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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talonsis found this link on her horse forum. Check it out, it is so cute, and notice the Grey in the background as well.! http://birdloversonly.blogspot.com/2007/09/may-i-have-this-dance.html
  2. Talon


    I had no problem opening the link.
  3. Loviechick. that's what I was hoping for. A weekly check in as to our ups and downs! I did have that extra cookie tonight, and an extra slice of pizza for dinner.....:ohmy: I'll have to run extra hard tomorrow because of it.
  4. What are you NUTS?! He should be doing all that for us!! {Emotions-00020075}
  5. Kristin, Beautiful pictures. He looks so happy. I'm glad you have him in a harness! Thanks for sharing them, you take such nice pictures, I enjoy them.
  6. Judy, thank you, but it is me that is happy for you. You had the guts to step up and start walking down this healthy road for YOURSELF! I am so proud you took that first step, which is the hardest. It will be a little easier each time. But remember, you will have set backs, and you will have days that you don't want to stay on the path to a healthier way of life, but make up your mind at that moment, that you are in charge of your body, and don't let it override that goal that you have set for yourself.....and if that doesn't work, call me, I'll convince you otherwise!!:evil: :evil:
  7. Hi Zarlock and Welcome! I am happy you had some time to stop in. I look forward to any advice you have. I'd love to hear more about all you do.
  8. Well, maybe we should spice it up a bit! Any ideas.....:whistle:
  9. Melissa, those are outstanding! Nice work!! I am so very proud of you, your photos just keep getting better and better. I see my investment into your love of photography is paying off.... ....that and a little help from a "special" friend, CD. B)
  10. Nice one Dan. You've redeemed yourself here!! {Characters-0002012F}
  11. Thanks Benny! Feel free to join in the fun! :woohoo:
  12. I have tried weaning Talon onto Harrison fine pellets since Feb, and have had no luck. I just got her onto Roudybush. Most birds do like the finer ones though.
  13. Tari, Beautiful goldfish. I need to go buy a couple more, as my older 2 just recently died. I am down to 3 now. I love Star! Thanks for shasing them. And I am pushing hard to get this strange occurrence with your account fixed. Let's hope this is a one time thing, and it doesn't ever happen again. If it does, I hope anyone having problems will pm me asap, so we can get it taken care of.:dry:
  14. Hi Mas and Welcome! I look forward to you sharing more as your bird grows. Pictures perhaps?
  15. WOW! Those are fantastic photo's. The clarity is unbelievable. Thank you for taking the time to share these with us. You are such a talented photographer. Yoy should be very proud of your pictures. They are outstanding!!
  16. Too far for me CD. It's a 4 1/2 hour drive one way. That wouldn't give me much time to spend lots of money shopping for Talon! :laugh:
  17. HI Angie and Welcome. I hope you find the time to visit us more. We could learn a lot from you!!
  18. FYI, If I want Talon to step up, and she bites, the whole game plan changes, but if she bites while I am playing with her, or when we are just hanging out together, it is still best to ignore the behavior. We have been doing this for a while now, and her terrible two biting habit seems to be subsiding. But what works for one, won't always work for another. I think biting when they are in their terrible twos is much different than a bird that just bites when it feels like it, thus they need to be handled a little differently. Dan, hopefully Dayo won't go through the terrible twos and you won't need to learn that your entire strategy for handling unwanted behavior goes right out the window!! :pinch:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/10/07 20:05
  19. Hi Shelly and welcome. I look forward to hearing more from you.
  20. I sometimes say, "No" and then walk away, but no matter when she bites, we always walk away from her and go into another room ignoring her. I find she bites more when she is tired, or if she's in a feisty mood, so at that point we leave her to herself.
  21. Check out this link. Our grey is two, and started her terrible twos about 2 months ago. You really have to learn how to read them all over again, then things will calm down a bit. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/training/4227-terrible-twos-.html#18768
  22. Hi it's raining where I live right now. It is very much needed. Hope everyone is well tonight!
  23. HI and Welcome KatB. I'm very happy you joined, and I know you will get those nasty bugs under control real soon. Remember to triple rinse everything you bleach, and then air it out for quite a while. The fumes are very bad for any bird. Keep us posted. I look forward to seeing some photos and hearing more!
  24. Very good contest Lovemygreys. They just keep getting harder all the time!
  25. Hi Judo and welcome to the forum. I'm happy you have joined our family. I look forward to hearing more from you.
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