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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon


    Yes, Talon will have a chip, a Cheeto, a nacho, a cookie, anything she can get away with. It's not all the time, but pretty often. She never seems to finish any of them. I believe that once in a while these things will do no harm, although they will do no good either. :pinch: But unless you feed them a steady diet of junk food, an occasional one won't hurt them.
  2. Q-tips are also called Cotton Swabs.
  3. Hi Radar, and Welcome to our Family. I look forward to seeing pictures, and hearing more from you.
  4. I found it in the vitamin aisle at the Supermarket.
  5. Talon loves Q-tips. Uncooked egg noodles, balls with bells in them, hanging upside down and swinging from the curtains, and trying to steal pens and pencils.
  6. These look fine, why do you want to resize them?
  7. I would recommend using a mister instead of a spray bottle on mist, if your Grey really hates getting wet. They sell them specially for birds, and work very well. That's the only way Talon will allow us to get her wet.
  8. Talon calls us with a whistle that she uses only for us. It sounds more like a peep, than a whistle. But we do know it's her call to us.
  9. Just to clarify, Talon was fully weaned, she was shipped by plane, as the closest breeder was very far away. Some members do live in states where there is are no Greys available, and the only way to purchase one, would be to have it shipped. It can be less travel time than by car. Although it's not ideal conditions for them, birds are shipped all the time, and breeders that really care about their birds do so with the utmost care and concern. There are no lingering effects on them. As I stated previously, I believe that handling them IF they are comforted by you is much better than putting them in a strange cage with strange toys, perches, in a strange home with strange people. Better to allow them some bonding time with you, so that they can learn right away, that they are safe with you, and then they will trust you somewhat when you put them into their new, strange home (cage).
  10. Everyone gives you good advice, however, I did things quite the opposite, when I picked up Talon from the airport. After 7 hours of her being in her little bird carrier to the airport, the 4 hour flight, holding time in the cargo area for about 1 hour, and having about a 90 minute ride home in the car. I brought her into the house and put her in my son's room on his bed while still in her carrier. I gave her about 20 minutes to settle in, and then we took her out and let her walk around on the bed. She wanted to be with us, as she was quite frightened, and I imagine shell shocked. We kept her in the room, tried to comfort her. She was only 8 1/2 weeks old. We took her over and slowly introduced her to her cage which was in the same room. Eventually after about 1 1/2 hours , we put her in her cage. We didn't wait to start handling her, she seemed to really want the human companionship. It did take a few days of teaching her to step up, but we worked on that, right away the next day. Because she was so young, she did cry a lot for her family for about 2 1/2 weeks. It was very sad, I spent a lot of time holding her in a blanket, and singing lullabies to her to help calm her. So take your cues from your bird, and do the best you can. What is right for one bird, isn't necessarily right for another. Talon is a very happy and content bird, and never bit until she reached the terrible twos. :pinch:
  11. Here is a picture of Gizmo (yellow one) and Sparkey (blue one) They are still under quarantine and hopefully in 2 weeks after their second vet visit, will they be allowed to be introduced to Talon.
  12. Talon was shipped by Delta Express from Florida to MA. There was special paperwork required, and the temperatures had to be within a certain range. It was winter here. She was shipped in the cargo area, and Delta has a limit to the number of live animals that are shipped per flight. Also, they have many other requirements, a vet certified health certificate, and food requirements, holding time, and flight times as well. Definitely do your homework and research everything well in advance. Good luck!
  13. Whatever. {Emotions-0002011C} I'm not debating this.
  14. We do have this same topic. Here's the link, perhaps we could move theses into the original topic? Could members cut and paste them into the original one. I can only delete or edit them. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/offtopic-discussions/12909-most-touching-song-lyrics.html#13868
  15. Melissa is turning 15 years old today! She has done so much work here on the forum in helping in the Games Room, and making all the wonderful banners for our 1000 and 2500 posters, and celebrating Birthdays! Not to mention all the great pictures she has posted of Talon. She's the best daughter any mother could have. She has accomplished many things in her life at such a young age. She has won a room full of ribbons and trophies with her horse riding skills, she is an A+ student in school, a talented artist, a great sister to her 3 brothers, she plays the clarinet, helps at her mothers Dance Studio, and can even Jump Rope while on a Pogo Stick! She is a very good photographer, her second love to her horses. (thanks to CD). I know she will continue to be successful in everything she does in life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELISSA! Love, Mom<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/09/25 13:02
  16. Makena, don't worry, I'm on your side!! {Feel-good-00020069}
  17. Hi & Welcome! You'll find lots of information here. Don't be afraid to ask us anything. We're here to help. If you don't mind me asking.......what's up with the name Badkarma? B)
  18. If you read the directions in the FAQ section. It will explain how to do that. If you have problems, let me know in a pm and I will help you.
  19. Well, I just misted Talon with straight Aloe Vera Juice. She went nuts! Had her wings flapping away, and really seemed to enjoy it. She normally doesn't like it, but now she is giving herself a bath in her water dish! Thanks for all the advice!! :cheer:
  20. It's funny, I don't remember Talon making those robotic voices. I only remember her mumbling under her breath a lot. But today, she said "Bad Bird!" and "Stop!" She's been a feisty 2 year old lately, and doing a lot of biting, so Melissa has been saying Bad Bird and then putting Talon on her perch when she bites. Oops! I feel bad that Talon says, Bad Bird, cause she's such a Good Bird!
  21. Talon


    Hi Emma, she is adorable!!! :cheer:
  22. Hi Noely! OUr grey said her first clear word at 4 months old. I spent a lot of time talking to her and trying to teach her words.I know others can take much longer. They are all different, and will talk when they want I guess!
  23. Hi Tommy and Welcome! I look forward to hearing more. Maybe you could post a photo if you can, we love them!!
  24. Talon


    Yes, he sounds very young, but it also sounds like he is still very unsettled in his new enviroment. I'm sure he's very scared, not knowing that this is his new home. Just offer him the same foods he is used to, and watch him carefully. Talk to him a lot in a soothing voice, and he should come around once he feels comfortable. That can take a while at first. Definitely keep an eye on his weight, he will drop some, but his appetite should pick up soon. Please keep us posted. You did a very wonderful thing in taking him home. I'm sure you'll give him all the love and care he needs!
  25. Hi and Welcome to our Family. Bless you for rescuing this precious bird. I have a timneh as well, and she is quite the talker. I look forward to hearing more from you!
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