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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Greycie is adorable! Loved the video!! She put a big smile on my face for sure!
  2. My birds rub their beaks on things as well. Sometimes it's to clean them, or get something off. Other times, they shed ever so slightly, so rubbing helps that, you won't even notice it.
  3. I find it easier to clean than the other one personally. I keep a plastic office mat under my cages as it makes it easier to clean up!
  4. The cage he is in now is great!! I have both cages, my timneh has the new one you are looking at and doesn't seem to use all the space, especially the shorter section. My cag & amazon both have the larger one and LOVE it! I wouldn't switch, but I definitely would put a lot more perches & toys in it, it looks pretty sparse in my opinion.
  5. Oh how beautiful! Cant wait to hear more about her. I also don't know much about lovebirds, but will learn from you!
  6. In light of the very recent sad news to our Grey family here, I have decided to rename our Amazon Room in dedication of Cricket, such a beloved Amazon who was lucky enough to have spent her many last years with Ray. Ray is moderator of our Amazon Room. He has done an incredible job in bringing his knowledge & dedication in teaching us everything there is to know regarding all Amazons. I very much looked forward to seeing his newest activity with Cricket, whether it be the: Honored Amazons List The Amazon of the Week The little known Amazon Facts Amazon Food Facts Truths & Myths Extinct Amazons Life with Cricket Or just the thought of the day. Ray had such a way of spurring on thoughts for those of us who are lucky enough to have an Amazon in our home. He taught us how lucky we are to have a relationship with an Amazon, how to appreciate them in every way, and every minute. For those members who don’t have an Amazon, he & Cricket showed us what it’s like to live & love an Amazon. Many here lived with an Amazon thru his eyes thanks to Cricket. When I first came to Greyforums, there were only 3 rooms, 1 admin and no moderators, less than 300 members total, and under 50 of them were active.We managed to grow this forum into the wealth of information regarding a variety of birds, and the best forum family on the internet in my opinion. Fast forward to 4 1/2 years ago, my kids talked me into buying my Amazon Nilah when we were out bird toy shopping...I will admit, I had zero knowledge of Amazons, never saw one before, I knew nothing about them (I had 2 greys at home). Once home, panic set in….I knew NOTHING about this species, so off I set onto the internet to learn as much as possible regarding Amazons. NOW WHERE could I find an Amazon forum that I could go to learn. Yes, there is plenty of reading info, which I read as much as I could, but I wanted a place to go to ask questions and get advice from experienced Amazon owners. A place like we have here at Greyforums…it didn’t exist....so I opened the Amazon Room here on a Greyforum…(feeling a bit selfish at that time, but I didn’t care, I needed help) I knew Ray had an Amazon, so of course he was the chosen one…He has helped me so many times with my Nilah problems, as she does come with a feisty personality, and Ray has helped me to understand her like no one else. It wasn’t long before Cricket won over anyone who read a post about her. She was a one of a kind Amazon, and that was because of the strong bond she had instantly with Ray. They adored each other, and Ray opened up a whole new world for that precious Amazon. She experienced life and love in a way she never had before. She became everyone’s sweetheart in this family. I know that Ray will miss Cricket terribly, his life will never be the same, as Cricket quickly found her way into his heart and will be there forever. Greyforums will never be the same either, as Cricket was the star of the Amazon Room, it will be lonely there, but we must keep it going in Crickets Memory.She is watching over us from the Rainbow Bridge and we don’t want to disappoint her, after all, it was her that taught us how wonderful life with an Amazon can be… Cricket will be sadly missed and will forever be in our hearts & this forum. Just a short history of Cricket : http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190842-Me-and-my-zon http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?192958-Cricket-evolves http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?193896-Part-II-Crickets-Journey-Out-of-cage-time http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?193914-Part-III-Crickets-Journey-Our-bond-grows http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?194608-Crickets-day http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?194844-Defining-Moments http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?195689-3-1-2-years-with-Cricket http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?197034-Cricket-s-Evolution
  7. Noooo.....this can't be real......I have no words...I'm stunned and in shock. Ray, I can't fathom that kind of pain you are in. I know better than anyone how much you adored Cricket and she adored you. As we always say, there is no bond like an amazon bond. I take such comfort that you were there and she died in your arms, there was no better way for her to go...She will forever be in our hearts and a huge part of this forum. I am so very sorry and my heart breaks for you...please know we are here for you always. Love to you both.
  8. Talon

    My Experiment!

