forum has gone on. Thank you Penny for that post. Thank you Fred for your post and staying low, thinking about what took place and then posting a very detailed one, if I might say so. I am certainly glad you have stayed and lurked and obviously you are more than welcome to do that. But, from what you have read in that time lurking, I am sure it is obvious that this is 99.9 percent of the time a GreYt forum with a bunch or Parrot lovers that have a good time here and help each other when needed. I think it is time to just let this go, quit talking about it and start enjoying one anothers company, sharing about our birds and enjoying the friendly atmosphere. Jill - I know your a 75 year old German man ;)and are just having a spell. It's a new day and I want my morning smile and laugh you bring like clock work.
  18. Very upsetting news of a long time member here and dearly loved. I pray that Emma is found quickly. Please keep us updated.
  19. OH NO!!! Your right, Charlie will not fly far if at all from where he is in the dark. First thing this morning before daybreak, get out there and start calling and looking. Hopefully you and hubby will be the first things Charlie hears or see's. You are in my prayers.
  20. Welcome Debbie, Nani and Dudley, it's GreYt having you here!!! What a tear-jerker story. Dudley and your Mother had such a wonderful bond and life together. Dudley is obviously very well versed in our human language and it sounds like he using very well in communicating with his new flock. I look forward to hearing much more about him and the dynamics in your home. Also, we love photos and videos.
  21. I am so impressed by how hard you are trying everything to help Francis come to a better understanding of how to interact with humans and not be fearful. You have truly "Hit the Books" in ramping up to speed on being a new Parrot owner with one of the most challenging, fearful of new things and intelligent species...the African Grey. Kudos to you!! Yes, Gloves are a no-no and scare the heck out of them. Sometimes offering a perch is a solution, but many times not. My grey used to step up on perches, but after a few instances of it being used to transport him to the cage, it quickly became his enemy and he will attack it when it comes his way. So I have stopped that and just have to wear him down mentally and physically sometimes as I persue him for recaging if we leave or it's bedtime. Normally bedtime is easy and he will step right up ready to go. But, normal daytime hours, it's going to be a war until he knows the persuit will not stop until he is in the cage. Francis is an older Grey and as you indicated, has learned behavior from previous owners. It sounds to me like the Cage and the Perch are "His Space" and he lets you know that your offer to step up is not welcome. Thus the bite. You may never be able to stop this territorial behavior, but there is hope. Just keep being consistant, loving, no fear and instead a happy face, voice and truly internally at peace and joy as well (They sense emotions very well). If possible, watch his body language and if you see he is cleary not ready to move from the stand or the cage, let him be. Try again later and see if he offers a lefted leg, which he will do if he is ready and willing to step-up. This will take time and patience, but over the long haul, it will payoff, however minimal or fully successful it becomes. You will both come to a mutual understood relationship that both will come to accept and live on together enjoying just being part of the flock.
  22. One thought on this topic. 1. Our Greys are highly intelligent, as you all know. 2. As they age and learn, they associate words with items and actions. 3. Those items and actions have meaning to them when said items or actions are offered or take place and you will hear them vocally say so. 4. With this in mind, an email is not related to anything they know or associate it with. 5. They know what a phone is, they know you answer it when it rings and you talk to another human on the other end. 6. So if you teach your Grey to associate "Hello, My Phone Number is aaa-bbb-cccc" when the phone rings or you play answer it, the grey will connect the two and be much more likely to spit it out if they are lost and in someones home or office. Just my thoughts...
  23. Jay is spot on. FYI - We raised our grey from a wee lad. Now my wife is Dayos head scratching cuddle muffin and I am the ok to ride around on, step up for, get food from person, but head scratches and other personal activities are for my wife only. I would say maybe once a month, he will put his head down for a scratch with me, then divide that by half due to the 50 chance of it being a sucker flip the head around quickly and bit me. But, I take what I can get. So just keep doing what your doing as Jay said. You just never know!
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