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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Hi Sara, and Welcome! I'm looking forward to hearing all about you & your new grey! Post photo's as soon as you can, we love them here. We're just one big happy family, so again, Welcome, and we're here to help you any way you can. I don't suggest names, there's too many and such a variety, that needs to be your decision.
  2. Mandi, I'm so sorry. How awful to have to be away again. I hope all goes well quickly, and you return asap! We'll miss you, Take care, Penny
  3. Talon does that a lot. It's perfectly normal. They like to make sounds with their beak.
  4. That's a great idea with the coffee filters!:woohoo: :woohoo:
  5. That's for sure........after all, it is a Greys World, we just happen to live it in.....according to Talon anyways! {Emotions-0002011C}
  6. Hi, Rececca, Yes, as Judy says, take her around the house and introduce her to many new things, it will keep her more outgoing, and not so nervous. Our grey hates baths & showers, but I do mist her with a bird mister in her play cage, then I put a bowl of water in the bottom, and she will continue her bath there on her own. You have to see what works best for you, try different things, and give it time for them to get used to it.
  7. Hi Darin, and Welcome to our family. I'm very happy to hear things are going so well for you. I look forward to hearing more and seeing photo's! 5 months is early to talk, so don't worry, Pedro will talk, I'm sure of it! Any questions, feel free to ask. Any stories to share, Please do, we love them!!:cheer: :cheer:
  8. ONE BITE! Is all it takes, she breaks my phone adapter in one chomp before I can get her away from it. I've gone through 4 telephone answering machine adapters, before I finally got smart and taped and wrapped them all together. You might say, why do I let her near it?? Well, she loves to walk all over my desk, I have toys everywhere for her on it, and she walks on my answering machine and reaches over for the cord before I catch her!:evil: :evil:
  9. Talon tells us to "Step Up" when she wants to be moved from one place to another....lazy bird........she has wings, she COULD fly!! She'll also say, "Thirsty Bird" because she knows we will pick her up and take her into the kitchen to get her a drink! (even tho she has one right next her on her playstand!) :silly:
  10. Talon has chewed through more wires on my desk, than I can count. Luckily, she was fine, mostly I catch her just as she has chewed the rubber/plastic coating on them, but on occasion, she has chewed and broken the wires. It's hard to watch her when I'm working every second. I've replaced SO many cords. I just bought cord covers, and black duct tape, and spent Saturday covering everything with both, so I can catch her before she does any real damage. :evil: :evil:
  11. We water down apple juice so that is is 50/50. Talon drink a lot of that. She especially loves it with ice cubes in it! :pinch:
  12. Well, maybe the information I read was incorrect. They are magnificent animals. So large for a cat. How big is yours?
  13. This is a very informative book that has a variety of topics, such as care, feeding, socializing, behavior issues, breeding, the care of babies, etc. The author is Fran Gonzalez Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/07/31 04:03<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/07/31 05:20
  14. Talon loves any kind of juice, except orange juice. She will suck the juice out of a grape, a cherry, watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, anything that has juice!:blink:
  15. Judy is right. If you aren't reinforcing the sound, he will forget about it. That happens even with words, if I don't say the same phrases every once in a while, Talon will forget and not say it anymore. :silly:
  16. Very interesting topic Judy. :cheer: I am the baby of the family, and have one sister 4 years older. No other sisters, or brothers. But I always wanted a little brother to boss around like my sister did to me! :silly:
  17. That's what I'd like to know... Does anyone know that human grade peanuts are safer? :dry:
  18. I have to say that I totally disagree with you Beccy. I've had Talon since she was 8 1/2 weeks old, and never had a problem with her being too dependent on me. I believe it really depends on their personality. AS I said previously, I've never had a problem with Talon not wanting to be in her cage. In fact, I feel badly when she IS in her cage for more than 3 hours! Sure there has been an occasion where she did what Dan said, and not wanted to go in her cage, trying to get out before her door is closed, but that's where she learns that I'm in charge, not her. After a minute, she goes off playing.
  19. That's pretty cool Tricky. A red one....nice! I had read that maine coon cats are not good with children, and since I have 4, I thought it better not to get one until they are all grown.
  20. Paully, you and Rocky were in my thoughts all day today. I am so very happy & relieved for you both! Please, please, take what ever precautions you need to so this doesn't happen again.. Please tell us how you got him back. It will be great advice to share with others when something like this happens again, and unfortunately we all know we will once again read a story like yours, and pray for the happy ending you & Rocky were so lucky to have.
  21. There seems to be a lot of discrepancy about feeding peanuts in the whole shell to birds. I have researched this on other forums, and can't seem to find the answer. Could anyone please clarify if the human grade peanuts are safe? I know peanuts can have a fungus in the shells, but I have read many different opinions about bird vs. human grade. I would think both had the same risk. Does anyone here know the correct answer to this? :dry:
  22. Tricky, He's adorable!! I love cats, and have always wanted a maine coon cat. Will he stay that color? I've never seen a maine coon that color. He's so sweet. I'm very happy for you. Just keep him away from your birdB) s!!
  23. Interesting, I have always allowed Talon to be out of her cage as much as possible, when someone is home. She rarely spends time in her cage, unless I have to go out. There have been days when she's been in it most of the entire day. She seems very easy going about it, and doesn't mind being putin her cage, or left there. She has fun playing with her toys, and even will venture in when we are home to play. I can put her on the top if I want so I can have my time without her, she's fine just hanging out.
  24. Tuckr, Welcome to our family. I'm glad you joined! Can't wait to hear more about your baby! Keep us posted! :)
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