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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Makena, That was very cute! Thanks for sharing that. I love the dog barking!!:cheer: :cheer:
  2. I have a very different opinion than the others here. I think the bird is pretty in spite of it's appearance. He looks very unhappy, that could be fixed with a lot of TLC. I would not shy away from the bird because of a bacterial infection. Talon came to us with one at 9 weeks old, and we kept it in under control and it went completely away with the use of homeopathic methods, used under the direction and advice of our avian vet, and not the use of medications. It did take longer, as she had it for several months, but she looked as healthy as any other TAG here, her entire life. I would pay $400 to take that bird away and rescue it from it's owners. With care, it will most likely become as healthy and sweet as possible. And in the event that something unthinkable happened, at least you have given that bird the best chance at life as possible. I do agree the eyes look different, but it's still a sweet lovable bird.
  3. Christina, That is a very funny story! :laugh: :laugh: I'm happy for the laugh tonight!
  4. Tari, they are so cute! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. I love the names you chose!!
  5. Hi & Welcome! Glad you joined our family. There is lots of great info here and very caring members. A DNA test is very simple when done properly with their nail. It may be sore for a day or so, but then they are fine. I think it's much easier than through a vein.
  6. Have you ever tried Turnips greens, or Kale? Talon loves both.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/08 02:20
  7. Very nice Loviechick, Thanks for sharing them with us!
  8. Makena, Great pictures!! I enjoyed them very much! :cheer:
  9. Sherri, Welcome! I am so glad to hear that all is well! We appreciate the update. When a bird on this forum has an issue of any type, we are all concerned and do worry about each others birds. SO, the update is GREAT news! Thank you! I look forward to hearing more about you and seeing pictures!! :cheer:
  10. What a cute story! I love that! :cheer: Judy, does Josey talk in a southern accent? :P<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/07 14:58
  11. Oh, Tricky, you make me want one right now.........
  12. Yes, Connie, the fumes would be very toxic to our birds. You really need a separate studio to do that in. But it is very beautiful!
  13. Oh, I'm so happy for you!! Two weeks will go quickly. Are you are ready for him? Don't forget the camera...we want pictures! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  14. Dan, Twisting words are we??? {Feel-good-0002006E}
  15. Pancakes are fine. Talon eats them when we have them. She also loves waffles! Just watch the syrup, too much sugar is not good for them.
  16. BEAR Meat? I never new people ate bear. I have had Ostrich meat though, it's supposed to be healthier than beef from a cow. It was a steak and did taste okay, I just didn't like the thought of that poor ostrich that had lived down the street from my house at an ostrich farm. Judy, New Hampshire is so close to where I live. You should come with him and stop by for a visit!<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/06 04:25
  17. Talon

    frozen grapes

    These are great ideas! Talon loves to hold an ice cube and eat it! I never thought to put something in it! Thanks for the suggestions! :)
  18. Talon

    Bird Recipes

    Beccy, that sounds yummy! I definitely will try that one! Thank you for sharing that. Karma for you! :cheer:
  19. There sure is a lot of love in this forum!! We all seem to love each others birds as well as our own! What a lucky place to be, here in this forum with such a great family! {Love-0002011E}
  20. Talon

    Tricks = Karma

    Talon has a few tricks, one of course is the most recent I posted, about her saying her name, "Talon" and then saying "T A L O N!. If you ask her what a chicken says, she'll say, "Bawk, Bawk, Bawk!" She also will say, "Peek a boo" when you put your hands over your face and open them. And my very favorite is to say "Good Bird" and give you a kiss every time you pick her up! :P
  21. I wonder about the box of sand. It sounds like a neat idea....does anyone know if they would eat the sand?
  22. Talon

    attention seeking

    Readz, Welcome to our family. Sounds like you have a lovely grey! Right now, just love, comfort, and attention so you two can bond. Don't worry about the training, that will come and be much easier once you two have formed a bond. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photo's!
  23. Pryde, She is gorgeous! That second picture sure is a nice one!! You take very nice photos! Can't wait to see more! :woohoo:
  24. Hi Beccy, I teach many different types of dance, tap, ballet, jazz, etc, things like that. I have also taught baton, so I too was a majorette in school. Which reminds me of a story about my sister. She was doing a solo and twirling fire baton at a Thanksgiving Football game one year, and while she was twirling, one of the fire ends went flying off the baton, and flew into the crowd! Luckily no one was hurt, but it made for an exciting halftime!!:woohoo: :woohoo: :side: :silly:
  25. Tricky, that's a great name for such a magnificent animal. I think it is very fitting! I would love to hold a cat that big! One day.............I'll have one!! {Feel-good-000200A2}
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