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Everything posted by Talon

  1. This is totally inappropriate here in this forum, but I need the support of all my family members here today. I have been going thru a messy divorce, for the last year and a half, and today it may FINALLY come to an end. Please keep me in your thoughts, I need all the support I can get, the ex is not making it easy for me.......(it doesn't help that I work as his bookkeeper right up until the time we have to go to court!) :ohmy: I hope to come back tonight with a Woo Hoo! It's finally over message!! Wish me luck everyone.....I am off to court now. Thank you Judy for all your support, you've seen me thru this for the last 2 1/2 years! Luv you girl!!:kiss:
  2. We still have 2 feet of snow waiting to melt, and it was 16 here last night....... :(
  3. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Depending how low the temp. gets, and access to food and water. It is hard to predict. The good news is, I live about 3 hours from NYC and the temps have been pretty good. When I had my bird shipped, I was told they could survive temps down into the mid twenty's, but not for long periods of time. I hope you find her soon. You are both in my prayers for a safe return.
  4. I remember waiting for that plane to get Talon....how excited I was!! And worried that something would go wrong, but all was well!! I can't wait for the day you go to get him. I'd love to share that day with you, it will bring back such wonderful memories for me, please keep us posted here when that happens! B)
  5. OMG!!! How adorable!! I can't wait to follow he/she as he grows. Please keep them coming!! :)
  6. Well, we are happy you are here! We really are family, and love sharing our ives with each other. When are we going to see pictures of your family? Go to the "Grey owner what do you look like" thread.
  7. Addicted?..................I don't see a problem.....:lol: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  8. Okay, found it! I hope this helps you make your own decision. B) http://www.exoticpetvet.net/avian/dairy.html
  9. Nychsa, I will go back and find it, and post the link here. But you may find, that your vet will not agree with the research. Many vets have their own opinions, and will stick with them based on the research they have. I for one don't want to risk my birds, so it is a personal decision for me. I tend to air on the side of caution...an over protect mom! A small amount of milk is not harmful to them either, so the lactose free milk might be okay in a very small quantity too.
  10. Welcome to our family. I look forward to seeing pictures and hearing more from you.B)
  11. Lactose free milk is not okay to give to your birds. In the research I have done, it is more harmful than regular milk itself.
  12. Very Clever! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  13. Hi and Welcome to our family. Please remember, that it can be quite stressful having a new baby in the house, it's all new territory, both for your bird and you especially. Lack of sleep, exhaustion from giving birth, and the worry of trying to settle into a routine with you, your baby, and bird. Please give yourself some slack, and take it day by day. That being said, it is still early, and Reena doesn't understand what this "noisy thing" in her mind is, she is trying to figure things out, as well as you. Is there any possible way they can have separate rooms? At least for the short term until things calm down and everyone adjusts? That would be your best course of action until Reena understands and is comfortable with a change in her home life. Don't give up just yet, it is still way too early to expect life to be calm. Have patience with Reena, she doesn't know what you know, or what is expected of her. B) Please keep us posted. There will be good days, and bad. Just take it one day at a time and good luck! B)
  14. How much to build and ship??? My birds want one....:woohoo:
  15. WOW! This is wonderful information. Thanks for sharing this with us!! Karma for you. B)
  16. I agree with Dan. Grates are the healthy way to go. I use a bird poof off spray, then a scrubber like you wash dishes with, and the poop comes right off!! Easy to clean!
  17. Yes, I agree with the others. I use a dark sheet to cover their cages. But I leave a bit open on the sides for them to see out of if need be. They don't see well in pitch black, so it helps if they have some lite left over to see if needed. I don't use a night light, but as soon as daylight arrives, they see. I covered Talon since day one, my other grey just started being covered when I got her last summer and she was 2 years old. Her cover only covers the top half of her cage, so if she wants, she can perch lower and see out, but she only does that in the morning.
  18. I am so sorry for your loss.... I hope and pray that he is well cared for. Thank you for keeping in touch with us, and please stay on and keep us updated.
  19. What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing it with us!B)
  20. There is no difference in my opinion...B)
  21. I am so sorry for your loss. What a terrible tragedy. But I am happy you have joined our family, and I look forward to hearing more from you, and seeing pictures of your new baby! I am curious tho...what exactly is an oven liner? :huh:
  22. Talon

    Not the best news

    I'm sorry to hear your news. You and your mom will be in my prayers.
  23. Please go to the photography room for a step by step tutorial on posting photo's! IF you need any more help, just let me know. B)
  24. Dawn is awfully harsh to their skin. I WOULD NOT use it. Also, after they are done with the bath, they will preen, it will be almost impossible to get all the soap residue off their underlying feathers and skin. A call to your avian bet is the best advice you can get.
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