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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I resurrected this thread because...........yup.........you guessed it............TALON IS 4 YEARS OLD TODAY!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: We have her singing the HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG to herself! Didn't buy her any toys yet, cause I am going to the Bird of Paradise Store in New Jersey next week, and plan on filling my car!! :blink:
  2. I am going to visit the Bird of Paradise store in New Jersey next week. As much as I am saying NO! I imagine my kids will wear me down and we will end up with a other bird. It was recommended to me to get a Yellow Nape Amazon, or a Dusty Conure........any advice (just in case I end up with one) would be appreciated. FYI, I have 2 African Greys (cag & tag), and 2 Parakeets.
  3. Luvparrots....your house sounds alot like mine! I would love to see a picture of your cargo net setup. I have one and want ti find a better use for it!
  4. All I have to say is.....birds are messy! We clean our floors several times a day, I find it is too hard to contain them while they eat. I used to be a neat/clean freak, but having 4 birds, those days are over! :blink:
  5. Check out this tribute to Michael Jackson. B) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-wtO7pjJKk
  6. If that is a ceramic tile flooring. It is the easiest I think to keep clean with birds. Your birds are so lucky! Use paint that is nontoxic and easy to clean. Special lighting for birds. That's all I have for logical ideas..but I'm not very creative...a tv and dvd's are always welcome to keep the company!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  7. Talon

    Chicken Bones?

    She really is enjoying it! Even just the bone they love!! I have left the entire chicken ( leftover from us) after I have baked it or deep fried it on the plate, and let my 2 birds go wild! It keeps them busy for a very long time! Fun to watch too! :laugh:
  8. Talon

    Chicken Bones?

    Oh never mind, I saw your earlier post! I give my 2 greys all the chicken and chicken bones they want when ever we have it. It is very healthy for them! B) RAW....NEVER NEVER NEVER!!
  9. Talon

    Chicken Bones?

    Aly, Was this cooked?
  10. Congrats! My grey Talon made sounds at that age. Can't wait to see pictures. But in the meantime, enjoy every minute at this age!
  11. I found this to be a very enjoyable video and wanted to share it. If you have yet to see it, it is worth watching. Of course, we here, know this already....B) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_Fpad20Zbk&feature=video_response
  12. I don't think I will ever stop laughing. How adorable!!
  13. That is wonderful news!! I am so happy for you. What a lucky lucky Rishi!! :) :) You are truly the best parents any bird could ask for. You let nothing get in the way of your love for Rishi!!
  14. I had the same problem with Talon. She would fly over to our parakeet cage. One time, she even pulled the entire nail out of one of our parakeets!! :ohmy: There was blood everywhere... :( I called the vet, and luckily it stopped bleeding and was okay, but sore. When ever she goes there, I do one of 2 things, I pick her up and tell her, "No, she's not allowed there" and I say, 'DANGER, DANGER, DANGER!" She knows that is a bad place for her to be when I say that, I use it when ever she gets anywhere near something hot. The second thing I do, is spray her with a spray bottle which she hates!! She rarely goes there anymore. I am sure you will find what works for you, just be diligent, and patient, it will take time.
  15. You have been missed. It's nice to have you back! B)
  16. O don't really know what I'm joining.....but I'm game for pretty much anything! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  17. Hi Tissy, If you scoll to the bottom of each room, you will see the moderators and admins listed there. I will be happy to help you, just pm me what you need. Welcome to our family!! B)
  18. WOW! You and your wife are the most amazing grey owners I have ever met! What you risked for your sweet adorable bird. I am in awe of you both. I pray that Rishi will continue on a healthy road of recovery. Bless you and your wife. Please keep us updated. We all care very deeply for you and Rishi.
  19. Deb, my heart breaks for what you had to go through today with Bonnie. I can feel that pain and do for you. You did the right thing, she is happy and pain free. I know you loved her with all your heart. She was lucky to have been a part of your family for her final years. Time will help you deal with your loss. When you are ready, I would love to see a picture of Bonnie. :huh: We planted an apple tree where we buried our horse of 26 years, Annie. It' a nice remembrance for us.
  20. Will do, but please don't think you are thick, it can be hard to find.
  21. Hmmm, I only have 2 females. I don't know about a boy bird. :pinch: My 2 girls, tolerate each other, but the bigger one is the boss, and the smaller one knows it!!
  22. Thanks so much for taking the time to make others feel good! Karma for you all!! :)
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