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Everything posted by Talon

  1. IN my case it cost a lot for shipping.. You are in Texas? Here you go: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000OWDKJW/ref=oh_details_o07_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  2. I agree with you. I have 3 free flighted birds, and always keep the doors locked. I also had storm doors put on as an extra safety precaution. I believE a clipped bird IF it gets out most likely will die...it has no way to escape a predator. a flighted bird has a chance to fly Up & AWAY.
  3. wish I was closer..I have 2 1/2 brand new rolls...I bought mine off of amazon
  4. Wow! That is impressive!! And a blessing to all and to Our family here at Greyforums . You are a huge asset here, and I feel very lucky to be your friend even tho we live so far apart, MYbe one day we can share a bottle of wine via Skype, as neither one of us can leave our birds lot g enough to fly across the world!!
  5. I think your gang is so gentle because you have a gentle nature. My house with 3 teenagers in it, 2 dogs and 3 cats creates a lot of chaos. Plus me feeling like I have to control everything and always on a schedule adds to the anxiety. I really need to slow down in life and take the time to enjoy it instead of rushing thru it every day so that I can get everything done that needs doing...
  6. Hmm.. The only thing i have noticed with Nilah who is only 5.....and shouldn't quite be so mature....is she is louder and much more interested in mating with me than ever!
  7. Wow! You got some great stuff! Good prices too. It's always nice to be able to touch and feel things vs online shopping .
  8. I will try to behave myself and not go on a rant, as everyone here knows my feelings on clipped wings....so my vote is Absoulutely keep your bird flighted, especially with other flighted birds in your home. Vote YES for NO clipping
  9. I agree with you totally Judy!!
  10. I have one like that. Nilah is the only one that occassionally uses it.
  11. This happened this week and only about 35 miles from my house. I am so happy for the family!! http://www.wggb.com/2014/05/14/neighbors-make-heartwarming-rescue-after-family-pet-goes-missing/
  12. Can't answer that, but I use vet wrap instead.
  13. Just an update, I have been sitting out in the bird room for the last half hour. Talon is on a swirling boing and Rikki was on my shoulder, but has ventured onto the back of the couch. All seem quiet, but ok....making progress!! And then there's Nilah climbing everywhere , chewing, yelling! and they are OUTSIDE!!!! Shhhhh....don't tell them!
  14. I was not aware that you still had problems as they seem to be working whenever we test it...
  15. I believe it is the albums in the profiles that aren't working.​
  16. Testing Testing. Testing..testing Test​
  17. So true!! They sure do feed off of you day!
  18. Yes, I have had my greys for almost 8 years and have stayed with them next to a screened window many many times over the years. They have never enjoyed it. I have also spent hours at different times in the outdoor bird room, they hate it!
  19. NILAH!!!!! My greys hate the outdoors, Always have
  20. Here is a quick tour of my new outdoor bird room.
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