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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. paleale... Loved the video! LOVED the baby talk too! NEVER give that up. You are reassuring her, and she is responding. Demonstrating " rooting", which babies do. You're the mama bird, looking for some food! Try a spoonful of oatmeal, or check with your birdstore to provide some suggestions for mixed formula. Always provide the oral satisfaction as long as they need it. It took Kiki around nine months to get off of mixed formula. I believe in satisfying the oral stage as long as they need it, but also introducing fresh fruits and veggies.Kiki our Amazon, took forever to get off the spoonful of feedings, but eventually weaned her. She also became the best eater, first tester of all new foods. As far as loosing down, your baby is young. She's not chewing. Don't obscess about it and focus on her oral needs and beak satisfaction. Nancy
  2. LOVED the video! Marco knows exactly what he is saying and whom it is directed! Sophie was Ryan's fail safe, " get up now", since eighth grade. Alarm clock... me yelling up the stairs.... he finally got up when Sophie yelled for him. As I left for work earlier than him, I always told Sophie to get him up. She did. It got to the point he would blame Sophie for his being late if she didn't rant and rave in time! LOL! Nancy
  3. If Gracie is out of cage during the day, and you trust her then, trust her at bedtime. If she refuses to go to bed at bedtime, put her on the floor to figure it out. Walk away. Bedtime is bedtime. She definitely is in the terrible twos. Don't lose sight of the goal.She understands the behavior that is NOT accepted, NOW you need to reinforce it! If she bites, say NO! Put her in the cage for five minutes...LOCK the door, take her out in five minutes and discuss it with her! This is the most critical time to establish a relationship with Gracie. She is testing. Up to you to decide if you want that snuggle bird, or the bird that will bite you for the rest of your relationship.Once you survive the " testing stage", and don't give an inch, outside of empathy.... you will discover the bird that you always wanted! Sophie knows I'm sick, as well as we are missing Kiki. She takes turns hanging with Sean, as well as snuggling with me on couch coughing like crazy. Nancy
  4. Thanks all. I was off today, called local rescue shelters, rechecked with vets, crossing county lines.I haven't gived up. We are soooo missing her! Nancy
  5. I know Kiki is not within a three block radius. I have knocked on everyone's door, introduced myself, and asked everyone to look in their trees. Not just the tree, but movement. I also asked them all to contact anyone they know in our area and ask them to do the same.I've contacted my vet, local birdstore. Sean is contacting rescue groups. Sean is going to contact local boyscouts. I'm depressed.... severly! I am sick, and suck as a parent! I have found EVERY missing dog, guinea pig, etc, EVER in my life. Kiki is waiting for me, TRUSTING me, and I'm not there. This truly sucks! I've contacted all local rescue groups.... she is not THERE! I know she will fly down to a stranger, if she is hungry or thirsty enough. WHERE can she be? Nancy
  6. Yay for Peanut! I'm so happy for you guys! Even when birds have a physical problem, they are pretty smart and can work around it. It may not sound perfect to others.... but it is music to our ears for those who have birds that struggtle to talk. Sunny struggles to talk, as he a rescue, and very abused when he was younger. Your bird talked much clearer than Sunny can, but I know when he says hello, I know when he complains about Sophie and Kiki. Nancy
  7. Good news about Harley. Cheyenne sounds like a fantastic distraction. Best of luck. Nancy
  8. Looks good to me. Any offer of love and affection that is offered, accept it. Greys teach us. Not the reverse. Nancy
  9. Sorry all! I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. for three days. NOT a good time to go there I told my doctor, but had no choice.I put alot of pressure on Sean to contact rescue sites, call our bird man.... he didn't do it, as he was busy looking for Kiki, dealing with all the other animals. He almost cried! I left the hospital early, still don't feel well, but my family is in shambles. Kiki is definitely not close. I don't feel her presence. Sean has been very busy looking for Kiki as well as paying extra attention to Sophie and Sunny. We are mostly worried about Sunny as Kiki is his mate. Sean told me he has been snuggling extra with Sunny and Sunny has appreciated the extra attention. As tomorrow is Sunday, I can't do much, outside of looking for her, but Monday,I plan on finding my girl!She is " street smart", and a survivor, out of all my birds.I know it is stupid, but I'm going to say it... " what is she thinking?" flying off.... Please respond, don't worry about offending me. I don't get why she is not back. I here from many friends how the hawks will get her, she doesn't recognize her home.. Nancy
  10. Thanks Wingy. I will call Paul tomorrow. He is going to be sooo pissed! I know better! Can't be my concern, I just want her back.Sean has been searching for her like crazy! I told him tonite, I was okay with him blaming me. Won't change things though! Tomorrow, I'm all over it! I've always found a lost dog..... I can find Kiki too! Wish me luck! Nancy
  11. LOVED the pics of your baby. It is obvious from the pics your bird has an " underbite", and needs correction. Brases for children, but not sure what is the best for correction for a bird. Nancy
  12. First vet visit, should include a complete physical. NO blood test should be included if bird is healthy and eating well. Nancy
  13. I can't imagine aloe juice is toxic to a dog! ( A bird for that matter!) I discovered my avian vet when he was young and struggling. Noone knew about him. His office was small, he had one secretary.He told me about aloe vera soooo many years ago! He taught me soo much! Now of course, he is famous, and recommended thruout NY State. Noone can get in to see him! Sophie can! She is one of his original patients, and he sees her when needed. Dogs go to his associates, but Sophie, goes to Dr. Balonek! He will always greet us... " let me guess.... she is sneezing!" ( A joke... since when I got her at age two, she was sneezing, I thought she was sick!). She was imitating my sick son. Nancy
