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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Very Nice...Big & beautiful!! :cheer:
  2. Talon


    What a warm & fuzzy feeling you guys are giving us!! I love it!!!{Love-000200BF}
  3. Yes, Tari, It does sound like a small zoo! But good for you to be able to handle it all, I'm sure you do it with ease. :cheer:
  4. Dayo is so cute! Thanks for the pictures!!! :)
  5. We have 3 horses, 2 cats, 1 African Grey, 1- 55 gal. aquarium with 6 goldfish. We've had many other pets, but they have passed on.
  6. Tari, we don't have chickens. (we did at one time) but I think it's just an easy, fun sound that they can pick up quickly.
  7. Talon makes the usual, chicken sounds, microwave, oven timer, squeaky door, wines like a dog, even though he died 1 year ago. phone ringing, then says "Hello, hold on....." mail alert sound, trucks beeping, wolf whistle, and tries to sing to songs she doesn't know by saying "Laaaaaaaaaaa!" over and over. She's making many wild bird sounds now that the windows are open for summer. B) B)
  8. Jusy, after 1000 posts, you deserve them. Hands off CD!! :evil:
  9. Congratulations Judy!! I knew you could do it, and in less than 2 months! You are a very special lady with a lot of knowledge and wisdom. I feel honored to have the pleasure of your friendship. You Go Girl!
  10. Dan,Good Morning right back at you! I know it's early morning for you!! I agree with you, if you really pay attention, they all seem to be able to communicate their happiness and love in seeing you. I have found that they each seem to have their own individualized way of communicating. Perhaps I'll move over to body language thread and continue on...:pinch:
  11. Talon tends to wag her tail when she's happy to see us, and also gives us kissy sounds, until we kiss back! That's better than a smile to me!! {Love-000200C0}
  12. Verena, What a sad experience for both of you. But you can't give up, that poor thing needs you to help him heal. you did the right thing by keeping him with you as to help him heal. Can you continue to do that for a longer period of time, this second around? I would keep him on lower surfaces as much as possible, and not put him up on your shoulder or any height until he is healed and able to fly a little better. It does sound like he wasn't clipped properly. His feathers need to grow out somewhat so he can land safely. You can usually tell when they are going to jump or take flight. They tend to bend (for lack of a better word) their legs, and put their wings out a little, then go. I hope you find the advice you need here from all of us, there is a lot of knowledge here. So keep at it, and don't give up, you'll get past all this, and be able to enjoy your bird with out as much worry soon! Please keep us updated on how he's doing.......:dry:
  13. Joe, They will go faster at that price, versus $1000. I think which ever one you like the best, and feel the most connection with, is the one for you. I think you could get away with that small of a cage for a short time, but it's best to get a bigger one before too long. Changes are sometimes hard for some greys, so I wouldn't wait too long, especially if it will be in it all day. As long as it is eating now, rejecting food shouldn't be an issue, just use the same food it is used to right now. You can change later if that's what you decide to do. It might slow down it's food intake the first few days, while it adjusts, but shouldn't stop eating completely, if it does, see a vet asap. Best of luck, and keep us up to date!! :)
  14. FairY, I think that is something you & CD should discuss via pm.
  15. Talon

    Biting my feet :D

    Yes, too many times to count. Talon loves to preen my hair when it is wet after I get out of the shower. She flies over to me and lands on my shoulder, and starts preening the strands. (Mostly I think she's sucking the water out of it) {Characters-00020067}
  16. Talon


    Yes, pasta & pizza is Talon's favorite!!:woohoo: :woohoo:
  17. Joe, like I said, Talon was almost 9 weeks when we got her. She was fully weaned, and ate on her own just fine. She did need a lot of attention by way of comfort, being in a new home with strangers was scary for her I'm sure. It took about 2 weeks for her to really settle in. Do you have some time when you are more apt to be home, say maybe a long weekend or something for the first few days... although if you are able to spend time with your baby beforehand with many visits, that will make a huge difference, I'm sure! It sounds like the home breeder is the way to go. Good luck, and keep us informed.
  18. What a heartbreaking story...........{Feel-bad-0002006A}
  19. Tari, that is a great link for anyone considering a bird of any type. Thanks you for finding that and posting it. Ruddy, There is a lot of excellent advice here. Sounds like you've given this a lot of thought. Keep at it, and let us know what you decide. And WELCOME to the family, even if you decide against a grey at this time, please stay and continue to learn all you can.
  20. That's a cute story! Thanks for sharing it with us.:lol: :lol:
  21. Talon

    Flight pratice

    Tari.....they are soooo cute! Makes you want to have two just like them !!:woohoo: :woohoo:
  22. Bekkie, they are so cute and adorable. Thanks for sharing the great pictures. They must get along really well!
  23. Talon

    Biting my feet :D

    No. Judy, it's not that hard of a bite!!:silly:
  24. Wow! Tough weather in Texas Number6. Have you built an ark yet??:laugh: :laugh:
  25. Talon


    Talon hated banana's, but just recently started eating the rest of mine if it's only about an inch or so left, and still in the skin.:side: Apple Seeds have cyanide in them, that's why they can be bad for greys.
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