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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon

    new cage?

    Oops, I missed that, I was thinking 62 inches. I think you're right Dan, bigger is better. They need to have the space to flap their wings.
  2. Tari, I love that you put your birds before your guests! And Bless you poor niece for being as sweet as could be when your amazon had her in her beak! :evil:
  3. Dan, I believe the oldest cat was 32 or 34 years old. I actually had to have my cat put down, she had problems, and suffered longer that she should of, I just couldn't let her go, but I finally realized she was not happy or comfortable any longer. It took a while to finally make that dreaded phone call, but in the end, she went peacefully here at home.
  4. Talon

    new cage?

    Beccy, I think it's a very nice cage. I've never seen one that will fit in a corner. The size seems good. :)
  5. Yikes! That must have startled you at first. Glad you remembered about the beets! She liked them I take it. :silly:
  6. Okay, Dan. Looks like we need an oldest cat thread! I had a cat that was 24.
  7. Tari is right. A well check up and blood work to rule out any medical condition is a definite must. Talon used to chew her nails so they were as sharp as needles. I found she did this as she was bored. We couldn't even pick her up it hurt so much! When ever I saw her start to chew on them, I would distract her by giving her a toy, sometimes a treat, or taking her elsewhere, or talking to her. She soon forgot about the behavior, and has since stopped. Good luck and keep us posted!
  8. I'm happy for you Tari. 16 years old is amazing for a dog. As I've said before, our dog died tragically last year. He was 14 1/2. This is sad for me, but even though he isn't the oldest dog, I'd like to post a photo of him. I hope no one minds. <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/07/25 15:13
  9. Wow! Great idea Judy! :cheer: My kids friends are always going over to Talon and putting their fingers right up to her. Sometimes I forget to remind them that she will bite! But she never broke the skin, she doesn't bite that hard yet.....although Melissa may think differently. Looking forward to reading more stories.....who's next??? {Feel-bad-00020080}:cheer:
  10. Wow Tari, they are so cute & tiny. Every 2 hours? Gotta hand it to you, that's dedication!! {Feel-good-00020114}
  11. Tari, Talon hates the shower. I bought a bird mister and use that on her, which she hates also, but she'll at least sit there and sulk while I get her wet! :angry:
  12. Tari, How adorable!! I love the vibrant color on him. You've done well with him, he looks so big & healthy!! Thanks for posting those pictures!:cheer:
  13. Don't forget to save $$$ for the Super Parrot Store! :woohoo: :woohoo: That is, if Judy & Josh will be able to stand after all that partying! :silly: :side:
  14. Josh, that was very cute! Thanks for that!! How is he doing? B)
  15. Strawberry Daiquiri's for me please...........I'll be there! :P
  16. I thought it would be nice to have a place to come and see the different books that other members have read, and enjoy, regarding their African Grey. Please post any books that you recommend to others regarding feeding, training, care, etc. I highly recommend: For the Love of Greys, by Bobbi Brinker (this is the most informative book I have read.) The Beak Book , by Sally Blanchard {Nature-00020095} Talon, excuse me for busting in your thread but I think this should be a sticky. Most new Grey Owners don't know about these books and they need to..<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/07/28 10:51
  17. Dan, the study I was referring to, had enlarged photos to study and compare. Talon definitely had the male eye. So I was convinced we had a boy. After DNA testing, the vet called to Congratulate us on our little GIRL! We called Talon a boy for a year and half. Tough habit to break!! :pinch:
  18. There are many studies out there being done. The accuracy varies. One study done by a doctor on the eye theory was said to be 92% accurate, but in my case it was 0% accurate. :pinch:
  19. I have found the eye rings are inaccurate. Our grey had the Male type eyes, but we found out after DNA testing that she was a girl. I don't believe there is any other way to tell the sexing unless you do the DNA test.
  20. Oh, you deserve lots of karma for rescuing this precious bird! :cheer: I'm so happy you took her in. Have you tried taking a long stick type perch and putting it through her door, so she can walk out and explore is she gets brave enough? She might still be getting adapted to her new surroundings, but that might work as she gets a little more comfortable. Please keep us posted on your progress with her. How old is she?
  21. Talon

    cag eyes

    Hi Will. Welcome to our family here. Glad you joined. Beccy gives you good advice. If you do a search here, you'll find more info about greys eyes. They can dilate them at will unlike us. Check put this thread below. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/14815-crazy-eyes.html#14815
  22. Hi, & Welcome Christina. I'm glad you joined our family here. I know nothing about hand feeding, but I'm sure others here will help. Looking forward to hearing more. Keep us updated, and we love photo's if you have any to post!
  23. 2 very good choices so far! Josh, I love this signature line !! My favorite one yet!! :woohoo:
  24. OMG! Talon absolutely freaks with that roll of paper. She hates it. I've had 2 different ones, and she won't go anywhere near them. Funny how they are so different!:silly: Nice pictures CD, Thanks for sharing them, excellent as always!:kiss:
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