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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Well guess what? I received a phone call tonight. There is a woman living about 10 miles away from me in her late 60's who unfortunately has fallen ill and needs to move in with family. She has a 4 year old grey that she has had since a baby and can't take her. She had an amazon that has been re homed. Se wants a loving home for her grey....doesn't care about $$. I can't let this poor bird go to just anyone.....:ohmy: :( :huh: :dry: SO...........am I crazy............ :S I have 2, 3 year old greys already.............:pinch: When I told my 16 year old daughter that I only have 2 shoulders, not 3, she said, "but Mom, I have 2!" How can I argue with that? :blink: Well........I will be calling her tomorrow but wanted someone to remind me how crazy I am.......but I can't let a bird be homeless.....this bird deserves a forever home, and that's all I can offer.
  2. You can also put Lactobacillus(that's made for birds)in their drinking water. It is the same ingredient that your vet is looking for in the yogurt. Your vet should be able to supply it to you. It is a whitish powder and you mix it in their drinking water for a couple of weeks. (I use it in juice, it masks it)
  3. I wouldn't be too concerned about the flavored yogurt. My greys have the occasional sugar in food that we eat, and it won't hurt them.
  4. Is it untidy, or does it look like a sore, or has he been picking at it? If it is untidy, then I wouldn't be too concerned. You'll find that happens as they play, preen, etc.
  5. Bleach and bleach fumes are highly toxic to humans, never mind birds! I don't care how much you dilute it, or let it dry, or rinse it. It's still a HARSH chemical! With so many other safe products out there, why would anyone even take the risk of killing their birds. We all know how sensitive their lungs are. This is MY opinion, just like Teflon, I WOULDN'T take the risk, especially when I can clean just as well with other natural products less harmful to both humans and birds.
  6. Bleach around birds....YIKES!! :ohmy:
  7. I support you and your "gut" feeling. Good girl. Wasn't there just someone on here the other day wanting to sell their grey because they don't have the time due to illness? They were in Ohio? Pretty close Carol......
  8. Sounds like his has a very healthy diet. I am glad that you heard back from your vet. Seems like watching is the best bet. Thank you Dave, for reminding everyone that we DON"T give medical advice as none of us are vets. All we are doing is giving opinions based on our own experiences and by no means does that make any of us experts. :unsure:
  9. The creatine is an enzyme that comes from protein. And yes, it is in direct collation to your muscles. (it is needed ti aide in muscle recovery) Your body supplies it, but it can be ingested thru diet. I can't imagine it would be from too much playing, but I don't know about birds. Do you know what his previous diet was?
  10. Talon


    Wow! Poor Poppy, seems as though he has been through quite an ordeal. His trust of humans seems to be broken. You can get it back, but it will be a very long time of doing many things to gain that trust. It won't happen for quite a while, and then it will be only small steps at a time. Knowing more of his history can help others give you better advice. How old is he? Who owned the bird, and how long has he been with you and you alone. How many homes has he had? Being traumatized by a human takes a long time to get over, and then some birds don't get over it ever. You will have to be very patient in trying to build trust with him again. Never force yourself on him! That won't work, it will only make things worse. Offer him treats and soft kind words every time you bring your hand to him, this is a start. Others will have more advice once we get a bit of history......:huh:
  11. "Okay, when I say, GO! You distract her, and I'll make my move!"
  12. I'm excited for you. Keep us posted! B)
  13. I agree with Dan & Dave. You couldn't ask for any better advice. That being said, I DID teach Talon to say our phone number in 2 days. Of course it is a very easy number.....665-6652. I made the 2 sound very exciting, we would say TWO very high pitched! But she has stopped saying it, as I haven't continued to say it to her. So as far as changing your phone number, your bird could relearn a new one, even if she repeated 2 phone numbers, she has a chance of one of them working....:huh:
  14. Talon

    Mothers Day

    Happy Mothers Day to all in the UK! {Love-0002011D}
  15. Carol, I was the same way. If I didn't hear from her for a few days, then I thought that was it, and I wasn't getting a bird.... Hang in there, it will e over soon.
  16. I didn't make one, but I do have a baby picture of Talon hanging next to my desk on the wall. B)
  17. I think a baby bird book is a wonderful idea!! :woohoo:
  18. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us. I am in Massachusetts, and March is BROWN.........so I am happy to see a sign of spring! :woohoo:
  19. What is an atom.....?????? Is it the double round circle thing? If it is, Judy, I invested in one, and it is the best thing I ever bought. Both my birds love it! I have it hanging near my kitchen table in front of the window, and one of them is always playing on it. I have toys hanging from the middle of it.
  20. {Feel-good-0002006B} I agree!! My birthday is coming up in May, so this is an early present!! :woohoo:
  21. I too, use hand lotion and perfume. As long as you aren't spraying it near them, I leave the room. It is safe. B)
  22. Thank you!! I went out by myself and had a few strawberry daiquiris!! I like the idea of a freedom party!!:woohoo: :woohoo:
  23. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers for me today. It's finally over!! You guys have been great, knowing you were here to support me, helped me gather up the strength I needed. He went down kicking and screaming, but the divorce was granted! Still some financial ties to finish up, but at least now it's in writing! Thanks guys, I can't ask for a better family here! Love to you all! Penny
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