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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I am very sorry for what you are going through. I hope with posters, flyer's, newspaper ads, you find him. Don't give up the search, keep calling for him, and keep hopeful. Welcome here, I'm wish it were under better circumstances that we meet you. Please keep us informed.
  2. Judy, I will...........one day Jeff may take Talon from me, then what will I do?? {Feel-bad-0002006A}
  3. Oh, I'm sorry you will be alone, but I think it's best for Frankie. Air that place out as much as you can tonight, and tomorrow. Let us know how you make out. :dry: And aren't Moms & Dads just great in an emergency?! :cheer:
  4. Talon

    Terrible twos ?

    I'm hoping for some good info here..........:dry:
  5. Hey, Everyone! I can't say "THANK YOU" enough for all your kind words. You have made me feel so loved and welcome here. This truly is the BEST family one could ever ask for. I am very proud and honored to be a part of it. May you all be here for your 1000 post celebration, as we plan to continue the tradition. So get posting everyone!!
  6. Talon

    Terrible twos ?

    Talon has started to go through what I call a "feisty " stage. She's asserting her independence, and seems to be saying,"it is my way as much as I can get away with". I think it is the beginning of the terrible two's that is posted here. Anyone else's bird starting this phase? :huh:
  7. Better hurry up! Judy keeps complaining there isn't enough men here. {Characters-0002005D}
  8. Welcome and Congratulations! You'll find lots of good information and fun stories here. If you don't, than just ask! This is a very helpful and loving family that you have joined! {Love-000200C2}
  9. I leave the tv on, nick jr. usually. Also on occasion the bird sitter dvd. Judy is right, it blocks out all the other occasional noise, and they relax more, not as jumpy at every little sound.
  10. Aah... so cute Tari! Talon used to nap when she was younger, but no more. :silly:
  11. I think you're doing the right things. But if you can, get him out of there until it's aired out. Sorry, but it isn't worth the risk......:huh: :huh:
  12. Talon


    I agree!:side:
  13. A good rule of thumb, is if YOU can smell it, then it isn't good for them to inhale. Can you open the windows to air it out, turn on the AC. Do you have an air filter system you could turn on? I would be very worried about it if you can smell it. Many things are toxic to birds that aren't to us. But Glue is definitely toxic. It can affect them in a small amount of time, so I wouldn't allow him to sleep in the room unless you can air it out thoroughly. :dry:
  14. Hi Barb! Welcome to the family. I'm happy you gave this sweet Milly a home! We love pictures, could you post one? Looking forward to hearing more about her!! There's lots here to read, so enjoy all the great advice and experience that everyone continues to share! :cheer:
  15. Jeez! Talon wakes up if you sneeze!!! :pinch: Are you sure he's really sleeping? Does he take naps in the day?
  16. Talon


    Congratulations Amanda! We had no warranty with or bird either. You fall in love so quickly, it wouldn't have made a difference if something happened. Let us know how the check up goes.
  17. We cover. Talon's sleep cage is in my son's room, and he is up most of the night on his computer, so it keeps the light out. Talon is a verY light sleeper, and is bothered by noises at night. I believe most birds aren't like that. Lucky us!! :unsure:
  18. Dan, We too,lavished Talon with attention when she came to us. It was right before x-mas, and I was home most of the time, soon, my kids were out of school, so someone was always home. Talon was very young, in a new place with strangers to her, and she needed the extra comfort to feel safe, and comfortable in her new home with her new cage, toys, and family. As time went on, very quickly she was happy to be left alone in her cage, while I had to go out, or go to work. So I am on the other side of the coin, and would spend as much time as I could with your new baby, and gradually allow a schedule to fall into place. We had no problems with Talon, and like CD said about Ceaser, Talon is very adaptable with change. Just my opinion, you do what is right for you, and what you feel comfortable with.
  19. No. question here..........I feel the love & companionship from a grey much more than from a snake.:cheer: And I have had snakes in the past, so I base this on my own experience. Besides, I like to talk, and have my grey talk back. But everyone is different, and has their own opinions. What ever makes you that happiest. :)
  20. Talon


    Tari, I'm so sorry........... :(
  21. Talon

    Topaz good news

    Good news Tari! Hope she keeps getting stronger and stronger. Please continue to keep us posted. :dry:
  22. They will growl when they are very frightened, especially when they are so young. But since Talon can be a little on the feisty side.....I would go with the calmer one. But you really need to visit again and spend time with them all, and see which one just feels special to you. :cheer: :cheer: Good luck and let us know!!<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/07/09 17:16
  23. Congratulations Tari. I know you will do a great job! You have such a wealth of knowledge to share, we look forward to hearing and learning more from you. {Emotions-000200C1}
  24. You sound just like my nephew, only now he is also a 911 operator. How old did you say you are..........:huh:
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