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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Just wanted to announce that Rikki is 3 years old today!:woohoo: We are pampering her of course, bought some new toys, and a huge ball that hangs and has toys hanging inside of it. But her favorite thing to do is hang around on my shoulder. She doesn't play much unless I leave and she goes in her cage. Happy Hatchday RIKKI! {Holidays-0002013E}
  2. Well, first let me say welcome. Maybe you could tell us something about yourself. I see you have been posting like crazy. There are threads here already about how karma works. But there aren't many members up yet. I am sure you will receive karma very soon.
  3. That's a great idea! I have done that before, and they do seem to like it. A small cardboard box is fun, They love to climb in it, chew it up, and if you put some hidden toys inside, they love that too!
  4. Try a tv or video for entertainment. Personally, I would NEVER give an anti-phycotic drug to my birds. :ohmy:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/12/13 17:58
  5. I hate rollercoasters. I am afraid of heights!! :pinch:
  6. I am so happy for you! Sounds like a wonderful time. Maybe I should start saving now to take my kids there. They've never been, and I haven't been since I was 18. :unsure:
  7. That was great!! Thank you Dan!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  8. oops, almost forgot about you! How was your vacation? Did you enjoy it? Are you all rested? You must have had a blast with your family and grandkids! :cheer:
  9. AWWWW..... I bet this is the longest day of your life. I am sure they will be so excited to see you!! I wish I could watch the reunion, it would be fun to see. :cheer: Did they go somewhere else in new cages? Have they been their before? Do they know her? What time are you getting them? Inquiring minds want to know.......:blink:
  10. Jane that is hilarious!! :laugh: :laugh: cflanny, that is adorable. I know when I am sick on the couch, Talon will just perch on me all day and stay quiet while I rest. It's amazing how in tuned they are with us.
  11. I'm not sure. I've never dared move it. But both my birds tend to hang out on the right side of their cages. :dry:
  12. I am very interested in this. I just purchased one of the same lights for Rikki, (she hasn't had a light until now) I bought it much cheaper at a different site though. She has had it 2 days, but has spent very little time in her cage the last few days because I have been home. My problem is, I cover her cage at night, and have to take it off every night. :pinch: Talon has had a light for about 2 1/2 years, but she also spends very little time in her cage, but when I am at work, she is sitting on the opposite side of the cage. Her light is on her left side of her cage, whereas Rikki's is on top.
  13. I would like to add that our birds are the luckiest birds on the internet, to have Dave here to remind us, and help us with give the best care possible to them!! A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU DAVE!! {Love-000200BF}
  14. This is a wonderful article worthy of publishing on our front page Dave! :cheer: I commend you for taking the time out of your life to remind us of the importance, of our birds right to the type of life that they deserve from us. Karma for you!
  15. OMG! I am a daily regular at Starbucks, and once a week I treat the kids and bring home those trays with hot chocolate. I just threw one away this morning. I LOVE this toy! It is so easy, clever, and something I have every day!! LOTS OF KARMA FOR YOU! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  16. Welcome to our family! Congrats on the new addition, and karma for you for taking the time to "borrow" a grey to try out. Quite unusual I might add, but to each his own. My heart goes out to the borrowed grey. It is perfectly normal for your grey to be silent. Gosh, you've only had her for 2 days! :ohmy: It takes a long time for them to adjust to their new family, new surroundings, perhaps new toys, a cage, new sights and sounds, etc. Please give it time and be patient. Greys will bite! So, don't put your face close to hers unless and until you have complete trust and are bonded with her. That takes TIME..... If she wil step up with you, that's great! COntinue if she is willing, but let her take the lead and keep an eye on her body language.
  17. What cute and enjoyable stories here! It always amazes me how intelligent they really are. :cheer:
  18. Yes, Chicken bones are very healthy for them. Click on this link below for more info! http://www.greyforums.net/forums/bird-food/85563-chicken-bone.html#85803
  19. Julie, Give it a rest already. :blink: But since you can't seem to do that. I will lock this thread as you have more than made your point and had the last word in like I know you feel the need to do. B)
  20. Very nice! Thank you so much for posting this. Karma coming your way!! :)
  21. Yes, I DO refuse to watch such horror. I won't watch any type of videos regarding any such type of abuse or torment for any animal. I do not wear rose colored glasses. I am perfectly aware that this type of thing goes on, not just for birds, but all animals that go back generations of our pets. I have seen videos of this type in the past, but at this point in my life, I have seen enough and refuse to watch any more. It won't help me to help these organizations, I do all I can to donate as my means allow. Don't think that our members here live in a glass bubble and aren't aware that this type of violence towards birds doesn't exist. We are all aware of it. Posting a link towards an organization to save a pet is a wonderful thing to do. But your not the first member here that has felt a need to post a link in the hopes of enlightening us members that KNOW where our greys generations and generations ago have come to be in this world. Please, let's move on and go back to the real reason you posted this thread. You seem to have made your point in sharing a link to a wonderful organization. I see no need to continue a debate about the you tube link that you posted. As ADMIN, it is my job to monitor and post a warning, delete, and edit as I and the other admins see fit. This organization seems to have a wonderful cause, so in the season of giving in these tough times, I am certain that we will do all we can. Thank you for sharing that link with us again. (it has been posted in the past by another member). B)
  22. She's beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us!
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