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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Oh this is a fun thread! Nilah does the same thing. Not always for a cuddle, but always to get to me in a hurry! It a cute movement that only amazons seem to do, and very funny to watch!
  2. No aviary at my house, just 5 birds, 2 cats,2 dogs, 2 horses and 3 kids.
  3. That is adorable! Thank you for sharing that heart warming and amazing story with us.
  4. I have tried to stay out of this discussion as I am appalled at you thinking your bird can live a healthy and long prosperous life in what essentially is a bubble. It is unhealthy and your bird will surely suffer in many ways. These are issues that should have been discussed and given lots of thought to BEFORE acquiring your bird. But seeming as that is water under the bridge, you have to do what is in the best interest of you bird. And that may very will be re-homing it. Doesn't sound like much of a life living in a laundry room or in a closed in bubble. As others have said, your mother chose to have kids, and they are messy even more so than 1 bird. She allowed to get this bird, she should allow you the responsibility of keeping the house clean from it too. Sounds like she hasnt even given you the chance. You have another option. Why don't you try and bring her heart into living this bird. If you can do that, she might be more willing to tolerate any mess. We all put up with annoyances in those pets and people we love. Share your bird with her, encourage her to spend time talking to it. Maybe feeding it some treats, giving him scritches on the head. Have her whistle to it and she might love how he imitates her whistle. You just might be able to win her over where she might want him around more and would be willing to tolerate any mess he makes that YOU will clean up. Let her know how much this bird means to you and how it is only there until you are able to move to your own place. I do believe that if you continue to keep this bird in the laundry room or in a bubble no matter what kind of an air system you install, he will begin to get stressed and pluck and have other behavioral problems. These parrots NEED human interaction and out of cage time with their family. They are flock creatures and need that to continue to flourish.
  5. That is beautifully thought provoking. Thank you Ray, it is sooooo importantt that potential rescuers really think about the points you have made. A STICKY for sure!
  6. I agree with Nancy. As long as you are aware of the consequences, there is no reason not to allow them those yummy treats. Wait until you see what happens if you feed them too much watermelon...
  7. Yes,my family and I have been watching this for weeks now. Its pretty incredible to watch how gently they feed their babies.
  8. That's hilarious Ray. A story we can all associate with. When I am eating anything, Rikki pulls my hands away from the food so I don't eat any, she thinks it's all for her! Nilah runs, yes runs down my arm to dive in. Talon waits like the sweet mannered lady she is. What about when they fly on top of the fridge and ride the door open and close? My kids have fun with this game, the birds love it!! Mom doesn't...
  9. Wouldn't that be fun! But I think you'd be giving Nilah back in a couple of days! She's like having a 2 year old around, constant supervision on my part. ShEs learning now though, all I have to do is say her name in a stern voice and she stops what she is doing and runs away, but don't think that's the end, she comes back time and time again testing me! Lol
  10. Perfectly stated Judy! As I said, this is not something that goes on every day at every meal. And who's to say, I dont move her. Good grief!! Such controversy over me & how I handle my birds. Considering no one lives in my house to see what goes on, then no one should be passing judgments out. Funny how one funny picture I posted had me feeling as tho I have to EXPLAIN myself!! I will think twice next time about posting photos here as admin, maybe I should just sit in the background and not participate!
  11. Talon

    Peanut Butter

    Peanut butter is very fattening and really not good for them. But in small amounts, it is fine. I put a tiny amount on toast for them. Talon eating out of the jar, was a one time fluke. Steak is fine, just no mushroom, garlic or onions.
  12. I never thought anyone WAS disagreeing with me, and frankly, I don't care if they do or don't. This is how it is in my house per my rules, not theirs. They do not rule the roost and they know it. But allowing them to eat off my plate even tho they have their own as well is allowed because I allow it. I am not a dictator when it comes to my kids or pets. I set limits, and they all know it. My limits may be more relaxed than others, but that is who I am, and having 2 birds that are 7 years old who listen to me and want to please me tells me otherwise. We are very happy here, and the way I raise my pets and kids is in the best interest of my family. I really don't see why sharing a picture of Nilah standing on her toast is such a big deal. I personally thought it was cute and wanted to share. So what if others are horrified by it and think she walks all over my, that couldn't be further from the truth. They don't live in my house! Lol
  13. Don't do it. It is unhealthy. They have very delicate air sacks and respitory systems. You have to allow your bird out of te age daily, no matter how hard you try, there will be a mess from that to clean. Birds are messy, that's a fact. Put your mom in a plexiglas glass small room and see how she likes it, she may change her mind about allowing the bird to be in a age in the living room. Lol just a sarcastic remark. Lol
  14. Sounds very fishy. Are they weaned? Can't possibly be if they don't even know how old they are. They are trying to get some quick $$ at the risk of these babies. A good breeder would know their ages, make sure they are fully weaned which they most likely aren't, and would not emin such a hurry to get rid of them.....How does she know one is a female and the other a male? That requires DNA testing. Can you contact her and ask more specific questions by trying to get as much info as possible?
  15. Thank you for posting this. You can never be too careful, and it's always good to have these reminders pop up.
  16. I tend to be a very laid back person for the most part. I have no problem in sharing my food. I always eat breakfast and dinner at the table. The birds go in their cages for lunch and they get their own snack. I very much enjoy having them at the table and being part of the family. If others don't like it, they should not come to my house to eat! Don't get me wrong, when it is a birthday celebration or any holiday dinner, they go to their cages with their own bowls of the same food we are having. But allowing them to eat with us at other times, whether it is on their plate or mine is something we embrace.
  17. Thanks Nancy! Nilah is quite the cuddler, she only wants to be with me, and just wants to be petted and paid attention to. I can't imagine her being any calmer, although she does have her moments where she is into everything.... Lately, she has been snuggling in to my side when I sit on the couch and makes soundalike a duck......guess,it's spring....although she is only 3 yrs old.
  18. Oh, I have table perches for,them with food cups right on the table, but all 3 of them will march on over to our plates and eat until their hearts content going from plate to plate. Rikki even grabs the fork out of my hand and pulls my hand away with it repeatedly, like I'm not allowed to eat my own food that I cooked!!! For lunch most days, I eat yogurt and there isn't much to share, so I will take my yogurt and run upstairs into my bedroom and slamming my door shut to eat my lunch ALL BY MYSELF in front of my computer.
  19. Yes, it's looks like grapes juice, my birds love them, and sometimes their cages look like that, plus their one foot will e stained red like blood.
  20. Very nice! What a lucky birds!!!
  21. There are numerous threads here regarding feedback on this site. None of it positive...
  22. I use a ceiling mount for plants or lights, but make sure you get the one for hollow ceilings unless you have a stud to put it into. It comes with a special attachment for hollow walls and a weight limit of 35 lbs.
  23. here you go! I have bought many things from her, all are hand made, and they are the best toys and the most durable ones I have ever found! Very reasonably priced as well. You can shoot her an email and she will customize for you!! Very nice lady!! http://www.oliversgarden.com/
  24. All greyt advice! I cover all my cages, but as Judy says, my cages are so big that the sheet barely covers the top half. Talon who sleeps in my bedroom, not with the others, requires a nightlite or she will have night terrors... The others don't, but I am very vocal about bedtime, scrithes, time for bed, nite nites, see you in the morning, love you Rikki, Nilah, Talon.. They know what bedtime is and will get in their sleep spot before I cover them.
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