  14. I LOVED the pic! It brought tears, as Kiki did the same thing... but it also brought a smile to my face. Be careful, since they soon learn how to turn on the fawcet, not knowing how water temp works. Nancy
  15. Thanks all! I knocked at all my neighbors homes behind me, asked them to keep a lookout and contact me. Called vets and shelters going beyond county lines, as this is how I found my missing dog years ago, and found him. Her gym and cage is outside with food for her. Sunny traveled in his carrier around the neighborhood screeching his lungs out. He KNOWS! Sophie also knows, as she is screamimg Kiki's call all day long. Kiki hates that... and will scream herself when Sophie does it.I'm off tomorrow, will take Sophie with me this time.( of course in a carrier!) I know when I yell " Kiki"... Sophie will send off Kiki's scream. I was soooo b.... today at work. I'm never like that, but I really just want to be home looking for my baby. I've had her since she was weaned. Going thru her baby book, just makes me feel even worse! Now not only is she hot, thirsty and hungry, people are telling me " there are alot of hawks in our area". Nancy
  16. Kiki escaped Sunday around 7pm. As she loves to hang in my bedroom lately, I let her, and turned on the airconditioner, as we don't have central air and it is too hot! I had cardboard set up for the area that the accordian didn't cover on the AC. She apparently chewed the cardboard and removed it during the one hour I left her in my room and she escaped. We searched all eve Sunday to no success. Sean searched all day, took her jungle gym outside, as well as put Sunny in a carrier and both searched all day. I left work early to find her without any results. I am so worried about the hawks and her being hungry, thirsty and hot!I feel terrible as I was so mad at her a few weeks ago and mentioned " rehoming her", which I would never do! We are all at a loss without our girl. I have notified all our neighbors and will contact all vets and rescues in our area. Any other ideas? Nancy
  17. A very strong name.... he is a true ham for the camera! Nancy
  18. While I have " open cage" belief... putting my birds to bed, was like putting my children to bed! They would comeout over and over... the answer was NO.... back to bed! If they cameout and dive bombed me.... that was a serious NO... and they had a timeout cage in a separate room that they went into for five minutes. I always discussed with them after why I wasn't pleased. I also was understanding of a birds issue, needing to be with me. When Sophie was ten, she started to revolt against bedtime! ( teenager?) I put her down in front of her cage on floor to work it out herself! She did. I know it sounds terrible that I am firm with timeout... and it is NEVER in their own cage, as that is too much fun with toys,but it has worked for us.I'm pretty strict with my expectations of my birds. No shoulder, until you deserve this status, no biting allowed. I know it sounds like a dream... but if we don't have expectations and train them... it won't happen!
  19. YIKES! Both bites from a grey and amazon sound horrible. Luckily.... I havent received either in ten years. Kiki DID bite me a few months ago when I wanted her to get down off my refrigerator! She actually drew blood, and I was seriously offended.Then she chewed my mom's secretary, which REALLY upsetted me.She knew I was upset, but I really didn't blame her. Now, bedtime has always been easy... they put themselves to bed at 8pm. I close the bird room. Kiki is missing! I know where she is.... my room.Now she insists on sleeping with me and Zoey my pup. She hides until I fall asleep then I wakeup with her on my shoulder.Zoey loves her, so won't bark at her if she wants to snuggle with us. Need to nip this new behavior. Any suggestions? Nancy
  20. Excellent post on how to bond and reinforce positive results with treats.If I had known, when I got Gracie, I probably would have done the same, BUT when I got her, it was a quick deicision. We got Sophie to do the same thing with encouraging her to come out to us with family fun, she was missing out! I noticed the training was off bird playstand, which is a must! ( or door). NEVER try to get a bird to do anything off of inside of cage. Its their home, not yours, so keepout is the usual " rule" for us. Nancy
  21. Cosmos_Friend Thanks for information that was very useful! Whats in the " African Grey spray?" Sophie my Congo grey, won't shower, and feels like I am murdering her when I spray her. She thinks a bath is jumping in the dogs water bowl. My amazon and sunconure LOVE to shower. Sophie sits on the bathroom floor, watching. When its her turn....I can't even tell you what comes out of her mouth! Been going on for a decade! Nancy
  22. Gracie is adorable, and always has been! She already understands NO BITE! A wonderful thing as she goes into terrible twos. For now, I suggest readjusting your training strategy, meaning, no shoulder, continue to reinforce NO BITE and returning to cage when she does. Protect yourself, but continue with your expectations of her.The twos does pass, and hopefully you find yourself with a bird that wants to be with you 24/7 like Sophie. Nancy
  23. He looks beautiful! LOVE the pics! Great selection of toys and placement by the way. You put some serious thought into it! Love the name.... where did you come up with it? Nancy
  24. I don't think the apple caused it... but it is possible! If conure is not used to digesting anything other than pellets, bird may have been struggling to digest. If appetite is fine the next day, no worries.If not... off to the vet. Nancy
  25. Terrible twos truly stink, but I can't imagine life without Sophie and I exchanging kisses, beak to nose snuggles. Nancy
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