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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon

    Nail care

    Hi Laurie, I have had to have Talon's nails trimmed 3 times already, she will chew on them sometimes if she is bored, and they can get razor sharp. I try the emery board, and have the same luck as you. Maybe someone here has better advice.
  2. Tracy is way too smart, and outwits us all the time. But seriously, Tracy is a great asset to us, she has a great sense of humor, a broad base of knowledge, and she is a very caring woman. But those off-topic police she has and their radar scares me......:ohmy:
  3. Joe, hope she is on the mend now. Chicken soup is the best. I bet she'll get better sooner at home anyways. Keep us posted, and give her get well wishes from me.
  4. Red Palm oil is great for helping feathers to be healthy and shiny. You only need a 1/4 of tsp. in her food daily. You'll notice a big improvement in a couple of weeks.
  5. I agree with the others. You have made the right decision for both you and your future bird, if you wait until you are more settled in your own home. Keep researching and learning, and no doubt you'll be the best grey owner yet!
  6. Ooh! Fillet Mignon is my very favorite. Thanks Dan, I'm having leftovers tonight, now I want to go out instead.
  7. Talon

    Cuttle Bone

    Nice work Dan as always. Give yourself a pat on the back!! Talon does have a cuttle bone, and likes to chew on it occasionally. I think she needs the calcium, as she's not big on veggies still. So I keep it in her play cage for that reason.
  8. It's great that Meeka is settling in so nicely. Dan is right, it will only get better. Thanks for the update. Keep us informed, and don't be such a stranger around here!! :cheer:
  9. Oliver, that's so exciting! I'm very happy for you. He must really love you!
  10. Most greys don't like to be patted Brett. Some do, but most don't. You may have one, like I do, that doesn't want to be touched. So, it's best to respect it's wishes, and not try to pet it. He will learn to trust you much quicker and be less apt to bite I hope!
  11. That's true Tari, but we as adults can better protect ourselves. Our kids only have us to do that for them, and have to be taught. That was a very good teaching lesson that you posted, and there is definitely a lesson in it for all of us. Karma for you on reminding us to be careful.
  12. Oh, that's great! 22 grams is small, but I'm sure in no time, you'll have her nice and plump! I could use any advice you have on training them to be handled. We just recently got 2 and they don't want us touching them.
  13. Hi Brett, I have 4 kids, ages 8,12,15 & 18. My 12 year old has gotten bit a lot. He doesn't do anything wrong, so he knows how you feel. My advice to you would be to approach him slowly, and keep your hands down by your side or hidden from him. They usually bite out of fear, so even though you do nothing wrong, he is nervous enough that he's unsure around you, and will bite for that reason. You could try approaching him slowly with a treat or a toy. Sometimes they just want to be left alone and can't tell kids that, so they will bite to communicate that. Also if he knows you will yell or cry, or make any sound when he bites, it will become a game to him and it will continue. I know it's hard, but in time it will get better if you give no acknowledgment to his biting. Good luck, and listen to your Mom. She's a smart lady! BRETT, please join our "Parrot-Bite Me Club". There are a lot of us members there. You earned it!! Tell your mom to check it out! You won't feel so bad after reading our stories, you're not alone.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/31 03:28
  14. Any updates Mark? How's that sweet birdie doing? :cheer:
  15. Talon

    Peanut butter?

    I give Talon peanut butter on toast every morning for breakfast. (we share it) It has protein in it and fat. Just don't overdue it because of the fat. I have found if I spread it too thick, she has problems, so now I spread it thinner, and she loves it.
  16. Hi Razza and Welcome to the family. I live about 2 hours away from you. So Hi Neighbor! If you need help with the photo's, pm me and I can help you. But if you read on the FAQ page, it will explain how to post a photo. Good luck, and I look forward to hearing more!!
  17. Talon

    My Grey

    Toni, I hope things move along quickly. He is still young. You want to make sure he eating well before he comes home, so you don't have any problems and have to bring him back for a bit. That would be too hard on both of you. Hang in there, and please ask about the once a day feeding, sounds like maybe he needs more.:dry:
  18. Spooky, thank you for the link. It's very informative. MrSpock, thats a beautiful play stand you have built. I wish I had someone who could build one for Talon. You do very nice work. Thanks for sharing a photo of it.
  19. OMG! That's my favorite, how did you know? I munch on them at night while I am here. B)
  20. Very funny!! {Feel-good-0002006E} Getting kind of bossy there are you? :laugh: :laugh: (Only kidding!)
  21. Dan, now that's what I'm talking about, and I always tell the truth. B) And as long as you are sweet like that, you can post here, after all, I am an admin, and I can delete your posts if I don't like them....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :P
  22. It rains, and never stops, you float away hanging onto Josey's cage and a handsome prince rescues you, only to drowned before that first kiss. I wish Judy would stop posting for a bit, and let the rest of us catch up! :laugh: :woohoo: :silly: :side: :whistle:
  23. I live next door to a mung bean sprout factory, they sprout their own. You would think that Talon eats them all the time since they are so available to me, but I've never fed them to her. I think I'd better take a walk over and get some fresh ones. I don't have to sprout them!!
  24. I'm hesitant because it seems like their feet are the first thing to get warm. I was afraid it would get too warm for them. I don't think it's really necessary. I live in New England where the winters farmhouse can be very cold, and Talon seems to do fine just with the house temperature.
  25. We all love good looking men, especially those that shower us with attention. I think Dan's finally catching on girls!! :P
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