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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Yup! Talon wants to pull your teeth out if you let her. {Characters-0002005B}
  2. Hi Mark, She is a beauty!! I personally hope you get to keep her. Yes, I would bring her into the house, and isolate her away from Kip for 45 days. I just took one of our keets to the vet, $90 later.....and his gram stain came back with a high number of bacteria being present, so he is on antibiotics for 10 days. Our vet said still to keep him quarantined for the full 45 days away from Talon, so that is what I am doing. Good luck, and please keep us posted on how things are going! You have such a warm and caring heart to take her and hopefully give her a loving home. Karma to you!!:cheer: :cheer:
  3. Hey, we've been hijacked by a man here. What are you girls going to do about it? :ohmy: And I recognize each one of us in those chairs.....:ohmy: B) :laugh: :cheer: :woohoo: :pinch:
  4. Welcome Gazza to our family. I'm sure we can help you with anything you may need to know. We're happy you joined. Looking forward to hearing more. Please post a picture in the "What do you look like thread" when you can. We love to put faces to our members.
  5. A new way to describe the birds and bees... A little boy goes to his father and asks "Daddy, how was I born?"? The father answers: "Well son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said: "You've got male!"<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/27 02:56
  6. Talon

    fruit pot!

    Very funny story, Dan. Thanks for sharing that with us!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  7. Mark, I would have loved to seen that on video! :woohoo: I'm glad you caught it. You do have to keep it quarantined from your grey for 45 days. I just went through this with 2 parakeets that I bought at the pet store. You can bring it into the house, but keep it in a room where you can keep the door closed away from your grey. Our vet suggested the bathroom if need be. Good luck, and I hope you find it's owner.
  8. Wow! Talon loves the peanuts in the shell. She likes to break them open and let the peanuts fall on the floor. She now loves almonds, as I stopped giving her peanuts about a year ago. But she still does not like pine nuts! :blink:
  9. We do have bacteria in our saliva that is harmful to our birds. Most avian vets will tell you to refrain from kissing them on the beak, as well as not allowing them to play with our teeth, eating off our utensils, and drinking from our cups.
  10. Wow! Thanks for the great advice!! :cheer:
  11. Spooky, I love that!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  12. Really, I'm sure CD has looked, where's his smart-ass comment? Oops, did I say that, sorry girls...I know FAMILY FORUM! :whistle:
  13. Talon only likes the shelled ones. So I have been giving her almonds in the shell as a substitute.
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANK! I hope you have a wonderful day! It is your birthday, and you deserve nothing but the best today. I hope it’s all you want and more!! Enjoy your day!! Love you, Sweetie! Penny Let’s all wish Frank, aka CeasarsDad, a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And may it be the best birthday yet!!
  15. Beccy, this is excellant! I have 2 great tricks that Talon does. I have them on video, but having trouble with my camera getting it on my computer, but I'll get it done! GREAT IDEA! This is fun, I can't wait to see all the fun things! :woohoo: :woohoo: Karma for you for thinking this up! :cheer:
  16. Talon

    My Grey

    Toni, Talon started saying words at 4 1/2 months, so don't be surprised, he sounds like an early talker! Yes, CD's advice is the best. I did the same with Talon and she is much more social with strangers than most greys. People coming and going here in my house really doesn't phase her. She will also perch on there arm for a short time. Take her out as much as possible in the car. They love it, if done so early on.
  17. I won't look at that link, nor will I take part in any discussion on this subject. That's how I feel about this thread. Different beliefs and opinions are what we are all about in this world. I respect everyone here for their opinions whether I agree or disagree.
  18. Welcome to our family, we have a welcome room, we'd love for you to post an introduction in. It is wonderful that you are taking the initiative on helping your granda's bird. They are often very scared of new things. So maybe just leaving a new toy hanging around near her cage for several days or more, will help her to get used to it. If you make a big deal out of it, and pretend to play with it, that helps as well. In the meantime, give her whatever she likes to play with. Does she get any out of cage time? She needs that as well. As far as her diet, introduce her to foods that you eat, and hand feed them to her as you are eating them.Good luck, please keep us posted.
  19. Yes, he needs to be seen by an avian vet if possible. Something is not right, and I would keep at it until you find out what it is. Please keep us posted.
  20. Yes, they are called flour/grain moths. We have them as well. You do need to keep your bird food stored in the fridge. Air tight containers don't work, as the lava is already present in the seed, and it will hatch if left at room temperature for a long period of time. Judygram is correct, the best way to rid them, is to use the moth traps. You can purchase them at the pet store, or the supermarket. They are very cheap. IN the mean time, the fastest way at my house to get rid of them, is to leave a glass of apple juice out on the counter/table wherever. They are attracted to it, and in the am, they will be quite a few in the glass, you can leave it there for a couple of days,just dump it out, and start again. They tend to come out in the evenings, and prefer to land on anything that is white. So they will appear on white things ceilings, walls, etc. In the mean time, try to find the source, that means really inspecting the foods you have, and getting rid of any signs of them. And ESPECIALLY, change the birds food daily. good luck to you, it takes a while to get rid of them all, but it can be done by being persistent.
  21. Hi Dennis, Thank you for posting a photo of you. It's great to see what our members look like. I look forward to hearing all you have to share with us after 14 years. You must have some great experiences and advice!
  22. Makena, that's a great check up! You two are wonderful parents! I'm sure you'll get the lice problem taken care of quick enough, good luck with that. Let us know how it goes. :dry:
  23. My vet always says to keep our birds out of the cold draft. It's too hard on them, and they are more apt to come down with a respiratory infection. But others here may have different advice and information.
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