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Everything posted by Talon

  1. You really can't make a bird like someone or anyone for that matter. They have a mind of their own, and will decide who they like and when. IT will change as time goes on. Just be patient and explain to your family, they won't necessarily like everyone, dogs, cats like everyone mostly, but not birds...they are a species of their own.
  2. Here's a chuckle for the day!
  3. Congrats! I am very happy for you and look forward to hearing more and seeing pics!
  4. I just posted this on Facebook yesterday. It's a riot for sure!!
  5. beautiful cage! Beautiful website as well!
  6. That is a great pic! My how proud he is looking!! He doesn't seem to understand why you have interrupted him...
  7. Talon


    Ony, How long have you had your grey? IT may just be too early for him to feel comfortable enough around you to talk. Greys don't like to say a word until they feel that are confident enough to say it right. They can practice when they think you can't see or hear them, and in front of you will be quiet.
  8. Thus the difference been greys and amazons. Janet. Mostly mine go in their cfes when I know someone is coming over, but occassionally we have a drop in. Mostly my family and friends stAy away...too much chaos with my birds and my 2 jumpy noisy bichons. And I'm perfectly happy that way!
  9. That's great! of course, Nilah is our welcoming committee in our house! As soon as someone new arrives, Nilah fans her ail feathers, opens her wings out, raises her cute little yellow crown, with her eyes pinning in and out with excitement t, and loudly pronounces, "Nilah".....as she struts back and forth. Then she does her famous flip, swinging herself arou d her rope perch that I taught her. Then she continues going thru her repertoire of sentences. It is so cute how they love to show off. I have to be careful, cause Nilah can get too excited and get out of control issue is out of her cage. If I know we are having company, I have to put her in her cage before they arrive.
  10. Apple cider vinegar or white vinegar? Which do most of you use?
  11. They couldn't , apparently many we're starving..
  12. I just want to jump in my SUV, drive down there... I live about 2 hours away and rescue and help...but I know I can't.... http://www.mspca.org/about-us/press-room/2014/mspca-nevins-farm-rescues-65.html
  13. I have a yellow crowned amazon. I believe the females to be less hormonal as far as aggression goes, although Nilah can be territorial regarding her cage, but she is for the most part fairly easy, as long as she understands I am the boss, I don't let her get away with biting me and trying to have the upper hand.
  14. That is an adorable scene. How smart! Glad to see she has put you in your place! lol
  15. Wow! Those videos are incredible! Thanks for sharing, they are so smart. I had a friend who would play ball outside with a crow that came every morning.
  16. It's absolutely magical watching her thrive with you and your patience and understanding with her is really something to follow. What an example you set in patience..
  17. Talon was blinking a lot, and I saw redness on the outer skin around her eye. IT started out as kind of pink, then when I saw it was redder, and she blinked a lot, I took her to the vet when didn't know it was a burn and she was treated for what he thought wwas an eye infection.
  18. Katana, Yes that was Rocky...you have a good memory! YEs, we have coy-dogs, and I always worry about them as well. They howl like crazy, and we do get woken up by them killing an animal.
  19. Well, Bless your heart for caring enough to take them and try and find their home. many others would just ignore them. AS for micro-chipping, I have 2 Bichon's. One came to me micro chipped, and the other did not. I read a lot on the internet about cases of animals that developed cancer or tumors near the site of the micro-chip, being a foreign object, I too was against it, so I chose not to micro chip my second Bichon. We installed an underground invisible fence, so I put collars on my dogs when they went out. I got very comfortable in the am, didn't bother with the collars as they only went out to go to the bathroom, and hurry back in to eat breakfast. Fast forward...one Sunday morning after a torrential downpour during the night. I threw my bathrobe on, went downstairs and let them out. My bichon that wasn't micro chipped didn't come back. I threw on my sneakers...trudged out, he took off somewhere into the woods. It was soaking wet, I had to run back into the house, throw some clothes on and go out searching, having no idea where he was, or what direction he went in. IF you know anything about Bichon's they have a mind of their own and don't listen, they follow their nose. My poor Rocky has never left my yard, so I knew there was no chance of him finding his way back home....Panic set in when I realized that if he made it out to the main road, if he survived and someone found him...I would NEVER get him back as he had no ID on him...I was in tears and felt so STUPID cause if I had him micro chipped, I knew I at least had a chance....know I had none... I started walking out in the woods and listening....after quite some time, I saw a glimpse of him and managed to catch up to him and scoop him up in my arms. The very next day, he was at the vets getting micro-chipped. After my experience, IT IS A MUST!! I hope you find the owners and I also hope they learn from their experience as well.
  20. Well, as a fellow amazon owner...you KNOW that's the truth! I just adore her...as you do Cricket!
  21. Oh my! Yes, your rat terrior is in danger. The owls come in silently from behind, stick their talons into the animal in hopes of cutting the hamstrings so they can't get away at the same time lifting them up. It happens in the blink of an eye, right before dawn and at dusk. IN the day if they are hungry..
  22. What bird is on your Wish List? You know, the one bird you will probably only dream of ? I know I am at my limit on birds, and because of Nilah,(my amazon) and her attachment to me, I will probably never get another bird, she would be too demanding and not allow me to give the attention needed for another. But if I could get another it would be an Indian Red Neck! I just love their look and the sound of their voices. They are so adorable and I would LOVE one!!
  23. Week 4!!! I'm so happy to have things back to our normal routine!!
  24. Greyt advice from the others...Tis the season!
  25. Love the pic! Thanks for the laugh today!!
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