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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I'm afraid he would just pick at it to get it off. He does like to exercise his wings several times a day. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to try Nd email the vet pics to,or row if I can. I hate to,put him thru the trauma unless he feels it's necessary.
  2. Okay, so my daughter and I decided no more cream for Pipers wing. It doesn't bleed, but iit looks way worse. In the beginning, it was a quarter size under his wing where his stub rubbed against it, it was raw and bleeding a bit. After using the cream 2 x a days since last tues night, this is what it looks like. You can see his wing muscle, it's all exposed.....awful. He is acting better Tho...... WARNING! THESE PICS ARE GRAPHIC.
  3. So, I have decided to stop putting the cream on it. He has lost most of all the feathers and his skin is raw. I think it has made what was a quarter size bald spot into the entire underneath of his body where his wing lays and underneath his wing completely raw. It isn't bleeding, but is far worse than before we put the cream on. Our vet said if it gets worse to discontinue the cream. Now we will just watch and see how the healing process goes at this point. HE still has a few more days of bactril.. If things don't get better, I will bring him back to the vet.
  4. That's a riot! But did you all know that if you ignore the automated an and keep pressing 0 over and over, eventually you Will reach a human being? Try it, it works e dry time and I nver go thru that automated nonsense, the human will ask you the same things but will respond much quicker to your problem.
  5. Great advice! I too believe there is never a good reason to clip at all. In my mind and I'm never going to change my opinion, it is like cutting off a humans legs!
  6. I was able to snatch a quick picture of Pipers wing. It's hard to tell, but mostly you can see the underneath and his stub is on the upper left. The feathers have really been rubbed off from the bone. Although the bleeding has stopped and it appears to be healing, the lack of feathers seems to have gotten worse.
  7. I agree exactly with you Dan. I wish I was younger, I would give you the home you are looking for for Dayo. He is one special grey, and he needs someone who believes and thinks as you do. I am certain you will find that person and his forever home. Just make certain that whoever you chose, knows how lucky they are to be new parronts to Dayo. He is famous heresy Greyforums!
  8. Wow, that incredible to watch! I loved it, and I loved it even more knowing it was at YOUR house!!! I am amazed at how calm and laid back you were.....those Are some lucky fids! I enjoyed seeing your entire house set up just for the birds also. Your second I see....
  9. Thanks .......$250 later....... but, that's the price we pay for MBS....!
  10. None of my parrots learned to fly when they were young as their wings were clipped prior to my getting them. They are incredible fliers now. My younger son taught my amazon how to fly. When her wings were grown out, he would put socks on his feet so he could slide on our hardwood floors. He would take her on his hand, and start to run and slide with her telling her to fly...she would try and would fly into the couch. He started out with only a few feet, As she got better, he would increase the distance for her flights to the couch. He always had her heading to the couch for soft landings. It gave her chance to practice how to land , when she was confident, he allowed her to turn. It really helped her. Just a thought , maybe this will help if you spend some time giving lessons ath yor bird . If did take some time for her to learn and build her confidence. You don't want your bird to fly onto walls, they can split their breastbone...five lots of praise when she gets it right by landing on a surface instead of the wall . If she does hit the wall, don't get all freaked out by yelling or screaming or she may do it for the attention.
  11. Update: We got home from the vet a little while ago. Talon was given a full check up, gram stain test, weight was 320 grams. I will get her gram stain results in the morning. As for her chest, he said it looked like the scuffle that she had with Nilah was the bite she got from Nilah, there is new feathers growing in. He said it wasn't that she plucked at all....phew! As for her feet, he did say, her right foot looked like she had plucked the feathers somewhat, not as bad on her right one. He thought, maybe she was stressed over something, or that sometimes when their hormones are acting up, they may pluck small feathers and use them for bedding to make a nest. He said to make sure all boxes were gone, discourage any nesting opportunities that she may have. He seems to think she's not obsessed over it as there were new feathers growing in. So overall, I'm happy with her visit. As for Piper.....his wing is a mess. When we got home from work to get him, there was blood around his cage. And we noticed a bald spot under his wing. The vet looked at him and apparently, he had some kind of trauma to his wing at some point in his life prior to us getting him. His wing was a stub, no flight feathers, which he says is what protects their wing bone from getting injured when they fall. Piper does fall off his cage a lot when he gets startled or loses his balance. The bone is sticking out, looks infected from falling and it bleeding, and the tissue is swollen. It is rubbing on the spot underneath and that's why there is a bald spot and red as well. So....we have 2 choices, one is to keep him in his cage all the time to protect him.....NOT an option, he loves to sit on the top of his cage. Or my idea.....tying pillows around his cage so if he falls, they will catch him and he can climb back up to the top! He is on baytrill, lacto, and we have some topical cream called Soother Plus, a nontoxic topical antimicrobial cream to put on twice day. Hopefully we can heal him back to a happy Piper, and now we will take all precautions to keep him from falling.
