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Everything posted by Goralka08

  1. Thanks everyone. It's 8:30PM Eastern time and she just walked in the door! Still in some pain, of course, but well on the road to recovery. At least we didn't have to drive through a snow storm today! Stay warm everyone.
  2. Thanks everyone. Mom is still in the hospital. They're predicting that she'll be able to come home tomorrow (Thursday). The dogs are missing her terribly. Plus, who doesn't like to sleep in their own bed and eat anything besides hospital food? lol
  3. Was at the hospital longer than expected. Kenzie was in her cage from 11am-8pm which is, by far, the longest she has EVER been in her cage with us and we felt pretty bad. Luckily she kept plenty busy because we put her toy box in with her. Plus, we lined the whole back of her cage with palm tree shredding weave stuff, which she LOVES. The whole back wall was gone with we got home. She was plenty spoiled when we got home. She got a little peanut, sliver of almond, a walnut, apples, and mashed potatoes. Mum had 3 cysts taken of her ovary. One ovary was saved and one was not. The pathology reports came back as negative, so no cancer as far as we know. Since her incision was transverse and went over her heavily scarred stomach from 7 other surgeries, they're keeping her in the hospital for a couple days to control pain. She is in good hands at a very nice hospital. Her private room is awesome with her own huge flat screen T.V. and even her blinds are controlled electronically with the push of the button. Man! Technically is amazing these days. She should be quite comfortable so we're happy. Hopefully she will be well enough to come home tomorrow evening or Thursday morning.
  4. Sitting in the hospital waiting area, as my mom is having surgery right now. I'm glad this place has WI-FI!
  5. Oh my! How these beautiful poems cause a lump in my throat, for I cannot imagine life without my first parrot. May your little Polly always fly free!
  6. BaxtersMom wrote: OMG. You have no idea how hard I laughed when I read the above quote. I can just imagine you, hubby, kids, birds, dogs, and lots of belongings LOL! While you're enjoying the warm Texas weather, I'll still be here in Michigan. I will tell you one thing, you WILL miss the feel of soft grass! :lol: Last time I was in Texas, the grass was so dry and prickly that it felt like I was walking on needles! I'm glad your family will have better opportunities there. Let us all know when you're settled in and I'd love to see pictures!
  7. Erika- That picture was from right after I was bitten. The second day it looked much worse because it was very bruised and a swollen bubble. I CANNOT believe how good it looks already. I've been using really good chapstick to keep it moist and it's really helping it heal nicely. My dad says you can barely notice it now!
  8. SO sorry to hear about your loss of Twinkle. I know how hard it is to lose a pet that you've become attached to for many years, because they are apart of the family. Big hugs for you and your family.
  9. Thanks Dan! lol I know I'm very lucky that she didn't take a CHUNK out of my lip. Good thing she isn't a Cockatoo or a Macaw because I'd be in serious trouble! :blink: How do you keep a bird from getting on your shoulder? When I put Kenzie on my finger, she then "side steps" like she is dancing the hustle and makes her way to my forearm. I try to keep my arm at a 90* angle, but she will take her beak and grab my shirt to pull herself up to my shoulder. I've tried the hand trick, too, where you keep your arm at 90* and make a "wall" with your hand so they can't get past it, but even that doesn't seem to do the trick. I don't not want to not pick her up because then she'll become mean and yet I don't want her to attack my face. So what do I do? Thanks!
  10. You should see it today! It has turned into a lump of bruises. Looks like a lip injection gone wrong!
  11. My lip is very bruised and swollen today after yesterday afternoon's bite from Kenzie...so I'm icing it! You can see picture that we took immediately after it happened in the latest edition of "The Parrot Bite Me Club" on this site.
