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Everything posted by MARIR

  1. Joe, You just let me know when your ready to sale...this this is great...got a name for it yet? and you better hurry up and get a patton.
  2. Oh my gosh, this is adorable, what a great way to get the birds to bath!!! I love it... what bird show are you going to? I live near Pittsburgh Pa, and there is really not many shows around here. Did you make this? Do you take orders
  3. Hi welcome!!! I've got two CAG's but did alot of research before getting the girls, from what I was told by my breeder where I got them, there really is not much of a difference, but while online, I noticed size, and tail feathers (color was different) that was the only difference I have found. Hope this helps...there are alot of good people here, and I'm sure you'll meet lots of bird lovers.
  4. I have a sunconure that can't get enough water, Sam even will "shower" in our refrigerator water dispenser, however the girls Izzy and Gabby, CAG's have decided to try the kitchen sink, they'll drink right out of the tap,and play with it, but only Gabby has been brave enough to actually get wet, Izzy is totally against it...I bought this round 18" by 1" high dog dish that was metal, and have put ice cubes and water in it...they love it, but again only Gabby is brave enough to get in and play.
  5. MARIR


    Egg binding...thanks I will look into that. hopefully this won't happen..thanks.
  6. MARIR


    Thank you...i'll quit worrying...
  7. I have a Sunconure who is a little over a year old, I was holding him/her the other day (not sure of sex) and Sammie started making little noises I have not heard before and started biting my finger and Sam had all the feather fluffed up....he wasn't biting me to hurt me, just holding on...I handed him to my husband, who thought this was funny, but Sammie has only done this once more, and only to me...what do you think?
  8. It hurts, there is no doubt, depending on the fatty tissue, it hurts less or worse...I've got three, a frog on the top of my foot with tree branch around my ankle, a butterfly on left ankle and a four leaf clover w/ a rainbow ribbon at the bottom of my back. Just remember it hurt MORE to have the tattoos removed than to get it done in the first place, so make sure its what you want, I work for a doctors office that does the laser procedure, and alot of people say its so much worse than getting the tattoo in the first place.
  9. Have you tried to let the bird come out on her own? and try telling her in a calm soft voice exactly what your doing...its great that your not showing fear but have you told her no, no bite, (don't yell just be stern) make a face (mad) and turn your back on her...walk away and stay where she can see you, after a few minutes talk w/ her then go to the cage softly talk to her, and then try again, the cage is her safe haven, your house is new,give it time, but keep trying...don't give up.
  10. I think our Sun Conure is the same, he only bites to get my attention, or to tell me he doesn't like what I'm doing at the time, but he sures knows how to grab and chomp when he wants. Izzy and Gabby have I'm afraid, drawn my husbands blood, but its because my husband is a pain in the feathered tush, and doesn't "read" the signals the girls are giving him. I don't think they try to bite to hurt us, it's just another way of communicating that we aren't listening. Kind of like a two year old that can't speak the words but are trying to tell us something.
  11. Can I ask a dumb question regarding quarantee period? What if I'm taking my birds to the vets and the vet has birds? What about other patients at the vets? Is this safe?
  12. I cover Izzy, Gabby and Sammie up each night, at 9pm, anything later than 9pm and I'm surrounded by "night night mom" "night night" and the smacking sounds of lips...:kiss:
  13. Izzy (cag) would bark like our dog, and then when, the dog (Spot) would go over to the cage, Izzy would pelt the dog with the bird pellets. He must of finally caught on and started catching them in his mouth...
  14. Hi...I am afraid so...it is very normal. He's scared, but also do you know what situation he came from? was he played with in past home?
  15. MARIR


    Thanks for the advice... Its kind of a win and lose situation. I guess as long as they are having fun, and still love me, I can live with 2nd best
  16. MARIR


    hello all...any advice, opinions and laughs are much needed. I have the two girls, Izzy and Gabby CAG's (they were hatched and raised together, until we brought them home from the breeder,(they were together the whole time,now they are in separate cages during the day tuesday thursday friday for 6-8 hours, and are now SLEEPING in separate cages (covered at night), (that is all they do alone!!!!) Does anyone have any suggestions on helping us get the girls more attached to us, and to leave eachother alone for at least 10 minutes? we've tried getting one out at a time, taking each of them into separate rooms at the same time and having one on one time, but they HUNT eachother down, calling for eachother...and they refuse to play with us until they can at least see eachother...then they are fine for a while until one decides she has to be beside the other, or she wants a toy the other has. if you can imagine having twin two year olds this is what its like but they LOVE eachother...which is great,but I want some love too. help.
  17. I like my job, its got its good things and bad...but I'd love to stay home.A three day weekend would prove satisfying, but I'd love to quit my job and stay home...I make jewelry and create glass beads for my work, I love it! And I'd get to spend extra time w/ the babies...
  18. Happy Thursday, one more day one more day, why does the weekends go so FAST?!?!?!
  19. Hi All, I'm from Morgantown WV, WVU-top partying town in usa...too bad i'm too old to "party"...or maybe thats a good thing...ha ha
  20. Feathered children are faster at "destroying-playing" with things, than my 2 yr niece.
  21. Here I am cutting up the fruit in small pieces, looks like they enjoy just ripping into it...how cute! So the peel is okay for them to eat? what about other fruits, oranges, banana, what about coconut?
  22. I just spent 24 dollars on a wiffle ball with rope and paper wrapped wooden blocks attached to it..the girls loved shredding the paper and ripping the wood to shreds...after about 3 days all of the paper was torn to shreds, even though they are still working on the rope and wood...I feel like I got ripped off, I could have made the same thing for 5 bucks, but at least the girls are enjoying it...
  23. Thanks judygram....nice to hear from you. The weather has been so beautiful here, I haven't spent much time on the computer, except at work, and we've been swamped.
  24. Hello All...It's been too long since, I had been here last. I really miss reading all of the wonderful information. The girls are really growing up fast and learning all sorts of new and some colorful words. I'll try to post a new pic of them soon. They are just wonderful. I hope you all and your feathered children are doing well.
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