  12. Yesterday was Talon's 8 year Birthday! She spent it being a menace!!! Spending most her day trying to open all the kitchen cupboards and climbing in them to chew things... I guess she didn't care for the French Toast I made her for breakfast.... As much as a sweetheart she is, she is the practical joker of the flock! She LOVES to play jokes on us and then laugh at us... She has always been a very sweet bird, but she will play tricks on us all the time! We had her shipped from Florida to Mass when she was weaned (so I was told) at 8 1/2 weeks old. I remember it was a very cold day...28 degrees...I picked her up at the airport, drove 1 hour home and she settled in very nicely, but then she cried for the first 2 weeks off and on.. She was actually a xmas present for my then 17 year old son. He would bring her to me saying, "Mom, I don't know what else to do, I fed her, played with her, sing to her, and she still is crying... " It was heart breaking, she obviously missed her flock....I would cuddle her in a blanket holding her and singing softly to her,...it seemed to help. But looking back, I now know, it was too early for her to be flown alone to us... She was eating fine, and I spent as much time as possible with her. I was able to be home for much of the days so it helped. So, fast forward to today....she has Rikki & Nilah, I think she would prefer to be alone, but she does seem to like their company when we are not home. If she can't find me, she will fly and look for them. She continues to be a wonderful joy to our family and I adore her! HAPPY BIRTHDATY TALON!
  13. Our cockatiel with his stub of a wing has been in pain and having problems with occasional bleeding on his stub wing. Of course this happens on the weekend when the vet is closed.... yesterday & today he seems fine, but I have made an appointment with the vet for him & Talon for tomorrow afternoon. I want to have Talon checked for that one spot where she is missing a few feathers. I think it was because Nilah bit her and the feathers seem to be growing back, but I want them both to be looked at. I will let you know what the vet says. We are especially anxious to find out what really is wrong with Pipers wing stub...
  14. Dave, thank you for taking the time and effort to write this. Every potential bird owner should read this! Excellent excellent excellant! Kudos to you!
  15. Just to clarify.my son is not a child, so I don't think that's always the case. MY son is almost 19years old. It started back when he would sit on the floor about 7 years ago, playing video games, Talon one day dive bombed him and then flew off, the next time she tried it, he dove to the floor like someone getting hit by a bomb...Talon thought it was a riot! so...needless to say, it is one of her favorite games! My amazon Nilah has an infatuation with my daughters boyfriend. When ever he is over, NIlah is attached to him permanently...Nilah will viciously attack my daughter. She only does this when he is over, when he's not here, Nilah is fine and will even go to my daughter for snacks. You may say, "well keep her in her cage when he's here", but she spends most of her day in her cage and I insist she is out in the evenings, also my daughters boyfriend lives over an hour away, so sometimes he spends the night. This is the only thing that protects my daughter from Nilah when her boyfriend is over is this, and my daughter holds it or keeps it next to her the entire time he is here...it works, it protects my daughter and NIlah stays away from her when she has it. ( I have 5 of them in the house just in case we misplace one..)
  16. I have had the same issues with one of my sons. It has become a game for Talon. I arm him with a spray bottle of water, it keeps her away...
  17. Yes, I have made many things for my flock from PVC pipe. Never a need to glue it, it fits tightly enough!
  18. Here, I found this quickly. We're any of tese tests done? http://pets.thenest.com/worms-grey-parrots-12221.html
  19. I would without a doubt, get a second opinion from an avian vet. Sounds fishy to me. Never heard of a parrot with worms...
  20. 15 weeks is not that old to expect it to be completely weaned. Are you offers him any other food, and if you are, how so? It has nothing to do with being lazy . You don't want to stop feeding him until HE decides he's done being hand fed or he could die from being malnourished. I am sure others here can give you more advice, I myself would never hand feed a baby as so much can go wrong. I assume you have experience?
  21. So true Dan.. short and sweet, but truthful!
  22. Hi, I work full time, and I leave Nick jr. on. They seem to really like Sponge Bob and Dora the explorer...... 3 days a week. One day is a parrotdvd that loops nonstop. The other day is a playlist of Barbara Streisand and country singers just for Nilah as she loves to sing.
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