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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Tracy, I would love to see what the plastic rings look like, if you have a photo to post. I think it's a must after reading these very tragic stories.
  2. Hi, and Welcome to Tonto! I love that name! I look forward to seeing pictures soon.
  3. Tracy is full of fun & great ideas! (but don't worry, you can never run out of compliments!)
  4. Tracy, a great idea! You're pizza looks so yummy!
  5. OMG! What a horrible tragedy! I have the very same cage, but I have a weight that I put on the top so it can't be lifted from the inside or the outside unless a human does it. (It's because I have a very strong cat that lives on birds for breakfast) The cage top always looked like it would open too easily to please me. Thank you for sharing this story in hopes that it saves even one birds life if not many. My thoughst & prayers go out to this poor owner.
  6. I love to read for pleasure. My favorite author is James Patterson. I enjoy murder mysteries. I also enjoy, Kay Hooper, Mariah Stewart, Sandra Brown, J.A. Jance, Alex Kava, Harlon Coben and Lisa Jackson. I read all of Stephen Kings earlier books up until the ones he wrote after 2000. I never enjoyed John Grisham's books though. This is a great idea for a topic! :cheer:
  7. Yes Zooky, how are you doing? :huh: My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  8. That's very exciting! Now let the fun begin.....:silly:
  9. Talon

    Rope toys

    Monique, is it the coiled type? If it is, those are very safe. Talon has those everywhere in our house, and I've only replaced 1 in the last 2 years, and that's only because the ends came off the holders. It's the hanging loose ones that are of concern.
  10. Talon

    Rope toys

    Good Decision Dan. We've had too many close calls with rope toys to leave them unsupervised.
  11. I still can't get Talon to eat Harrison's, and I've been trying for over 6 months. I guess I should give up and try a variety......we have tried Goldenobles, she won't touch them either. Any suggestions.....anyone?
  12. Wow! That must have been some birthday party! :woohoo: I would have loved to see your face when she opened up that present. And I'm sure you'll keep ALL the boys away with your Mr. Frocker image. :laugh: :laugh: (Sorry, off-topic police, I couldn't resist) Yes, now where were we........oh, right! Boxes, yes We have many, but Talon doesn't like them (again) How's that! :silly:
  13. Yes, Makena Talon took also took many days to get used to just being close to the harness, never mind allowing us to put it on. we still can't do that. But give her time, and she will get used to looking at it, and chewing on it!
  14. Makena, YES! Cd still needs more pictures. That one of Makena is a very nice one and will look great in the new video!
  15. My opinion is to leave the name as is. That's what he knows, and it sounds like he's had a lot of stress and many adjustments already in his short life. It might just be one more confusing thing for him to try and adapt to. I'm sure others have different opinions.
  16. Hi Tiny, and Welcome to our family. You will love it here. I look forward to hearing more about you both and seeing pictures. You should look around, there are a lot of good threads here that will answer most of your questions. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Everyone here is very nice, and has great advice.
  17. Lovemygreys wrote: Some people really need to get a life.....measuring boxes Dan.......really now. take Kim out for dinner & a movie instead! And I will keep this on topic, I live in fear of those Off-topic Police that Tracy has hidden, they seem to follow me everywhere. Talon does not like boxes, only little pieces of cardboard. She's scared of the boxes.
  18. The bottle gyms sound like fun for greys. I'm not sure about all he says about them, but they do sound like good chewing fun! Pretty pricey though.
  19. I love your emoticons Tracy!!! They are so very cute! And put those little off-topic police guys back in the closet, I am on topic......Free is good! Emoticons are free!!:laugh:
  20. Talon

    Nail care

    How True! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  21. Dan, don't you know by now. that I have you targeted as being the one to blame for everything? :laugh: :laugh: Just kidding, but you did bring up the Fillet Mignon.....:whistle:
  22. I cover Talon at night. We always have. Works best for us, as she sleeps in my 18 year old son's room, and he is up all hours of the night on his computer. :pinch:
  23. I know that we have threads for each and every one of your questions here. All of them of which I have already posted and answered. So I'll pass on the repeat posting. If you do a search you will even see pictures of everyones cage that have posted. That answers a lot of your questions. Their are some beautiful cages here, you really should check it out!
  24. Talon

    Rope toys

    I use the rope toys, but, not in the cage. Talon has a few she plays with on her play stands, and I have seen her get her foot stuck many times, and one time got her head stuck, and needed my help to rescue her. So. I don't think you are being overprotective, just a very conscientious mommy! B)
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