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Everything posted by Talon

  1. One question I would be interested in is: How long of a duration (time wise) on daily basis, is spent training Alex?
  2. Good luck Tari! Please post a photo when you finish it! I'd love to see it. :)
  3. Oh my Gosh! I am so so very sorry. My heart breaks for you. Everyone gives good advice. Don't stop calling for him or looking for him. Keep his cage out. Put a small night light near it if you can. Greys don't like the dark. I will be praying for his safe & quick return. Please keep us updated when you can. AND NEVER GIVE UP, KEEP LOOKING AS LONG AS IT TAKES. SOMEONE WILL SEE HIM !
  4. Hi & Welcome to our family! This is the best grey forum you'll find. Lots of information here. Just read away. We are all here to answer any questions you might have. Loads of great, helpful, experienced members here. And we have lots of fun sharing photos, stories, all kinds of things. Enjoy, and looking forward to hearing more about you.
  5. Greoff! Thanks for the photo's and the update! I thoroughly enjoyed the pictures, and especially reading all about how things are going! Enjoy!!:cheer:
  6. Oh my! You are definitely a golden member of the "bite me club"! I attempted the aviator harness with Talon at the same age. I had the same success. But I have not been consistent with it, in fact, I've pretty much given up. I agree the younger you can start, the easier of a time you will have of it. :unsure:
  7. Thanks, Shanlung. It is always nice to revisit older threads. Lots of good information on them.
  8. Talon

    Free Flying

    Thank you Shanlung for your valued input on this topic. We'd love to learn more from you. Please don't be a stranger here. You have much experience to share with this family forum. I would love to hear more from you. :cheer:
  9. Talon

    Free Flying

    Here is the link to Shanlung's writings about free flying. They are well worth taking the time to read. He is a very knowledgeable & valued member on this topic. I'm sure you will agree. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/5189-tinkerbell-love-of-a-flying-cag-in-taiwan.html#5189
  10. Dan, I'm sure with all that you have planned, Dayo will be very sociable. Like children, they really do take their cues from us. If we are comfortable, relaxed, and encouraging, then they will pick up on that, and it will help them to behave accordingly. Well,let me add by saying... most times.:pinch: :silly: :whistle:
  11. Sorry, beccy, I meant to say, lukewarm. :pinch:
  12. Talon

    'nuther vid

    Very cute! Beccy. He seems to really love it. :cheer:
  13. You could take a cool bath. It's the hot water that opens the pores,and lets some of the ink out. I wouldn't soak too long though, and remember to pat it dry, never rub.
  14. Hi Julie, and Welcome to our family. I'm so happy you are adopting this bird. Sounds like you have done a lot of preparations in bringing him home. He is very lucky. You'll love it here. Can't wait for pictures and updates. Keep us posted! :cheer:
  15. Tatfish, thanks for the update! So:cheer: unds like you two are really taking a liking to each other, that's such a good start!! I'm very happy for you!:cheer:
  16. That's cool Tari! Tell that hubby of yours, "He's done well!" :cheer: :cheer:
  17. Tari, they are sooo cute! Thanks for the video, they really are tiny!!
  18. Talon

    Treat Question

    Beccy, nice graphic signature line you have there!
  19. I totally agree with Tari. That is why we only have one grey. Talon is bonded with all 6 of our family members. And I want to keep it that way. :)
  20. Beccy, hang in there. it is more sore the second day, it will lessen, and feel much better by tomorrow. Keep it moist with fragrance and perfume free creme. That will lessen the soreness and help in healing.
  21. Hi Dan. I only put the bird sitter video on about once a week. I don't want Talon to make more bird sounds, squawking, etc. than human words. But that's just me. I prefer having a conversation with her in my language, not a birds!!:laugh: :laugh:
  22. Kim, those are beautiful. And I"m glad they are on such a beautiful person. You truly are special for many reasons, and I thank you for sharing them with us.
  23. Nice Beccy! I'm proud of you........be careful you'll catch the fever!! :laugh: :laugh:
  24. The test I was referring to didn't specify tag or cag. So I was unaware of that.
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