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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Hello, and Welcome. He sounds like a very intelligent bird. I'm glad you've had him for so long, and he's doing so well. What a sad, sad story for the start of his life, but it sounds like you've made him very happy! That is a wonderful story about the interaction he has with you. Would you please post a photo of him, we love to see pictures!! And welcome to our family here. We look forward to hearing more stories about him.
  2. Well, I don't know about the last 2 ingredients, but the others look fine. You say it is tasty eh? Have to take your word for it. I look forward to hearing what others think....:cheer:
  3. Hi Cindy, Welcome. Snow peas are fine for them to have. French fries aren't exactly healthy for them or us, but one every once in a while won't hurt him. Just don't salt it. I prefer a water bowl as it's easier for me to clean daily, but I know others here prefer the water bottle. So, it is a personal preference, but listen to the others advice, and make your own decision based on your situation and what works best for you.
  4. Talon

    Wet Topaz

    Angie, that is soooo cute!! Looks like she's not sure if she should be happy, mad or sad! :cheer: :evil:
  5. Loviechick, Welcome to our family here. I'm so happy to hear that you rescued that poor little bird. What a wonderful thing you did. :cheer: Judy is right. She needs to see you playing with them and having fun. I know it sounds silly, but she will learn from you. Get excited about them when you are playing with them. Use an excited voice, she'll pick it up and do the same. It may take several tries, but don't give up. She'll catch on! Good luck and please keep us posted as to her progress.
  6. Lidia, Excellent research ! Thank you! Karma for you!!:cheer:
  7. That is cute! Talon spends the better part of her day hanging upside down when she is playing. She hangs from one foot and swings back & forth. They do love to hang and play upside down. Fun to watch! :P
  8. Very impressive for a 14 year old! You are a very caring & giving young lady. We should all learn by your example. Karma for you! {Love-000200BF}
  9. I can't imagine that. What would they use them for? Sounds like a scam?? But I could be wrong, maybe someone else here will chime in on this one.:dry:
  10. We have ceiling fans, and Talon does not have her wings clipped. I never run them on high! But I will put them on med. of low. She never goes near them, and the draft is so small, that in the summer it doesn't bother her. I'd never use them in the winter though.
  11. Lidia, that is the saddest story, but had such a happy ending. I'm glad for you. I only hope that this other person has the same good fortune as you. I'll be praying that there grey comes home quickly and safely.
  12. Talon


    Sounds Like he's doing great!!
  13. Thanks, Lidia, I'm trying to get the rest of my family to behave and not give them to her. But maybe now they can READ it here!:evil:
  14. Greys don't like to poop in their cage, It is their home, and they don't want to soil it. They will hold it all night until you take them out, and then they will go. It's just the way they are. You can't train them to go in their cage.
  15. Talon


    Good one Judy! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  16. Thanks everyone, I didn't think it was too good for her, but I wanted to get some other opinions. Thanks!
  17. Tari, very good information. Thank you for researching and sharing that with us. The question I have, is how much salt is too much? Talon loves nachos, and they are loaded with salt. How many does anyone think is safe to allow her. (I know that zero is the safest) But, I have family members that think sharing is "nice", when actually "safe" is nice.
  18. Does anyone here know if Gatorade sports drink is ok for birds to drink on occasion? Talon had some orange Gatorade from Melissa last night, and absolutely loved it! She kept drinking like she's never had a drink before! There are a lot of electrolytes in it, and I was curious if that would be harmful to their systems. Anyone here know the answer to this question?:dry:
  19. Talon


    There is paint out there that is no-odor, zero voc's. That is the best paint. It still has a slight odor to it. I had Talon's room where she sleeps painted with it, but I moved her into another room for 1 week, and kept the windows open with fans blowing to air it out. It was the middle of winter, so I was able to closed the room off. I moved her back in after 7 days,and all was well. But definitely don't use regular paint unless you can vent it real well, even then I would be careful. I'm sure others here have more info.
  20. Talon

    Cranberry Juice

    Ceasar loves Orange Juice? Talon hates it! I've tried several different kinds. She loves apple juice, and strawberry banana juice though.
  21. Thanks Dan, Yes horses are dangerous, but this particular horse is a young ex-race horse that was very abused. You know what happens to them, so he has a lot of attack mechanisms he tries to use before you can get the better of him. That's where you have to be careful. But back to birds. Once you have bonded with your bird, and you build the trust with them, they won't bite for just any old reason. You'll be able to know when it happens most times, by reading their body language. Talon never bites too hard if you are paying attention to her moods. She loves to be on our shoulder, and will respect it, if you listen to her when she wants to go do something else. I guess their all different. :dry:
  22. Hey, I've gotten bit by that same horse more times than I can count, just the other day, he flipped his head up and punched me square in the nose!! Boy did that make my eyes water. Can I skip the 12 step program too?.......on second thought, I never seem to learn, so I better repeat it. I'll see you guys on the second Tuesday of the month at 25:00 zulu time. :pinch: :pinch: Dan, I have continued to wear earrings, I'm just quick to keep them covered by my hair.
  23. Very Nice Dan! Thank-you for this. This ought to be filled with lots of great stories, Talon does bite on occasion, if you ignore her while she is on you. But my best story is how one time when I had just gotten out of the shower, she flew onto my bare shoulder and landed SHARP talons and all, if that wasn't enough to yell "OUCH!", she proceeded to, in one quick swipe........rip BOTH my diamond studded earrings out of my ear, and into her beak! That was quite a feat for her, and a painful one for me!!! {Feel-bad-00020080} So, I guess Welcome to the club is in order for me!:pinch:
  24. Okay, sounds great! I'm sure there are lots of us that are in the receiving mode, especially when going through the terrible two's! Support Staff is even better....you can tell us what size band-aids are the best!!:laugh: :laugh:
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