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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. My Grey did not start until a year old, which is an average age for them to do so. Some do start earlier, some later and some never talk, but become sound and parrotese aficionados . Your grey sounds like an earlier starter, Congratulations!
  2. Oh Sheila I hope this works. You have gone to the farthest medical abilities and treatments to help Charlie. In regards the herbal link and statements made there. I would take a very cautious approach and ask your vet. Some of the items noted as a "Treatment", such as Garlic raised a big red flag to me. It is poisonous to our Parrots and will kill them. Thus, this article was not apparently written by a person that had scientifically studied pet medicine or an avian vet. I will say, the Aloe treatments seemed very interesting, but again, I would ask your vet. The internet is just so full of bad and sometimes dangerous information to our much loved critters, that it truly scares me. I advise anyone considering something they read on the internet (Other than from an Avian Vet website) to be very cautious and ask you vet before trying anything. I know I'm preaching to the choir with you Sheila, but added this comment for the benefit of other newbies that might also read this. Charlies photos of the plucked areas truly display just how severe he is plucking in those areas. I hope the hormone implants work for you and your vet.
  3. Thanks for the introduction and HI back to you!!! Looking forward to hearing more.
  4. Welcome Mark and Corona!! It sounds like you are off to a great start with her. She is at fledging stage and wants to fly instinctively. You will also probably note a decrease in food consumption and weight during the fledging period to make flight easier. At this point her flying skills are limited to zero in regards turning, slowing down, landing etc. That will all come with practice. For her safety, close curtains at least partially, cover mirrors etc. She will learn what a window or mirror is once she has gained good control. But at this time, she will fly straight at one possibly and not know how to slow down or turn very well if at all. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos.
  5. Congratulations on finally bringing home a Grey!!! Tui sounds like a little sweetheart and I look forward to seeing photos when you get a chance.
  6. Soy beans "Cooked" are fine for your Grey and you. Raw beans of just about any type contain carcinogenic glycosides which can cause vomiting in humans.
  7. Thanks for a very entertaining video. He has certainly done a good job of training that Parrot.
  8. Welcome!! You hit the nail on the head writing " But my thought on the subject is that if you are responsible, then your bird should be flighted. And yes, accidents happen and it is truly tragic when that does happen. But heck, just as when you have a human toddler in the house, you take precautions that you wouldn't otherwise, so too do you take certain precautions when you have a flighted parrot in the house. " All my birds are fully flighted as well and will never be clipped.
  9. Thanks for the update. I do not believe whistling and making sounds with your grey at a young age lessens the speaking chances one bit. Thats just my experience, but Dayo and I were playing sound and whistle games long before he spoke his first understandable word as such at 1 year old. he did mumble previous to a year, but I coul dnever swear exactly what he said.
  10. danmcq


    Awww, very cute, congratulations!!!
  11. "Oh Jesus Bob, You need to watch where your flying! Never have I seen such a rear-end collision!! Hold on I'll pull ya out buddy!!"
  12. Welcome blister919! Sounds like you have a wonderful infantile grey there. At that age, most accept all types of things and do not resist interaction or step-ups if they were raised to that age by a good breeder. In regards the wing clipping and trying to fly to your fiancee. I assume it is a moderate wing clip and thus your baby can fly either level or lose altitude very slowly. If not, make sure you have a good carpeted area or blanketed area for him to come to a softer landing. The same should be applied in his cage as well until he becomes more coordinated. If he is ok on the shoulder and will step-up when asked from there, your fine and you just need to be consistant in what he can and cannot do there. As they age, they become more cautious of people and new items. But, for now enjoy the babay grey!!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos.
  13. Welcome Squid and Flock!!! It's GreYt having you here. Thanks for the good introduction and looking forward to hearing more.
  14. Beautiful video. Cocoa certainly tryies to look at everything going by.
  15. Different birds, different sleeping habits for ours. Jake the conure will fly back to his cage and squawk between 630 and 7 to let us know it's time to close and cover his cage. He will sleep untill about 6 am and then start chirping to be let out. Dayo our Grey, will not go to bed until he is convinced we are also. So, normally he goes at 9, sometimes 8 if he looks tired. At those times we just shut everything down like when we're going to bed, he'll normally step up and get carried to his cage. The he gets hot water, lots of good night I love yous, a few scratches to keep him over night, then covered. Then we sneak back in, turn the TV on lowly and finish watching whatever we were doing. One note, if company is over, Dayo will stay up until all are gone and it's quieted down. He starts whistling and talking about 6 am as well.
  16. I agree with Yossi. They are tempermental and moody when events like this take place. Just sit back, let him get over it and you just act like all is normal.
  17. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (((DEEP BREATH))) Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Sorry, couldn't help it.
  18. Talon is right. If your vet did not perform blood tests, stool sample etc. you may wish to ask that he does. Otherwise it is an educated guess, without results from tests. I know you must be worried sick. Hang in there, it sounds like you are doing all the right things.
  19. Welcome to the forum and thanks for the photos! Looking forward to hearing more from you about your grey, how old it is, the antics it does and so forth.
  20. Thats a cute game. Thanks for sharing it with us. If I did that to my grey, he would nail me. However, my wife (His favored) can do anything without receiving a bite.
  21. Welcome Chook and Bubu!! Dave gave a great answer. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  22. Sad story. I cannot believe this person takes the birds outside, then leaves them out there unattended. never mind the fact we all know clipped birds fly away everyday. You know besides the fact they can fly off, there are also a million hawks flying around that would love to make a snack of a Grey or any other bird for that matter. It sounds as though, Lola may have been actually sighted in that neighbors yard, but you just never know unless you retrieve them. I'm not certaiin what you were looking for with the question "What do you think", but gave you what I think... I hope Lola is found.
  23. LOL!!!! There is no cure for this. Dayo does the same thing.
  24. danmcq

    stepping up !!

    Awwwww, cute videos and MIlo has got the step up down pat. Great job and he looks like he is having a ball.
  25. Welcome Featherhead Tattletale!! It's GreyT having you here and loved the photos. Tattletale sounds like quite a character. I am looking forward to hearing more and seeing more photos and videos when you get a chance.
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