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Everything posted by MARIR

  1. I also have a sunconure, and I can say the only time Sammie "screeches" is if I go upstairs without him, because he thinks I'm going to take a shower without him...he sits on his shower perch and hangs any which way he can...laughing and clucking...He also gets excited when I come home from work, he gets loud then also, and "screeches" and yells "mom""mom" until I get in the house.:silly:
  2. has anyone tried to make a fruit smoothie? my birds LOVE it...and its something that I can drink too.
  3. Hi Talon, I usually buy peanuts at the local grocery store, that are kept in bins, and I only buy enough to last a week, that are not cracked or broken, or discolored...and of course non salted...I only give one or two every other day or so. I've read that you shouldn't give them many due to fat content, and I think if you observe the quality of the nut(s) then you'll be safe, but when in doubt throw it out.
  4. its like having 2 year olds forever.... but I think its well worth it...it does take time to care for them, but they love you in return...{Feel-good-00020069}
  5. Birds rule and snakes...ahhhh drool?.., I am not a snake person but have been known to swerve the car off the road as not to run over them...still Y U C K...:sick:
  6. Yes, Talon, and I know its not me....ha ha ....your AG is beautiful... Have a Great "hump" day!
  7. Hello all! Its been a while since I've been able to be here, and I've missed you. Gabby and Izzy are growing more and more each day and are 7 mo old. They are saying "hello", barking, and meowing, and wolf whistling...I never knew how my life would change, for the better, when they came into my life. Of course I have to tell you we've been having a problem w/ Gabby flapping after our dog Spot, she gets very jealous when he lays on my lap, it doesn't matter if we're on the floor having play time or on the sofa watching television. She bit his toe the other night, and he yelped and took off running into our kitchen. On one hand thats a good thing, because Spot will know not to mess with her or she'll rip him a new on, and on the other I feel bad that he just wants love too and she doesn't want to share. So she has to go back onto her cage (for some treat time) so I can give the dogs some love. But the dogs do LOVE bird food, (does anyone know if this is harmful to dogs?) ... Our cats are so old they just lay there, and really couldn't care less, except that the cats love the bird ball we bought...and Izzy and Gabby just don't like sharing.
  8. Hi. We leave Dora the Explorer, Blues Clues etc...on Nick Channel....they also LOVE Tom and Jerry cartoons, and have started barking!!!...hilarious.
  9. I saved some of our sun conures feathers for the scrap book.... now I'm saving some of the twins feathers also but they are so big, and they really haven't given me many yet....as for using them to make jewelry I have seen this also, (I make jewelry) but thinking about someone wearing my birds tail feather just grosses me out.
  10. Thank God you got him back!!! My heart dropped thinking this was another sad ending story glad to hear it had a happy ending!!!
  11. Better than ANY other animal!!!! :lol: I have two dogs, 2 cats, and a couple of g. pigs...Birds are better by a LONG shot...they can play by themselves, you don't have to walk them, they don't chase the mailman, you don't have to paper/crate train them, Birds are self amused for the most part, they can be "potty trained" if you want, they don't stink like wet dog, and just as cuddley. And they can warn you of intruders or danger..if not more! I will NEVER have another animal(dog or cat) and I love animals, but I will get another bird(s):cheer:
  12. Is someone taking care of your bird while you are gone?
  13. I wonder how much the milk is? we're paying almost 4 dollars a gallon.
  14. The girls love this little rubber duck, and those little ring boxes from the jewelry store.
  15. no I think those days are gone...
  16. Terrible twos? Oh, is that like teenage years in humans?
  17. He is So cute! I've got two girls myself Gabby and Izzy they are sisters and 5months old, and a Sun Conure, Sammie not sure if it's a he/she but we go by "he"...he is a yr old, and is a clown.
  18. Is it for pleasure :lol: or work?
  19. Thats a great idea beccy! How old is your baby?:side:
  20. Hawaii? wow, Sounds alot nicer than New York, I couldn't leave them for longer, I'd get an ulcer worrying...I'll probably drive my daughter nuts calling and checking on them, but thats what parents are for.
  21. okay, stupid question....how did you get the pic's into your reply?....see I told you it was stupid
  22. I am feeling SO guilty...we are taking an overnight trip to NY for the weekend, and am leaving the girls at home w/ my daughter and mom...I feel so bad, I don't want to go, and am not sure that if I do go I will enjoy myself. I'm afraid that they'll get upset that we are gone, even though they're being loved,(just not by me) They've only been in the car for about 45 min. so far, I've been trying to work them up to a few hours...but a seven drive might me too much at this time...but i still feel bad. Any suggestions? or am I just worrying for nothing?
  23. I was filling the water bowels up with water this am and gabby decided to jump in the water, she had made such a big mess, gurgling happily the whole time...it was so funny and she was having such a good time I couldn't cut her fun time short so I was late for work, anybody else have a water loving grey?
  24. yeah and they die in the sun light you can buy potion from the gypsy woman and change back.
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