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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Hi Steve. Welcome to our Family. Sounds like you have some experience to share with us. I look forward to hearing from you more. Don't be shy. Post away!!
  2. Hi Love, Welcome! I am happy to hear that you have rescued a much needed Grey. You sound like you are busy! I look forward to hearing more!
  3. Hi & Welcome to our family! I look forward to hearing more in your posts!!
  4. Bindi, Hi and welcome! I know you can't wait for that dream to come true. And come true it will!! Just stick around to share it with us!!
  5. Hi, Dawn, Welcome to our family. Sounds like you are busy, and have some fun stories to share with us. I look forward to hearing more. Please post some pictures when you can. We love to see them!
  6. danmcq wrote: Dan, I have said this many times before. Talon came to us with her wings clipped at a very young age. We let her wings grow out due to the fact that we have two bird eating cats that live in our house. It was for HER OWN SAFETY, that we allowed her wings to grow out. Being clipped, she could only fly and glide down to the floor. I feel that it would be NEGLIGENCE on my part, if I continued to clip her wings. If I had, she surely would be dead and eaten by now. Yes, we have all the other dangers you mention, such as, ceiling fans, stoves, doors, windows, etc. But I am better able to control those things, than I am 2 cats that have been with us for much longer than Talon. So it is really a matter of each individual weighing the risks in their home, and making a decision based on what is the best for their situation. One more thing, I watched Talon become a much happier bird once she could fly, her personality just bloomed, and I will never clip her wings again, even once our cats are gone. Yes, that is my OPINION, based on what is best for my situation regarding Talon.
  7. Good morning Joe. Hope all is well with you!!
  8. No, we have no troll. It was all a misunderstanding.:cheer:
  9. Just feeling the need to revive this thread as a reminder to ALL MEMBERS! PLEASE RESPECT EACH OTHERS DIFFERENT OPINIONS! Be Friendly in your Debates!
  10. Please let me correct you Rambo: ALEX stood for: Avian Learning EXperiment. Although I do agree with the feeling you seem to have. That Alex was overworked, and over trained. The things that Alex could do, doesn't happen easily. That takes consistency and hard work every day of his life. He did show signs of stress and frustration with his feather plucking. I feel that his training could have led to his untimely death. Not for the reasons that others say, as him being mistreated. I believe he was treated very well, had the best doctors, the best diet, the best care possible, the best interaction with humans that any Grey could possibly have, and lots of love from everyone he came in contact with. As far as how happy he appeared, he lived the only life he knew, and any bird who doesn't know any other life, will be happy with their life, just like all animals and birds. The truth is, we probably will never really know the real reason for his death. At this point, everything everyone here has to say about it is SPECULATION.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/09/15 21:55
  11. Very nice Joe! Great artwork and detail. I have a friend that was a warm up jockey for that horse. Your Dad had great taste! You enjoy horses too?
  12. Talon

    Rio is Home!!

    What a pretty bird! Thanks for the picture. Very nice colors as well. Congratulations!
  13. Hi & Welcome to our grey family! I look forward to hearing more.
  14. Hi & welcome to our family . Hope you stick around and keep us informed of your plans!!
  15. Yes, I agree that a cooling off period for this thread would be a good idea. However the Locking Thread Mechanism is still in the process of being "fixed". So until that time, let's all please be cordial here. And if you don't like this thread......DON'T POST IN IT ANYMORE!
  16. Yes, get him to a vet ASAP. Any vet is better than NO VET! If he APPEARS sick, then he is VERY VERY sick. Please don't hesitate, and keep us posted. Good Luck!
  17. Hi and Welcome to the family. Yes, I totally agree, BAD idea for both you and the safety of a bird to get one so young and unweaned. Especially for first time owners. Wait and find the perfect weaned baby. There is one out there for you. Good luck and keep us posted.
  18. Hi Kareema, Welcome to our family. You'll love it here. Lots to learn. Any questions, please post them if you can't find the answers here. Looking forward to hearing more about your grey...name...age..etc. Pictures? <br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2007/09/14 05:00
  19. Mouse pad chewed up Mouse scroll button chewed and taken apart daily 4 Electric stapler cords chewed Phone cord chewed Laptop keys chewed off Blackberry keys attempted to chew up Ipod chewed Pens & pencils Time cards and various other papers all chewed on the corners Perching on monitors and poop runs down the screen Toys all over desk File folders all chewed Envelopes all chewed Remote buttons all chewed Coated Paper clips chewed up Every paper on my desk chewed Bits of food all over All good reasons why you should keep your Grey OFF your desk! Too bad I never followed that rule, my desk looks just like I described! :pinch:
  20. Oh Mark! Isn't that the best feeling for both of you? Talon will do that all the time. When she flies to come find us, all you have to do is out your hand up and she will land on it. If we don't put our hand up, she will land on your shoulder. That's fun too! But wait until she lands on top of your head...OUCH! those claws!!!!:evil: Now that KIP has done that, she'll be more confident each time and do it always!! I'm very happy, it is sooo cool when they do that! B)
  21. Joe, these are great play stands. You do excellent work! Maybe you should hire Judy as your secretary, and start taking orders! :whistle:
  22. Talon

    visited Sky

    Hi Beccy. I'm sorry things didn't work out. But keep us posted, and I'm sure you'll find the baby that wasmeant for you!!
  23. Makena, those are great pictures!! Thanks for sharing them. You are very lucky that she likes a shower!
  24. Caspersmun, Welcome Back! I'm so happy all went well, and I bet Casper is so happy to see you! Congratulations on passing your exams!! {Communicate-000200D5}
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