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Everything posted by Talon

  1. We have a java tree stand for Talon. But her most favorite is the squiggly spiral ropes that can hang from the ceiling. We have a few of them, and turn them in different directions. She loves to climb and hang all different ways with them. :side: :silly: :woohoo:
  2. Very nicely put as always Judy! {Love-000200C5}
  3. Must have been all that chocolate you ate last weekend!! {Emotions-00020075}
  4. francine wrote I agree with you on that statement! {Communicate-000200D5}
  5. Lidia, I say "Give me high five!" and she puts her foot up like she's going to step up, and I lightly tap the bottom of her foot with my palm. Then she puts it down and gets lots & lots of praise!! I have seen the Einstein video. Talon loves to watch it too! It's great!!:woohoo: :woohoo:
  6. Lidia, The aviator harness comes with a dvd that teaches you step by step how to introduce the harness to your bird regardless of the age. It's very useful!
  7. Judy.....shame on you. CD taught you better than that!!{Emotions-0002011C}
  8. Lidia, thanks for the very good information. Definitely karma for you!!:cheer: :cheer:
  9. It's so hard to wait, I know....but just keep reading up and learning all you can in the mean time!! :)
  10. Thank-you! Talon sees to it that every day is a grey day!! {Feel-good-0002006B}
  11. CD.........this is for you sweetheart! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  12. Heather, You're doing all you can right now. I wish we could all go there and each rescue 1 bird. But call first thing in the am, and let us know how you make out. Keep at them, pester them until they do something!! Please don't apologize about all your posts. We want to be here and help anyway we can.:dry:
  13. Judy gives good advice. Just watch her, and see how she is. No apology is needed about the posting. We all post when we can, and sometimes life is so busy, that there's no time. We understand! :)
  14. Is there any agency that is for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals? We have one here in MA. If there is one, please call them continually until they do something.
  15. Becca Yes, that is one of those squiggly rope toys. We have many around our house, different shapes and sizes. Talon loves to be on them and play! The one in the pictures is about 1 inch in diameter.
  16. Heather That is so sad........PLEASE keep on that officer about these poor birds. And let us know what happens. It is heartbreaking to see them living like that.
  17. I just gave Talon her first chicken bone last night. She devoured 3/4 of it! She loved it....thanks for the advice about them being able to eat them.
  18. Lidia, I was trying to teach Talon to wave with her foot, but she keeps using her wings, so when she put her foot up, I would give her a high five as I say it. Of course me dancing around and making a very big deal about her high five....helped encourage the behavior! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  19. A harness is the best way to go! If you work with him while he is young, you should have no problems getting him used to having a harness on.
  20. Splint I really like you signature line!!
  21. Ubecrew6 10 Like Judy says, get very excited when you put her in a travel cage, and give lots of praise. She will start to realize it's okay. Talon willingly goes into her travel cage, because she now knows after only once or twice that she gets to go out. She loves the car, so its easy for us.
  22. Talon


    How about do what Wendy does, and just heat up a little warm water in her own cup and give her that? It seems to work for her, and it's better than caffeine......
  23. Cute little guy, but he looks mad! :evil: Doesn't like to have his picture taken??
  24. Can you video tape that? It would be really fun to see! :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/07/02 17:06
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