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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Tried Ray, but she INSISTS that little boy belongs to her!!!! She even tries to attack and bits me if I go near her. but she doesn't scare me and she knows it. As protectives as she is, she still does what I tell her and steps up when I say to... All she wants to do is regurgitate and feed him.......over and over and over
  2. Awwww. Naked would be fun! Spoil sports!!!!
  3. Talon


    Guess I should clarify. If I ruffle Nilah's feathers on her head and anywhere on her body, it is GREY on the base of all her feathers, then green or yellow or blue or red depending on the area of her body.
  4. Well even tho my bedroom is upstairs in the other end of the house, and Pipers cage is downstairs in the kitchen area.......I was awaken at 5:30AM by the loud whistling of the Zelda Theme song repeatedly....he's adorable!!
  5. Awwww. What a sad story......I have 6 birds.......yikes, do I really have 6???????? Ever thought I'd ever have that many....good grief! Wat a horrible case of MBS.
  6. All my birds are covered and sleeping in their cages....seeing as I have no idea if Piper has ever been covered at night, i only half cover his cage until he gets used to it. Piper is talking up a storm tho. Hes saying "Pretty bird", "you're a pretty bird" and making several kissy sounds! He's whistling a song I can't quite pinpoint. He finally is starting to relax and settle in. Today every time I walked by his cage and said pretty bird or talked to him, he came oer to the front of his cage close to me. I keep his cage door open and he spends most his time on top of his cage. He is sooooo cute!!! I love the adorable voice he has!!! And he's gorgeous too! Yup, I'm in love.....l:cool:
  7. Talon


    hmm....I'll give it a shot...Nilah is grey
  8. Talon

    He's Home!!

    Thanks Judy for letting me know about the hand fear. I am just letting him do his thing and settle in, not trying to do anything with my hands.
  9. Talon

    He's Home!!

    I just moved his cage into our kitchen area where there is more to see with our every day goings on. He is very close to our parakeets, has a window looking out to our deck and backard. He seems happier cause he has the keets to chat with. Te other birds don't seem to care, even Nilah has called down and accepted him by having him around that area. Piper is chatting away right now with the Keets. He just stays on top of his cage all day.
  10. Well today, Nilah was on top of my new cockatiels cage trying to get close to him......then all of a sudden as she leaned closer to him, she regurgitated all down into his cage.....I don't know who was more suprised, me or Nilah, the look on her face was priceless! She didnt know what just happened......And yes, this was the first time she has ever done this.
  11. Owning an amazon, bites are a daily occurrence....she does that to let me know she's not happy I'm taking her away from the forbidden thing she is chewing into pieces...
  12. Those are adorable . Thanks for sharing, a real beauty for sure!
  13. Thank ou for haring this with us everyone, for those of us who have not experienced this first hand, but know of others that do, it is wonderful to have this type of insight and understanding.....I will continue to follow this thread and learn and REMEMBER all I have learned so that I can be more enlightened and u derstNding for those that suffer with this illness. Again, thank you.... Although I am sorry for all you have to handle...makes me feel selfish when I complain about the little things in my life..on those days, you will be in my thoughts...
  14. You are so right. If you are able to take te time to read the body language of a Zon, then you will have a very fullfilling relationship with it. They will bring you love and comfort, yes comfort on bad days, they sense it, and will resort to just being quiet, being there with you, and cuddling when you need it. Not at all like a grey, on a bad day, they are usually close by and quiet. Nilahdoes all the signs, eye pinning, tail flared, omitting her cologne, but no growl.....hisses like a snake only. She will step up when she is doing that if tell her too...good bird! But she does this behaviour when she is mad, guarding her cage, she is VERY protective over her cage, we are NEVER allowed to put our hand in her cage as far as she is concerned, or she will bite hard, doesn't stop me if I have to tho. she also does this behaviour when she is excited, and we have company and she is flirting with them.
  15. Talon

    He's Home!!

    We decided on Piper fr a name. He loves to climb out of his cage and hang around the top, but is scared of hands... so we have our work cutout for us. The greys could care less about him, but Nilah......well thats a completely different story....
  16. Talon

    He's Home!!

    Why do you say girl? I'm told he/she says pretty bird, whistles the theme song from Zelda, and says a few other things I can't remember....... Better let me know, we're name searching.....
  17. Talon

    He's Home!!

    As you can see, he had one wing clipped...
  18. Talon

    He's Home!!

    Here is a quick cell phone picture of our newest flock member. He really doesnt have a name, they shelter didnt know it, and the woman who took him from there named him Patsy, but he doesn't know that, so.....we will be naming him something...?? not sure what. He does not know how to step up, but I am told he likes scritches on the head. He's still a bit overwhelmed and settling in, so I am just talking to him for now every time I am in the room. My other birds keep whistling and he whistles back! Will get better pics later and keep you updated on his settling in.
  19. Waiting........10 more minutes.....Lol
  20. Tomorrow is the day! (saturday) at 11am!!!!!
  21. Oh my Judy! That is a scare! Hope she's okay and hope your nerves have settled in, I've had that happen and it sure scares the margaritas out of you!!
  22. Hi and Welcome! Happy to hear you are a forever home! I too live in MA about 2 hours from you. I look forward to seeing pictures and hearing more!
  23. I just got an email from the woman looking for a forever home for the cockatiel that she rescued from the animal shelter. I told you all about her about 2 weeks ago.......well, I guess she was checking me out here on the forum, and has decided that Pats, will be happy here!!!! I can't wait!!!!!! I am so excited! She wants to come to my house with Pats on Sat. Am to bring him and see my birds........yippee!
  24. You have the patience of a saint!! AS others said, most would have re-homed him by now, but you have such a kind understanding heart to want to help him work thru this...and you WILL get thru it. Unfortunately, it is up to us humans to try and figure it out, he certainly cant do anything but scream to tell you he is completely addicted to your hubby! Have you tried the bird sitter dvd, it plays non stop and it is very enjoyable, my birds love it. It has babies, humans feeding and interacting with many species, birds outdoors, playing, feeding, etc. It was made for birds to watch. I have good luck with that calming my birds when they act up. You could try that for the dhort term, or my birds love cartoons, nick jr, and music.....calming music.....sometimes opera is a calming one to try. It may take time, but he in between screams, he may like it.....
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