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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Firefox DOES work on all typing, here, posting, replies, everywhere...
  2. Yes, many of us here do. There was a thread started a while back where everyone replied. I'll see if I can find it....
  3. I use Mozilla Firefox and it automatically checks your spelling as you type......
  4. Spock, You are the best!! I DO read all your posts as I never know what to expect next! You keep those parronts of yours on their toes, that's for sure! I read your post to Talon, Riki, and Nilah...they don't understand why your parrots don't have a sense of humor! You keep it up, I love your visits here! :)
  5. NO, I think it's fine. All my birds love pasta, cooked and uncooked! Uncooked is their special treat!
  6. OMG! That was great! I loved it, thanks for finding this! Aren't Amazons great? They are so entertaining!!
  7. there seems to be some misunderstanding................you can't give yourself any reputation points and you can't thank yourself!
  8. Hey everyone....YOU can decide what you want others to see as far as your birthdays are concerned. You will find the settings in your profile under "SETTINGS" 'EDIT PROFILE'. Check it out!
  9. Don't like what? You know have many options to give thanks. Visitor messages, Reputation button, Thanks and a comment button. Plus your avatar shows how generous you are with your Thank you button. Seems to me that I was generous in setting up "choice" for you.....I guess you can't please everyone...
  10. I don't understand what you are talking about...you can not give yourself Thanks, or Up you Reputation! reggieroo is correct!!
  11. I am working on having more smileys downloaded.............Please be patient......
  12. ????????? Explain please......???????
  13. We are all mothers to our birds...Happy Day to ALL!!
  14. At the top right side of any forum page where you log in....it says Notifications, My Profile, Settings.
  15. You really do have a safety dilemma.......There has to be some kind of lock that will deter him. Just wish I knew what it is.
  16. Awww. how sad, and what a beautiful legacy she left.
  17. Sounds like my house!! I do keep my mother and many other visitors away as I refuse to cage my birds when guests and family comes...Hey, you come to my house to visit, my birds LIVE here!!
  18. HA HA HA! Nice try Bernie. :) Okay, I'll play along....tell us more...pics, please, how old is she....how long have you had her? Is she clipped? What does she like to eat, play with, etc. Show us a pic of you...how about her cage...pics please...... WELCOME BACK BERNIE!!!!!!
  19. WOW! What beautiful photo's!!! Thanks you for sharing them... you are talented!
  20. Nice to have you back!! :)

  21. No. problem. No hard feelings and I hope you find some one here that can help you.
  22. I am happy to say after a much needed break.......Bernie/Supernova is expected to return to Greyforums!! Let me be the first to day with open arms....Welcome Back Bernie. You have been missed and I look forward to you returning to your family where you belong and where you have been missed. I especially look forward to your updates on your flock. Everyone..Please Welcome Bernie/Supernova back and let the fun begin....................no pressure here Bernie..... P.S. Don't let the new features of this forum scare you off, it takes a while to figure things out, but I am here to help you as needed, just pm me and I will be happy to help. there are announcements at the top of each room that you may find helpful also. Penny
  23. Journeyman: You posted the same posts 3 times, you start another thread in which you complain about not getting enough responses to your problem which wasn't completely clear in your first thread here, now you tell members NOT to reply if they can't help you???? This is a forum where members are free to post their opinions if they like and wherever they like. If you ask for help. take it if you want. or don't take it, I don't care, but DON"T reprimand people for taking the time out of their busy lives,who are only offering suggestions and TRYING to help you. If you don't like what you read, then ignore it, but don't SCOLD anyone.
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