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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Grab some popcorn and a recliner...sit back....this is fun!!
  2. Beautiful photos! I am an animal lover, and Have dogs, cats, birds, horses too. Love seeing your family! P.S. I LOVE LOVE LOVE te banner!!!!!
  3. I have been following your story. There is DEFINATELY something wrong in HIS mind, as this behaviour is not normal. Some screaming occasionally, yes, but mostly no. If it is as bad as you say, then I can Imagine that he is stressing himself out so much, that is unhealthy for him. I have a grey that goes frantic with panic when I try to mist her, she screams, flips out, climbing around her cage, thrashing her body around against the bars, falling until she almost passes out from exhaustion. The area around her eyes turns bright red like she's going to bleed at any moment during this event. I have tried every way possible with bathing her, and this is the result of it, so I chose to go against all the advice and warnings from all members here and let her bath in her water dish on her tree stand when she wishes. In my mind her emotional well being is FAR better and more important than her dusty little body. That being said, I would try to find out WHAT exactly sets her off, is it your husband? If so, can she be put seperate from him where she can't see him? Le time know and I will offer more advice as you can describe when she is quiet and happy, and when she throws these fits. It has to stop, it's very unhealthy for her well being and YOURS!
  4. aww. Thank you!

  5. I think you misread Dave's intention in his post. We all know that things happen and no matter how hard we try, our bird may die for some reason which is beyond our control. As for your statement regarding not posting here a lot or not being a serious owner...that's crazy talk! We welcome ALL members, those who post a little or a lot, many different opinions. Perhaps if you feel you would be happier at another forum.....your decision.
  6. I LOVE that!!!! Thanks for sharing that, its great!!
  7. Don't see how the perplexities of an African grey could possibly be put in a quick user manual......trying to determine only 10 things is impossible in my mind. IMHO But feel free to be the first one here to figure it out and start writing! We can add it to our stickies.
  8. Oh wow, he's beautiful!
  9. Talon

    Keet photo

    Omg! How precious and sooooo very tiny I Had no idea!!!!!! Thank you for sharing that photo!
  10. My birds 2 greys and an amazon have all learned what "step down" means. I never use "step up" unless I am asking them to step onto me. If they give me a hard time about stepping down, I explain to them why they have to step down, so etimes telling them to 'hop down' and that mama will be right back.
  11. Wow, my greys LOve to go to bed and seem to look forward to it. I do cover them with a dark sheet, I would ignore the screaming and after a while, if nothing happens when they scream they will stop, it's hardly worth the effort to them. Giving them any kind of attention will only re enforce it.
  12. Congrats! Luv the picture, and especially LOVE the name!
  13. Well, Nilah has me jumping up and down every minute or so, flying on the ceiling fans, the front window chewing the wooden panes, on y expresso machuine trying to get a stray coffee bean out of it. But Louie seems to have won the prize!
  14. Yea, I agree, she is,letting you know her world is to right and she wants it fixed! I am sure with some tlc, she might settle in.........hopefully......if not, a giant new toy like the Mopani Tree would work wonders!
  15. I sure needed this today.....You have no idea, THANK YOU FOR A MUCH NEEDED SMILE!
  16. Talon

    Help asap!

    Still haven't heard back. Sent 2 emails, and my phone number and offered to meet with her......nothing.....
  17. Great job! You have some wonderful toys there. Especially love the straw idea! Toys are so expensive, you helped a lot of us spark some creativity! Thank you!
  18. Welcome back! You have been missed here. Love the pics, and can't wait to hear more from you.
  19. Talon


    Thank you . So more like parakeet toys?
  20. Aww what a beauty. Me, I'm not a believer in name changing for any pet, all my pets except 2 out of 8 came with names. We didn't change any of them. But I know of a few here who did.
  21. Talon


    What kind of toys do they like? Do they chew wood? I hope I get this cockatiel, but if not, I WILL be ready for the next one...
  22. Talon


    Okay Cockatiel owners, I'm going to need all the scoop on the best diet and food for a cockatiel I could and probably will start searching the net, but would prefer advice from my family here..........
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