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What are you doing now?


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Everyone is so much in the Christmas spirit and I don't feel it that much... I'm trying but I just can't seem to catch it. I've been so busy, feel like I'm meeting myself coming and going. I've got the little birdies in a big bird cage now for most of the day so things are progressing nicely with them. They are eating very good on their own but still being handfed 3 times a day. Lyric is having a hard time with sharing my affections with them. It's time for me to go home so I'm wrapping things up for the day, then it's off to the bank and home sweet home. I hope you can get your decorations up Judy but if you don't please don't feel bad about it- I put up a tree here at work today but won't be doing one at home this year. Have a good night everyone!

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Well, I am just home from work, late shift this week.


Hayley,are you sure you needed tricking into the sherry,the little old lady sounds just fine to me,no dementia, just the sherry bottle,she has the right idea.Godbless her. Anyway I am about to have a glass of wine.

charlie should be ready for bed bed now but no, he has decided he wants to dance and is shouting Dance, Dance at the top of his voice.May put a cd on for him to dance to.I cant play it loud though, my neighbour has a 2 year old who will be fast asleep.


Judy, shame on you. Get that tree up girl, Santas elves wont do it for you, santa has them far too busy.


Jen. I know what you mean,it is hard to get motivated enough for Christmas,especialy if you are run off your feet.

Have fun everyone.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/12/17 23:59

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Actually she is a lovely old lady, quite mischevious, funny and intelligent..

I dont think its possible to say that she is drinking to forget lol!

Thanks for asking Caroline, Ethan is now much better and "touch wood!" we are going to evade the awful virus ourselves.

Today very busy wrapping presents..aaagh I hate it !Did a cheap leg wax with the sellotape well I had to put the strips somewhere lol

Children driving me nuts

Everybody take a break, put up your feet and find a happy place:lol:

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Erika, I cant imagine what it must be like to have so much snow. We hardly ever get any at all. Keep warm and safe.


I have finished work untill Jan 5. I am really looking forward to the rest. Shift work is exhausting.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/12/18 22:26

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Sheila, I am so pleased for you! You must feel so good now you have broken up!


You deserve the break with the shift work you do, enjoy your break!


Erika, you will just have to be stuck with us if you are snowed in! We will keep you in good spirits:)

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BaxtersMom wrote:

I'm getting ready to be cooped up for a couple days...We're expecting 8 to 12 inches of snow overnight:ohmy:


Since Erika and I live in the same county...I'm preparing for 8-12 inches of snow, too!


I'm actually excited because I don't have to be anywhere tomorrow anyways! I'll be drinking hot cocoa, playing with Kenzie, cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning.


The house is not disastrous, but I figured that I should get a head start since we'll have family over at our house for this Christmas Eve. :D

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Well it's 5:20 am on Friday and waiting for the snow to hit here too, Like Erika and Goralka said we are expecting to be hit hard today and then again on Sunday.

Did all the shopping yesterday, so lots of food in the house.

As far as work goes, have to play that by ear and the weather.:blink:

If it does turn into a snow day all the better:woohoo:

got lots to do at home and I no Mika would love to spend the whole day just hanging with his Mom, and watching out the window while she shovels the snow:angry: and more snow, and more snow.

The first real snow storm the other day Mika was sitting on his window perch just watching the big snow flakes coming down, he was facinated by them and when they started to land on the window he tried to see what they were by pecking the glass.

Can you imagine by next week this time Christmas will be over, my how time flies.


Carolyn & Mika

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I will be thinking of you all!


Keep safe everyone, keep us all updated! I hope the snow wont be too bad for you all.


Well, the christmas holidays start from today! The kids break up this afternoon and will start to get excited!


We have plans to visit friends this weekend which will be nice and then the fun will begin next week!


I am so looking forward to christmas, but like you say Carolyn, its all over in a week!


Have a wonderful weekend everyone:)

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Snow day! Our phones rang at 5:30 am first with school calling to say it's closed (my son is overjoyed, to say the least)...then a little after 7:00 work called to say it's not worth trying to trudge in. So I have this unexpected day off and I'm not sure what to do with myself! I will catch up on my fave forum here of course then will probably tend to a few chores around here. I need to do some more Christmas shopping (yep, I'm one of those last-minute folks) but I don't think today's the day...or maybe I'll run out later when the roads are clear. Hope you all are having a nice day!

