Hello all! Its been a while since I've been able to be here, and I've missed you. Gabby and Izzy are growing more and more each day and are 7 mo old. They are saying "hello", barking, and meowing, and wolf whistling...I never knew how my life would change, for the better, when they came into my life. Of course I have to tell you we've been having a problem w/ Gabby flapping after our dog Spot, she gets very jealous when he lays on my lap, it doesn't matter if we're on the floor having play time or on the sofa watching television. She bit his toe the other night, and he yelped and took off running into our kitchen. On one hand thats a good thing, because Spot will know not to mess with her or she'll rip him a new on, and on the other I feel bad that he just wants love too and she doesn't want to share. So she has to go back onto her cage (for some treat time) so I can give the dogs some love. But the dogs do LOVE bird food, (does anyone know if this is harmful to dogs?) ... Our cats are so old they just lay there, and really couldn't care less, except that the cats love the bird ball we bought...and Izzy and Gabby just don't like sharing.