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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Lidia, that id the greatest story. You have such a good way of telling it. Maybe we should start a Thread about Story Telling with photo's........ this was a great one to start with. Thank you for putting a smile on my face! :cheer: :cheer:
  2. Lidia, thanks for the great information. This was a topic that came up the other day in my house. I was going to ask, but you guys beat me to it! Thanks!! Miltie, glad to hear you're okay, you're not fetching balls either are you?? {Sports-000200FF}
  3. Gloves would help, but be for-warned..... Talon goes crazy if she sees a glove on anyone's hand. No matter if you want her to step up, give her a treat, a toy,whatever! Gloves in my house have to be taken off, or it is definitely time to call 911, Josh, the medic!:laugh:
  4. Astro, Hello & Welcome. I'm very happy for your new addition. It will take a while for her to adjust and settle in. That's a lot for a 10 year old, but it sounds like things are going very well. I don't have any experience with name changes, but I'm sure others here will.
  5. We're trying Meshewa, but not successful yet! :laugh: :laugh:
  6. Judy, You are the oldest active member??? I think.:pinch:
  7. Greylover, have a nice trip. It will be harder on you, than Chico. He should be fine. Just think how happy you both will be when you come home to that chirp, tail wiggling, and kisses! {Love-000200C2}
  8. Annemarie, Welcome to the family. We are happy you joined, and even happier you posted with an introduction! Judy is correct, there is a lot of advice here, you should have the answers to all your questions, just read away. But we will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to ask. Looking forward to hearing more.
  9. Lidia, That is a good reminder to us all about the colored ink! Thank you! Karma for you!!
  10. Julia, Glad your finals are over. I'm sure you did well. Thanks for letting us know you'll be gone, we'll miss you. Have a great trip, and take lots of pictures!!
  11. Wow! I'm glad everything is okay now. What a scare! Thanks for the warning, you can never be too careful.
  12. Tricky, Welcome to the Family here. Newspaper is the cheapest and easiest to clean up. Looking forward to hearing more about Jack.
  13. DayosMom, read this link there is some good info. for this. http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cls=15&cat=1912&articleid=2691
  14. Judy, They don't give off heat like the heat lamps do. Most are covered by a clear cover so that are not hot.
  15. Yes she does..........you should see her ride her horses!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  16. Congratulations Spookyhurst & Nikko! {Communicate-0002011B}
  17. Cd, Remember, this is a FAMILY FORUM!! {Feel-good-000200A2}
  18. Is the press coming? :silly:
  19. Hello & Welcome! Judy is right. NO CANDLES!! The fragrances in them are toxic to all birds. I live near a candle factory, and love the smells, but had to stop using them because of Talon. There are many different types of info here, just look around, and feel free to ask us anything that you can't find the answer to! We love stories & pictures, so please post away! And again, Welcome to our Family!! :cheer:
  20. Everyone here gives excellent advice, not much to add. They do all adapt to their families routines. Your's will do the same.
  21. I have a full spectrum light that is on Talon's play cage all day. Our avian vet recommended it. I also did lots of research, and found it was highly advised for the health of your birds. Talon doesn't like to go to her cage if it's not on. She does enjoy sitting close to it. :)
  22. First, let me say Welcome and Thank you for joining! Do you currently have an AG? There are a lot of threads here about breeding. If you do a forum search, you will find lots of very good information.
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