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I was up early and got some shoping for my mum and Dad. went and had a look at a java tree for Charlie but it was too large. I then had lunch with my Niece which was lovely.I then ordered a stand for Charlie from Northern Parrots. I should be getting stuck into some cleaning but as it is now 7 pm I will leave it till tomorrow. I am having a cup of coffee and relaxing.



Keep safe and warm everyone, I hope the snow is not too disruptive for you all.

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It is 3PM and the snow is still coming down - so what are we doing, digging, digging,digging and It will go on for the next few hours with the wind adding to it.


Whats Mika doing, ahh just sitting in the window watching nice and warm. Grrrrrrr should be adble to earn his keep:angry:


Carolyn& Mika

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Well, the snow storm hit! They were right for once. I'd say we got atleast 9 or 10". I'm staying in today with the exception of going outside to shovel all the lovely white stuff:laugh:


Judy, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in need of snow...I sent it on to Caroline this time:evil: She is quite mad at me right now:laugh: She should be shoveling about now, too:woohoo:



Oh yea, for those who wants to see how much snow I got I put photos in the "Off Topic" room called Winter Snow Photos or something like that. It's really pretty when it's fresh.


Time for hot chocolate now. I'm taking advantage of this.


Judy, Is that tree up yet{Holidays-00020134} Do we need to send you some little elves to help out?{Holidays-000200B0}


I love this time of year, too{Holidays-000200B2}

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6:16pm Friday night, and still trying to dig out, snow is slowing down but still coming down. Between the snow falling and the wind blowing car in driveway completley covered, just one white bump where the driveway should be.:blink:

Then the snow plow goes by and plugs up the end of the drive again.

Oh well welcome to Canada the great white north:laugh:


Carolyn & Mika

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Judy, along with the precious snow we got have gotten blessed by the winds. Our high temp today is 8 degrees & with the wind chill factor we are feeling -15.{Feel-bad-00020079}

You are welcome to come to my house and enjoy it for a week or so if you like:)


But what I am doing now is feeling very content. I just came back from getting the last gift of this season and am going to be wrapping it shortly. All that's left is opening the goodies. Feels good to be finished{Holidays-00020134}

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Well Erika things have changed, no snow but it is getting colder and the wind has picked up considerably, in fact our power just went out about 20 minutes ago, I am on my laptop using up the battery power. I have cookies that need icing and was just about to do that when the power went out, don't know when we will get it back.



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I was just aboen I have read about to have a moan about a few things that have gone wrong but when I have read about all you people who dont even have power, I feel very fortunate. I hope you get the power on soon. Well, I went out this morning,lucky I was not too long,Charlie met me at the front door, he had got out of his cage,I dont think I had locked it securely. I was so lucky that he never injured himself and ev en more lucky that he had not done any damage in the house. I have given myself a good slap for being so careless.


The new stand I ordered for Charlie arrived just before and guess what, it was the wrong one. I would not have minded had it been a better one but it was one with plastic perches, so I phoned them and they are picking it up and sending the right one tomorrow.I HOPE.


I have just put a hugh casserole in the oven so I can have that later and freeze some for when I am back at work. yum yum.


I hope everyone is not too stressed doing the last bits for christmas. I am all sorted, I think.


Have a great day everyone<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/12/22 15:36

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Oh Judy, I do hope you get power back soon. It's terrible back East right now. I really feel for all of you out there with out power.


I am home on vacation until Jan 5th. So while Kim's at work, I'm spoiling Dayo rotten and hoping to win him over as my cuddle muffin. :evil:


Oh and of course I am doing a lot of the Christmas shopping which is pretty much done now. Also a few "Honey Do's" and just generally having some much needed downtime and time to myself.


I know, it's tough, but somebodies gotta do it. ;) Now, back to some peekaboo games with Dayo flying to try and find where I am :woohoo:

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