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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Congratulations! She is beautiful...I'm glad all is going so well. Thank you for the picture, she looks very curious.
  2. I do know of someone who takes their grey to a classroom. I know she had to have all the parents sign a waiver. She took her bird there about 2-3 times a week, so as not to overwhelm the bird. I think it would be very nice, you just have to remember to have very close supervision, as bites can be very serious. :unsure:
  3. Nice Heather! I like that, probably a lot of truth to that too.:unsure:
  4. Steve, glad to hear that so far so good. Give her our best wishes. When you put Buddy into his cage, immediately reward him with a treat that you give him in the other hand. That usually helps, I give Talon an uncooked egg noodle, or a nutraberry, whatever Buddy likes and doesn't get often. Good luck, and I hope it helps! Thanks for the update, and keep it coming!
  5. Judy is right, I missed the first two, I guess you know where my head is today.....:laugh: :laugh:
  6. Hi Eve, and Welcome! You will love it here. It sounds like with 3 greys, you are busy. I look forward to hearing more! Welcome again to our family!! :)
  7. There in love..............{Love-00020118}
  8. Makena, Hello and Welcome to our family! I can feel the love you have for you grey in your post. What a lucky bird!! You'll love it here, this is the best forum and we really are a family. Anything you need, you'll find right here, or else someone will find it for you. Looking forward to hearing more, and seeing photo's. Please post a photo when you can, in the Grey Owner,What Do You Look Like thread! :cheer: :cheer:
  9. Steve, My thoughts and prayers will be with Mandi today. I ope all goes well, and she's able to come home soon. Please give her our love, and update us tonight. Thanks, Penny
  10. This is so cute! I thought everyone here might enjoy reading this. Hey, those of you that have young greys, try it, you may still have time!:cheer:
  11. Talon likes to have a little toast with peanut butter on it for breakfast. She loves it, I only give her a little because there is a lot of fat in it.
  12. I wonder about the pine pitch that they can have on them. Very messy and hard to remove. Talon would hate to have a sticky talon!! :pinch: :pinch:
  13. I thought it was time to bring this thread back. Does give these to their greys to use as toys or treats?
  14. Here is a picture of the Red Grey Factor. Does anyone here have a grey with this on it? <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/02 02:35
  15. Kathy, that is a beautiful cage. He's a lucky bird to have so much room. He'll be happier for it!:cheer:
  16. Talon

    Bird Recipes

    Very good Thread Lidia!! :cheer: Come on everyone, can't wait to see your ideas!!
  17. Talon

    My Grey

    Toni, it sounds like it could be very soon. You are lucky, sounds like a very sweet bird you have. Are you ready for her at home? It could be just days, it's really up to the bird.
  18. Toni, He might expect it every time, if that becomes the routine in your home. You should vary it if that's not what you want.
  19. Hi Gloria! I have a potty basket for Talon that I use. I put a puppy pad in it, and it makes clean up easy. She will perch on the handle, and then go. As long as I watch for the signs, she will go there if I put her there. The earlier you start, the better!
  20. Hi Donna, Welcome! Give Capricorn time, he's still adjusting. Show no fear or hesitation towards him. Try bringing a treat every time you go near him. Keep us posted. Glad you have joined our family, and I look forward to seeing and hearing more! Don't forget the photos! We love em!! :cheer:
  21. Heather, beautiful pictures! I especially love the one in the camera lens. Thanks for sharing them with us! He is soooo tiny!! I love it!:cheer:
  22. Julie, in the wild they use their beaks to break open hard nuts, and to chew on things, forage for food. They really can take a beating, and they wear them down in the wild. In captivity, they don't have to work to get at their food, so their beak tends to not get as worn as it should. Our vet recommends you give them hard toys to forage with, putting treats in them so they have the opportunity to grind their beak down themselves.
  23. Just to clarify things....I use the 50/50 juice for Talon when ever she says "thirsty bird". I only leave fresh water on her play stand, and in her cages. She drinks her juice out of a cup, or our glass when it's meal time with us. Sorry about the confusion. And Yes Dan, you'll be wearing whatever they are eating, just like having a little baby around dropping food all over you! :pinch:
  24. Tatee, Welcome to our family, and Congratulations!! You are very lucky! And so is your new grey! Do you have a name picked out? I completely disagree about not allowing them to sit on your shoulder. I have our grey there as much as she wants, and she has never tried to bite us. She loves being there, and respects her position there. If he ever showed signs of getting fidgety, I put her elsewhere. She knows she has to be respectful of our shoulder time, so she is. I also allow her to be out of her cage as much as possible. So you will read very different opinions here, you do wha tworks best for you and your life style.
  25. Thanks for the pictures Tricky. I remember why I loved them so much! They're just beautiful animals.:cheer: :cheer:
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