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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Well Misty says Steve is in trouble! LOL!
  2. Peanut is adorable! Just to help...I buy painters plastic and put it under cage.12 by 12 area! I also move cages away from walls by around one foot as when they fling fresh fruits at the wall, it doesn't come off! Nice cage! Do you also have some calcium perches? Peanut is looking to fling the whole bowl!LOL nancy
  3. Yikes! Even though I have had Sophie forever i'm not a feather expert as Sophie never chewed her feathers or showed me a molt.BUT...I have had her for 13 years,and if I saw two feathers in such a short period of time, it would make me watch her closer. How is preening going, how is flying, and how is diet and general happiness and socialization with rest of animal kingdom. Those would be my own personal questions. If I was furthur concerned, to the vet.If your not seeing excessive preening, just monitor Storms activity. And Yes.... they do molt differently. Nancy
  4. I think you may be onto something As this is an important time for cognitive development, Dan is right. Listen and learn. They ultimately teach us.Follow your birds lead. Nancy
  5. My birds did this also.I mean ALL of them.Many don't agree with my belief in always being taller than them, but it worked for us. I discovered it on a fluke. My birds all LOVE the top of cage.When I got a step stool they stepped up when I was taller.When everyone thought I was crazy...I thought okay...Kiki on top of fridge,I wanted her down, tested that theory and got bit. First bite in a decade and my last. Back to always being taller.Nancy
  6. Parrents.... this site is not for you, but your birds,we love you, but this site is where we have a voice ! NO PARENTS allowed! Sophie
  7. Wingy... How dare she! She certainly deserved bites! I'll come help you!Sophie
  8. Lately... Kiki wants to hang with me all the time! She is Sean's bird, and we had a falling out a few weeks ago.She is flying out to me everytime I am home.She wants nothing to do with Sean, only me. I've forgiven her! Sophie is getting annoyed with Kiki's attention. Nancy
  9. Yay Avah! She has wonderful parents that love and support her. nancy
  10. May be a form of acknowledgement that he is accepting your discussion. shake your head back!One thing I have learned about Sophie, she just wants to talk. Not always in human terms.While we expect our birds to live in our world, except our expectations, we don't attempt enough to live in their world. I do! Sophie's world is important to me, and I listen. Nancy
  11. Miranda has bonded with you. Tough to break that bond.The relationship will be fine, but call every other day, let her hear your voice. Nancy
  12. Everything sounds great! Can't wait to here more. Nancy and Sophie
  13. Okay....I'll be honest...chewed off all the keys when rom went to the bathroom! Took me two minutes! Sean spent some time fixing things.He is not worried...why does rom worry?Sophie
  14. BAD Ray!You deserve "the butt in your face" attitude! LOl....Nancy
  15. Sounds like an awesome road trip!Hydration is most important. Nancy
  16. Vets always know best! Nancy
  17. Its simple! dorian doesn't want to share the attention you give a show.SHARE that attention! Sophie and I watch "American Idol" together.If I'm late getting home...I rush to get her! Hurry! its starting! She gets caught up in my excitement.I offer her my opinion, she usually clucks her dislike as well.Nancy
  18. Now don't get mad...when pearl will choose your mom over you if that happens! Totally normal.It may happen! Embrace having another person in her life.The end result is a well rounded bird that has alot of friends.You will still be mom. Just may take a few weeks.Nancy
  19. A happy boy for sure! Remember, training begins the moment your baby walks in the door.No matter the age. Develop the trust, and he will be putty in your hands!(He will think YOU are putty in HIS hands!) LOL Nancy
  20. Have fun and hope your mission is successful! nancy
  21. She was playing with my basket of shells which she isn't allowed to,started freaking out! I thought she cut her tongue or foot, Saw the limp feather her tongue and feet were fine!I'm chasing her...want to see.NO WAY! All the birds are freaking out, pups running after her concerned.Just goes to show me what can stress a grey can actually be a simple thing nancy
  22. Brat Birds... What the heck? Excellent! Do it again! Rom on vacation.(whatever that means!) She said she needed some space! I'm already on her shoulder all the time does she want me to sit on her head? Jeez....I cant be with her all the time! she needs to learn a few things! Sophie
  23. The answer for us is c.Kiki is extremely clingy... but very brave as well.MOST neurotic! When Sophie is stressed, Kiki loses her direction, flies off to Sean if he is home. nancy
  24. Wishing you the best.Open the carrier let baby comeout on own.Sophie was two when she came home. Was lucky to have her favorite toys setup. Nancy
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