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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Usually, if what you THINK your bird is saying, they usually are! Shame on this woman for what is basically EXTORTION! Let her know you have no more money and let her see how happy Cotay is! If she has any human decency, she will back off. Don't give into her money demands, and certainly... don't let her get her mitts back on Cotay! He is home finally! Nancy
  2. I have been missing Kiki for past three weeks. In the past, I have lost several dogs, guinea pigs, you name it! I have always found them. Times have changed, and it has become a computer world, that I am not good at. If anyone can help me post... I would appreciate it. Any, and all sites. Kiki, Amazon, lost three weeks ago in Webster, Rochester, ny 14580. Friendly to all. Will land on your shoulder and expect you to share. please contact me at 585-944-8676 Nancy Hunt
  3. I never heard of this. How do I post? I am not the greatest on a computer, and have called rescue groups. Nancy
  4. Amazons can be very loud. We finally understood and compromised for Kiki to be loud and scream between the hour of 3-4 pm. She didn't scream the entire hour, but it was her hour to do what she did best! No corrections of her behavior, just letting an Amazon do, what they do best! She always had a healthy appetite, and ate the best of all our fids! She taught them all what healthy was about. Nancy
  5. So happy Dali is good again! It is always scary, when our birds get injured. Especially a beak. Nancy and Sophie
  6. Talon.... LOL on the " idiots!" Truly a " love of endearment"! We love our new friends as you do! Isn't there a simpler way? Way too complicated! I would LOVE to see Steve " Missty parrot" excel more. I believe he hasn't since it is complicated! Nancy and Sophie
  7. I hired an autistic young man age 18, to help me with weeding, as I am overwhelmed with things that need to be done, and I work too much! He is doing a fantastic job, but when he is " thi I told him he could come see Sophie againrsty", he sits and talks to me for several hours! He has met Sophie before, but she came to meet him again, and he was just " thrilled". For over an hour, she " chewed his ear off", and he listened to every word, and was just amazed! He deciphered every word she said, and interprepted it so differently than me. It was such an experience for me.Apparently, she has soooo much more to say, that I didn't know, until I understood Sean's world.Things she says, I didn't know what she was saying, but he did! I told him he could come see Sophie again, even when his work is done. She truly likes him. Nancy
  8. She sounds like a jem! Totally content with herself... the rest of the world needs to figure it out! These birds I am especially fond of. I suspect she is going to " shake up your home, and in a positive way only!" Nancy
  9. Jake can go flying with Sean! He is getting his pilots license and it is scaring me to death! LOL We all care about you guys, and hope all goes well. nancy
  10. Thanks all! I will try the sleeping hut. Ryan who is off at college year round, is skyping every two days with Sunny and Sophie. While they are both excited... I think it makes all the difference for Sunny, as he is Ryan's bird. They have been bonded since Ryan was nine years old. I have started taking Sunny to the shower. A new experience for me and Sunny! He had " newspaper head", and I told my younger son, who usually showers Sunny since Ryan went off to college, to get him. He said... " are you sure?" I said yes, get Sunny! He was hesitant for about one minute! He trusts me, but wasn't sure of the shower thing! LOL! I couldn't get him out. He was having soooo much fun.Sunny is trusting me more. He knows I feed him and won't bite me, but now I find myself in a totally different roll, and he is giving me a chance. Nancy
  11. Sophie and Kiki always loved their feet massaged. Not Sunny! I wish someone would massage my feet. LOL! Nancy
  12. I always trust older info. My life as a nurse always adds new info, but ultimately, I find us always going back and changing things back to the way we use to do things. Just new info Nancy
  13. Sophie learned alot thru music. She LOVES when my kids play their instruments. Violin, piano, sax, and guitar. She learned to dance and whistle many tunes. She LOVES rymes... Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss are her favorites.I don't understand the attraction.... but she goes crazy, wanting to learn all the songs from the " sound of music." I also always bought her two year old toys. Animal sounds always interested her.Sophie doesn't go crazy for bird toys. I was always left for finding her kid toys that kept her interest. Nancy
  14. Steve... LOL! Yeah... you're the boss alright! LOL! Nancy
  15. KevinD... you are doing an amazing job with your bird! Especially being wild caught! That alone, tells us how great you are doing.It is fantastic you found a vet that cares, but I suspect that vet took an interest in you, as he was probably impressed that you are soooo committed and sees a great future for Sukei. Nancy
  16. Jeff So happy Gracie is back! I knew she would be. The terrible two's are really horrible. As time goes on, and you learn to trust her again, and she remains " constant", you may find yourself kissing her beak again.I can't imagine life without my eskimo kisses constantly. BUT.... it took several years.Gracie will eventually deserve your full trust. It takes time. I know she is a snuggler at heart. Maturity will get her there. Nancy
  17. It is important that Radar know, he is not in charge of Echo.Andrew is to be tolerated and accepted!While Radar, is being protective, he also needs to learn you and your family are making the decisions. Nancy
  18. I LOVE buying US! Sophie picks our cages at this point in life. If she won't stepup to it.... its a NO SALE! We are past that point in our life, to put old cage next to new cage. Done that.She understands when we are shopping.She doesn't shop for herself, but others. Nancy
  19. While Kiki is missing, we are all concerned for Sunny, our rescue. Kiki made all the difference in Sunny's life, when Kiki came home as a baby. He immediately fell in love.She always snuggled him. Now that she is missing, Sophie is kind to him, but doesn't give him the attention that Kiki did. I find him snuggled under newspapers at the bottom of his cage. I never put in the grate, because they didn't need it. What can I do to help Sunny. I don't want to put in the grate to separate him from newspaper, as he snuggles under the newspaper. What kind of house can I get for him? It is soooo hard here without Kiki. Nancy
  20. We haven't given up.I truly believe she is out there! We look and call daily. Nancy
  21. We are all here to support you! NOT just you and your bird, but how YOU are doing! Nancy
  22. DogsBirdFish... I have dealt with two kids off to college and empty nest syndrome. One in his third year, second child in his second year. I also remodeled my kitchen two years ago. Sophie befriended the contractors as well. They LOVED her and she knew Joe by name.Even the owner told me his employees enjoyed coming here because Sophie was the " talk" amoung his employees. The problem is.... you only have a short period of time in my opinion, to work with Emma. If you miss this opportunity for Emma to be a truly best friend that has the capability to makeup for the kids at college, it won't happen! Kids don't worry about me while off to college. Sophie keeps my hands full.They know that.You both have done an excellent job with your son. I'm sure you are proud of his success! Now.... there is a NEW baby in the house, that needs the same guidance!Don't miss out on the opportunity! They are absolutely amazing! Nancy
  23. Elvenking Awwwww How sweet he really is! They all test us when they are just babes. They test us when their adults too! BUT..... Sophie is 13 now. When she goes for the dropleaf coffee table, and I say a firm NO! BOY.... watch a grey back up on her little tootsies! LOL! We do eventually get some authority.Then she thinks I won't be mad if she goes under the coffee table and chews the mechanics to the coffee table. She feels she has compromised. LOL! Nancy
  24. Still no Kiki. I live in a small town, have contacted EVERYONE! No sighting of Kiki. I am sooo frustrated! Nancy
  25. I'm not sure I can help you... but I believe baby greys need to be with mama or get additional feedings until sixteen weeks at least. I believe in always satisfying their needs. If baby is still hungry... feed them! If baby is not interested in feeding, at least you know you have satisfyed your baby. Nancy
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