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Everything posted by Talon

  1. wow! You are soooo brave. I would never trust my cats near my birds unless I have a hand on them (cats)at all times. All it takes it one swipe and the bird is a gone.
  2. Thanks for the great advice Mark & Traci. As you know we recently purchased 2 parakeets, and are working on these very same issues. Now we really have a game plan. Thank you!
  3. Thank you Tracy. I have seen them, and so use them to attach toys as well. I never thought to use then to secure the doors. I will now. Thank you for this, I'm sure it helped prevent any more accidents.
  4. Oh Dan, I am so very, very sorry. My heart breaks for you & Kim. I know you are doing everything humanely possible to find Jake. Please don't give up hope. He's probably tougher than you realize. Yes, I have always felt the way Monique does. You should never take your bird outside unless he is harnessed or in a carrier. When they are frightened, they are able to fly like you've never seen, even if they are clipped. Fear does that to them, so Dan, Kim, don't give up. My thoughts and prayer are with you. Please keep us posted when you are able, and thank you for having the strength to share this with us. We are all here for you.
  5. Friends? :huh: what friends? :dry: I have friends? :ohmy: :laugh: B) :laugh:
  6. {Feel-good-0002006E} Judy!
  7. Monique wrote: Isn't that the only kind of bird to have? I think we all have spoiled birds! :P
  8. Wow....that's a relief! Phew! Those police really make me nervous these days. Perhaps that box could go in Spookyhurst's cage......hmmm......they might just get chewed to bits!! :evil: :evil: AND BY THE WAY.......I'M NOT OFF TOPIC AGAIN, I'M STILL TALKING BOXES HERE! B) :woohoo:
  9. I agree with Judy. You need to let her establish trust with you. Don't force her to be picked up until she is more relaxed and settled in.
  10. Kathy, I'm so very happy for you. Sounds like that was just the right door that opened for you and Lulu. She sounds like a real sweetheart. I hope you have time to post a picture soon!! That's a lot of questions! Don't worry about the cover reaching all the way to the bottom of the cage. I use a navy blue sheet to cover Talons cage. You can mix the pellets with the veggies, if you want, some birds like that, but I would also offer her a separate bowl for her pellets, as the veggies will go bad much quicker than the pellets. It sounds like she is feeling very content with you. I wouldn't worry too much, she'll sense your nervousness. I'm sure you will be a perfect parent to her. Remember, no apple seeds, as they are toxic for them. Please keep us updated if you can tear yourself away for a few...
  11. Yes, good luck Tracy! :cheer: And I want to sit,drink strawberry daiquiri's and watch Judy clean your aviaries, while Joe is cooking. After all...isn't that what admin's do? :woohoo: :side: :silly: :laugh: B)<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/09/02 03:07
  12. Okay, Melissa.....did you post that joke because it was YOUR mother?? !!!! Cause if you did, I think you're going to have extra chores this week........:evil: You know I'm only kidding, I'll give those extra chores to your brother! :woohoo: Tari, that was a great one!! :laugh: :laugh:
  13. Talon

    Toilet training

    Yes, Judy is correct. Please look over this thread, and you will find more advice here. B) http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/27204-potty-training-for-real.html#27204
  14. Tari gives you great advice. They seem to like the company of each other, I would hate to see you take that away. Follow Tari's advice, and things I'm sure will turn around.
  15. Tracy, that is a great play stand. I have one almost like it for Talon. I too purchased it on ebay. I keep it in my office, but she prefers my desk!! Looks like your greys like it! Thanks for the pictures!
  16. Yes, I would have the vet check him to be certain that things are okay. You have to be careful of infection if nothing else. And I would never let him out unsupervised with another bird. :dry: Please keep us updated on his condition and what the vet report is.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/09/02 02:23
  17. Aaah....Spooky, that is so cute! What a smart & clever birdie!! {Nature-0002008E}
  18. You are too funny Josh!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  19. Tracy, Thank you for starting another very good thread! You have taught us so much, in many different areas, in just the short time you have been moderator of this room. I'm very proud of all the hard work you have put into this job. Yes, we don't get monetary rewards for all we do here, but the wonderful feeling you get in knowing that you have helped someone increase their knowledge here, can not be measured in with any amount of money. (and I know, the off-topic police are out again, trust me, they know where to find me, they follow me everywhere!):pinch:
  20. Just wanted to give you all an update. CD is expected back on Sunday night. I know everyone is missing him as much as I am. So we hopefully will see him back here on Monday. I am looking forward to his return. He has a lot of catching up to do. But Ladies, let's see if he can stay out of the "One for the Girls Only" Thread........I bet NOT! :laugh: :laugh:
  21. Congratulations! I'm very happy for you. You can use this time wisely to do all the research you can, and hopefully the time will pass quicker!! Keep those pictures coming! I love to see them!!
  22. She really only eats 2 colors out of the zupreems, and I don't like them because of the artificial coloring and preservatives. I have yet to try the Pretty bird pellets, I will look for them. Right now, she eats the Forti-Diet by Kaytee, but she will not eat the sunflower seeds, peanuts, or the big stuff. She prefers the small stuff that is in the bag.
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