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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Yup Kim. Judy is right as always. That's what most of us do, put our greys on our desks or shoulders and type! We have missed you, and I know you've been busy, but take some time for yourself, and give us a post or two occasionally. :cheer:
  2. Wow! That's a lot of well researched information. Very good! Thank you. This should be written in an article and put in the FAQ section. Anyone??? :huh:
  3. Thank you for the pictures. He/she is adorable. I know you can't wait, and I'm getting excited for you. Keep us posted, and more pictures as he/she gets bigger!!
  4. Well, here's my opinion although no one asked. I shut the video off after 1/2 way through!! :angry: It's very sad, that such a sweet intelligent bird is saying such filth like that. He is much smarter than that! Any grey can easily say over 2000 words. It's not that hard to teach them, so teaching them to swear has no credibility in my book. We don't allow any swearing in my home because Talon will be smarter than to talk like a dumb uneducated human being. :angry:
  5. I would start with the fine pellets first. The coarse will be too hard for them in the beginning. Some greys never like the coarse. It's okay to feed them the fine foe as ling as they like.
  6. That's great to hear Falconeer! Keep up the good work!
  7. Chris, Welcome to our family. I look forward to hearing more and seeing some photo's. You'll love it here. everyone is very caring and respectful. You'll learn a lot!:cheer:
  8. I just wanted to share something that I was excited about. Yesterday in between checks on Dan, Kim & Jake, my husband and I put a new full length storm door on the front of our house. We haven't had a storm door on there since we got Talon 2 years ago. Today when I opened the front door, you could see the entire outside. Something Talon has never seen from her play perch. As soon as I swung the inside door all the way open, she looked out, then said, "Whach you do?" It was the cutest thing! Only a few times has she ever asked me a question. One other time, I left her perched up on the shower rod, she refused to get down. When I went to get her a few minutes later, she said, "There you are!" Needless to say, I was quite excited by having an actual interaction with her, something besides just repeating words.:woohoo:
  9. Yes, please read the previous posts. He is safe & sound back at home.
  10. Thanks Tari, I guess it was a dove after all. But I wonder if it was a pet. It really seemed to pay attention to me when I spoke to it.
  11. Wow Dan, what a story! That is incredible what you two went through. I am so proud of the both of you for not giving up on him. Thank you for sharing in such detail your nerve wracking experience. I felt I was there with you the entire time. My entire day revolved around my constant worry for you three, and updates from Kim. Please thank her for me. The wondering was hard for us members, and her updates helped us to send our positive thoughts to you guys. I'm so happy it was a happy ending!! :)
  12. Hi Zooky, I'm glad you came back with an update on yourself and Mende. I think whatever decision you make will be the right one for the two of you. You have my support regardless. Please keep us informed. We all care so much about our "special" Mende!
  13. Hi & Welcome! I look forward to hearing more about you. Judy has great advice! Look around and tell us more about yourself.
  14. Okay, thank everyone for your input. We've never seen a big white one like that before. Especially one that seemed like it wanted to befriend us. It stayed for over an hour there, until a hawk tried to scoop it up. Then it took off!
  15. Tari, I knew something was up when I pm'd you the other day. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother-in-law. Please give my condolences to your husband as well. Don't worry about us here, we will be here for you, and will keep an eye on things as well. You just take care of yourself and your family.
  16. Very Nice CD! :cheer: Those are the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen. The ones of the birds are so crystal clear, and the shots of the different flying positions are amazing to see. You really captured something that the human eye can't. That's such a gift you have, and to share it with us, is a gift in itself. I thank you for taking the time (and I know it takes time) to share with us your well deserved vacation. Some of us have never experienced a cruise to the different islands, but we did tonight through your eyes. You are a very special & giving, person. Thank you, Penny
  17. Are you guys sure about the dove? It had a db. beak and dove's don't have one. It was also 3 times larger than Talon. It was quite large, that was what threw us off. Any other suggestions?
  18. Dan & Kim, This is wonderful news!! I have been following your posts all day via my blackberry, as I couldn't be near my computer. I am so excited, relived and happy for you. You must be ecstatic!! I know you both must be emotionally exhausted, and I hope you will post the entire rescue story after you have had some time to rest and relax, and tend to Jake. Thank you for THE BEST NEWS!! {Communicate-0002011B}
  19. Yes Mark, I like your idea about a bird net. It might just work if you can use it without scaring them. You just need the right technique, I'm sure Dan can figure that out.
  20. Yes Kim. I'm so happy you've seen him. Follow Tracy's advice. Put his cage as close to him as you can without startling him. Keep talking to him and coaxing him down. Put his favorite things to eat out, maybe even on your hand and try and entice him. He wants to go home, you just have to reassure him that it is safe to do so. Keep at it,your patience will pay off in the long run. Don't leave him even for a second. He really needs you now. He's probably scared to death. Good luck! I'll be praying you get him soon.
  21. Judy, Talon talks non-stop! And I love every minute of it, I never want her to stop!
  22. Those are great ideas about the palm oil. It does have a strong flavor that the don't seem to like, I'll try it on toast this am and see it that works better.
  23. Kay, there are 6 of us in my family. I do all the care and feeding for our grey. She loves to be with all of us for different reasons, but she does the exact same thing to my son that she does to your husband.. He has never done anything but be nice to her, and she will go after him. I'm not so sure I agree about the one person bonding, as it is not the case in my house. Talon doesn't seem to have a favorite, but she definitely thinks it's fun to go after my son, as she will laugh after. I have yet to figure out how to stop it.:dry:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/09/02 14:51
  24. Thanks Josh! I needed that! And Tracy, I like the way you think.....{Feel-good-0002006B}
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