  12. That video made me laugh so hard! I just wish I knew what song it was trying to sing hehehe. I like the bird's first version better because it really shows how silly it is! Here is version 1: edited by: Goralka08, at: 2009/01/25 14:41
  13. Ouch! I got bite good this afternoon. Please excuse the "pig nose" shot! It was bleeding so badly at first that when I smiled I had a mouth full of blood. Looked like a hockey player and now my lip is swollen. I just hope I don't have huge scars on my lip considering my face was already stitched from a dog bite in 2nd grade! Kenzie is a good bird, but I'm afraid she is becoming a spoiled brat! :pinch: She is pretty much out of her cage for all day except for a couple hours. Since she is a new pet and I just finished school, I naturally I want to spend all day with her. I've realized that I now need to gradually get her used to staying in her cage for several hours a day because I don't want to have a huge change in her schedule when I get a full-time job! With this economy it will probably take at least 6 months to find anything. Anyways, I'm sure it wouldn't be good for her to go from all day stimulation to being in a cage for 8 hours while I work 5 days a week. I don't want to produce a feather plucking bird. Kenzie is a very sweet bird. She is definitely bonded with me and I'm her favorite. She always tries to get food out of my mouth. If I ask for a kiss she gives me a kiss along with her kissing noise. I call her 1/2 angel 1/2 devil bird. Well, maybe more like 80% angel and 20% devil bird. She gets very angry when we are gone for 2-3 hours grocery shopping or at the mall. When we come home and let her out, she is very nippy and will pinch but not break skin. WELL NOT TODAY! I came home today after only being gone for 2 hours and I let her out and she she lowered her head, and her eyes got real small. She seriously just attacked my lip out of nowhere and I pulled her off of me. The weird thing is...she isn't at all in a pissy mood when I take her out of the cage in the morning after she wakes up. I always let her come out on her own, but now I've learned to just leave her alone for 10-15 minutes (until she settles down) when we return home after a couple hours. Post edited by: Goralka08, at: 2009/01/25 04:41<br><br>Post edited by: Goralka08, at: 2009/01/25 04:43
  14. Yes I do! LOL I kind of thought that was an example you meant, but I wasn't entirely sure...so I figured that I'd ask if that was a funny joke. Thanks for clearing it up hahaha.
  15. Phew! I just finished my workout and I'm glad I got it done and over with instead of procrastinating. I even motivated my dad to walk 10 minutes on the treadmill! :woohoo: I didn't last the whole 15 minutes because I didn't want to be too sore tomorrow so I went 5 walking and 5 jogging. I added in push-ups when I finished to make up for getting off 5 minutes early! Now I think I'm going to start a food journal. I've done one before and it really helps make healthy choices because you don't want to write something unhealthy in your journal...ex. 6 chocolate chip cookies! I'm not going to deprive myself, but I just will watch my portion control. I'm going to continue this treadmill goal to AT LEAST every other day.
  16. danmcq wrote: OK. Is this a joke or what?! Can you please explain this? I don't think it's wise to accuse someone of "siding with pedophiles" just because they make a factual statement. Is this just a funny statement that would just rile someone up as an example? I am Roman Catholic and proud of it. While I think it's horrible what the bad priests have done, I also think that the bad ones give all the Holy ones a bad rap. There are some really great priests out there. Thanks.
  17. Great photos! If I ever get to Cali I will have to visit this place one day.
  18. Nice pics. My parents were, too, in Xcaret and the Riviera Maya in Feb/Mar of 2008. I wish I was there! They are hoping to go back and to take me along. I bet your boys loved the great weather and food!
  19. Count me in on this weight & exercise support group! I am by no means overweight, but I really need to get firmer like the good ole days. I've been extremely active my whole life, and I can really tell the difference when I take "a break" and that isn't in a positive way. It's pretty hard to stay active year-round here in Michigan. All Spring, Summer, and Fall I was cycling at least every other day and I was in great shape. Come Thanksgiving the snow came early, ate a lot, and I got sick and lazy. Then I got real sick again at Christmas and had no physical activity. It was strange because I RARELY get sick...and to have it twice in 2 months was horrible. With no cycling and just moping around the house, I was bound to gain some weight. I do snowboard which is an excellent workout, but the only good hills here are 4 1/2 hours away near the Upper Peninsula. So we tend to only go once or twice a season. I love the outdoors and love working out in nature's setting....but it looks like I'm going to have to dust off that treadmill in the basement! Wish me luck because I'm going to start TODAY with 15 minutes. My plan is to start with a fast walking pace for 5 minutes, a light jog for 5 minutes, and then a 5 minute cool-off walk.
  20. I don't give any of that to Kenzie, but I love the Oats & Honey bar!! I don't get them oftenm though.
  21. Although I've never had a baby grey...only an adult, I would never consider bringing home one that young. I'm sure others on here would tell you to let someone (the breeder) with experience feed your baby grey. The crop must not be too empty or too full, so it's best to be patient and wait to bring it home. I won't hurt your little one to get a little socialization with its clutch mates before bringing it home.
  22. You mentioned bar thickness of 3.5mm, but what is the bar spacing? Make sure it's either 3/4 of an inch OR 1 inch. That is what PEAC told us
  23. Smokey sure is a handsome fellar! Thanks for sharing.
  24. Welcome back. So sorry to hear about Zahzu's poor ear! Please let us know of the progress with the ear and plucking
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