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Everything posted by MARIR

  1. PLEASE HELP!!!! We just brought home our CAG, Gabby, and our Sunconure has decided he does not think should hold her. He's become a jealous bird...and i've the a bruise to prove it. I was hold Gabby and Sammie, the little booger, flew at Gabby, when I put my arm up to "block" him he landed on it ran up and bit me on the neck...well, it hurt! I gave my husband Gabby to hold, and then put Sammie in the cage, then Gabby in the cage. He was very mad!!! Gabby could care less, she didn't know what happened. I waited about 20 minutes then took Sam out and played for about a half hour then put him back in, and played with Gabby for about a half hour...I've tried to soothe him while Gabby was out, but I think that makes it worse...I don't know what to do. I actually have a bruise on my neck where he has bit me, and he's never done that before. My husband is thinking about this huge mistake we might have made bringing a new bird home. About a week before bringing her home, I would actually go over to her cage (after feeding Sam) and pretend to talk to Gabby, saying her name, shaking the food bowel, whistling...I'm afraid Sammie will hurt her or visa versa...this is our sun conure--he's only 7 months old...please help ANY advice is GREATLY appreciated.
  2. on one website it actually said that the bird could pluck the other wings feathers out to recompensate for the clipped wing, also that it could cause the AG to walk crooked, and that inturn would cause the spine to become curved over time.
  3. has anyone heard of your african grey "flying" with the wings clipped?!? Gabby flew about 100 feet lastnight (after Sam sun conure) scared her...her wings are clipped...
  4. can you sit your daughter down and let the african grey come to her...she does not have to "hold" it theres alot of other activities that they could find to do that would be fun, peek a boo, snack time. etc...then maybe given a few days your daughter wouldn't be so frightened and the bird might relax too.
  5. how long does your AG sleep?
  6. I used two king size black sheets, Sunday night was the first night home and she did wonderfully! She was sleeping, and when I uncovered it this morning there she was perched on her swing...
  7. Good morning everyone, Gabby is home!!! Sorry this is so long....I stayed home from work yesterday (Monday) to make sure everything was smooth. The trip home was uneventful, she was a little upset at first, but i had my hand in the carrier and was whispering and she calmed down. She absolutely loves the cage, the swing is her most favorite thing... Her nails are extremely sharp I guess from not having any other perch beside a rope perch, but we're off to the vets on Friday to have a nice trim of the nails and wings. Shes doing great eating and sleeping and playing but she is very clumsy and does not want in the cage if she can be out playing with us. I had asked a question about how to introduce her and our sun conure Sammie, well, we have tried without success, Sam gets upset if they are closer than 7 feet. I was holding Gabby, and my husband had Sam, who flew AT me, I put my arm out and Sam landed, and ran up my arm and bit my neck. Not a fun experience, for any of us. Does anyone have ANY advice on what to do now?!? HELP. Sammie hates her!
  8. Hi, I had gotten a quaker parrot from a pet store and the little booger drew blood every time I got near it, even to change the water and food...let alone "play" with it...I think when he bit you, he was just "testing, the waters"...think about a child and how they really want you to pay attention to them and act out to get attention. If he didn't ruffle his feathers, or screech at you, did his pupils dilate? Then he wasn't trying to hurt you. try slowly talking or singing row row row your boat...and see if he will let you get close if he shows any agression then slowly remove your hand. good luck.
  9. That is so great to hear I have a Sun Conure and on Sunday am bringing our new CAG Gabby home from the breeder...Its good to hear from someone that has the same birds.
  10. I've heard some people say they cover the cage when the bird is being noisey, I thought that was just terrible, kind of like locking a child in the bedroom. how sad...They're birds aren't they suppose to be noisey?
  11. I think it will make her feel more secure.
  12. Does anyone cover the cage at night time? I cover my conures cage, I'd like to know how african greys react to having their cage covered...thanks.
  13. Gabbys cage has a play stand on top of the 2nd level. it's the multi level cage. I'm taking them to the vets to get Sammys (conure)wings clipped again, and to do a 1st checkup for Gabby, I sure don't want Gabby or Sammie to get hurt. I cried when Sam had a broken blood feather and was bleeding!
  14. its safe to do this?
  15. Good Morning!!! Does anyone have any suggestions on a bird carrier for our CAG? I found some online, but was not sure which would be best. I thought the Adventure Pack seemed great, but just can't decide. I need to use it to take to vets, and travel to NY (6-7hr drive) I have Tropical Bird Traveler Bird Carrier for our sun conure but its not going to be big enough for Gabby (CAG), once she starts growing more. Any ideas?
  16. Has anyone heard of dragon wood? Also what do you think about just going out and finding a "SAFE" tree and cutting a branch off,cleaning it and drying it? Has anyone tried this? My husband thinks, its just the best idea, but I'm worried of funus and bugs. Any ideas?
  17. Do all of these animals live in your house?!?!?! omg
  18. Hi. Well it sounds like you certainly have a zoo, and I thought I had the zoo, wow! Well, It sounds like you really love animals, and that your really doing your homework with getting info and spending time with other birds. That is great! Do you live with your parents? Are they going to help with the care and socialization of the parrot? I'm very lucky that my family (husband, and daughter) spend time with our animals when I'm at work. or visa-versa, that way noone gets lonely. Good luck on finding the right parrot for you.
  19. I just wondered, Honestly I didn't even care how old Gabby was, after Barb (her breeder) told us she was ours, and gave us a date on which she could possibly come home with us, everything else just left my mind, except counting down the days when she was "really" ours.
  20. We thought it would be the end of April, but the breeder called and said Gabby was eating like a little pig, pellets,fruit,veggies, and she's ready to "fly the nest" lol... Waiting is the hardest part...How old is your baby?
  21. He is SO cute!!! I just love their eyes! They so inquisitive...
  22. well Sunday is the "big" day that our CAG is coming home!!! We've decided on the name her Gabby. I am so Excited!!! I'll let you know how it goes!
  23. sounds like a great idea....I've got a sunconure that loves the shower perch, and the fridge water dispenser, My CAG comes home Sunday from the breeders, and I'm hoping she will enjoy the shower just as much as my sunconure... give your bird some time to adjust...i took Sammy into the bathroom on his gym, then after a few days brought him into the shower with me on my head, then put him on the shower perch but back from the head of the shower so the water would splash from me to him, slowly i moved his perch closer and closer and now hes actually so close he can either stand under the shower spray or just get splashed at the end of the perch. its so funny, even he laughs.
  24. thanks. that makes a lot of sense... I'm more afraid of what Sammy (our sunconure) would do to Gabby, She's been sharing her cage at the breeders with her sister, so she's been use to other birds...but Sammy's a little jealous of our other animals, when I'm holding our cat, Sammy runs/or flies over and gets in my face and gives kisses to me, I'll pet him and kiss him back, and then pet the cat, but then Sammy yells "mom, mom" over and over. I never leave Sammy out unsupervised...cats are too quick even one as lazy as our Squeaky...
  25. speaking of "catching" things...the breeder said her birds are all vet checked and safe from disease, and that we really don't have to quarintine her, from our sun conure, (we got him from a breeder also) unless we wanted to....i just want to be safe...what do you think?
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