    Never heard of that..but I have Hashimoto's Disease that went undiagnosed for the last 15 yrs..stupid doctors!!
  9. I would err on the side of caution.
  10. My wire is stapled to the wood dames on the outside. Plastic tbiters one bite would be gone by my birds. I went with 1 x1/2 because I was worried Talon would get her head stuck if she ever tried to
  11. Talon

    My Experiment!

    Quite a few weeks ago, due to an autoimmune disease I have, I had to go gluten free. My morning weekday breakfast with my 3 birds consists of oatmeal, toast with peanut butter and small cut up pieces of different types of bagels. Seeing as gluten free bread and bagels are so expensive, and my birds waste so much, I make them the usual, and myself a seperate small plate for a bagel or toast. So every morning, they go to my plate even tho my bagel doesn't taste very good and don't eat theirs! So it goes to show you, that no matter how bad te food is, they only want what YOU are eating even tho I pretend to eat theirs....
  12. Happy birthday Josey! Ive known you on the forums since you were just a baby . I have always enjoyed hearing about you, and I know you are one of the few fids here who hasn't bit your mommy! You are to be commended! Make mommy spoil you rotten today! As I know she will!! P.S. Talon says ask for popcorn too, that way you can toss it all over the house and watch mommy spend lots of time with that noisy vacume!! Don't want her to get lazy !
  13. Yea, Nilah is very very neat...she wouldn't want to lose a crumb of any food!
  14. My advice is not to go too thin on the gauge I have 16 and am quite happy with the strength of it. I would not have wanted thinner as my amazon occassionally will climb it and it's quite sturdy .
  15. I too looked into SS wiring, but in all the research I did, everyone used the GAW as was stated, they aren't living in it and don't usually hang and chew on wire. I have so many perches and hanging things, that my birds prefer to perch with comfort, not hang on wire....and they don't spend a long time out there, and it's only when I am home.
  16. Talon

    Birdie Cups

    So true Ray! I have yet to find anything Nilah won't eat!!!
  17. Talon

    Birdie Cups

    Well, Rikki and Talon threw them on the bottom of their cages, but Nilah devoured every little bit!
  18. Rikki got ahold of a box of whole wheat crackers this morning. I decided I didn't want to try & take it from her, as if I try..she goes full blown attack on me once she's got her mind set on a snack in a box! (of course we all know who the loud mouth is in the background...NILAH)
  19. Talon

    Birdie Cups

    I bought these fruit cups from Northern Parrots. I gave each of my birds one today..I wonder how they like them...(stuck here at work)
  20. I can't help but wonder what is going thru Nilah's pretty little head at this exact moment..
  21. Nancy, our pizza delivery guy now knows just to go to the garage door and wait for me to open it as well!
  22. Nancy, YES, that's what I do as well. Unless my birds are caged, then everyone must enter thru the garage, close garage door, then enter my house! Great advice!!
  23. Yes, I understand your love or or bird, but 5-10 minutes out of his cage at a time? Thats crazy....not enough for any parrot. We all learn to watch our birds while we do other things around the house, it's no different than having a child, you watch them and do what you have to. Also, a 12 x 12 cage is barely big enough for a parakeet. They need room to climb, and exercise their wings. Please get him a bigger cage, yes it's expensive, but you made the decision to home this innocent bird, and he deserves the best care, cage and attention from his family.
  24. First off, I am not a believer in leaving a bird in it's cage just so it gets used to it....My 3 are out as much as I am home. It is different from day to day. As for your bird "chewing", that's what they do! I have tree stands, perches, everywhere all over my house with toys hanging for them, but they still like to chew my window sills, doors & door frames. They really just want to be with you, but their natural instinct is to chew. You can't change that. They also have a mind of their own and will do what they want when they want. They change a lot over the years, and what they did when they were young, they may not do when they get older. They become more independent and less cuddly. I think you should allow it more out of cage time, and give him lots of family time. YOU may find he will be more willing to interact with you if you do.
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