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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. chelsearv... take your time. It unfortunately is a long process for Fred to trust you guys. Absolutely no gloves! If Fred can't be picked up without them, he is not ready to be picked up. Open the cage door, let Fred see you and boyfriend interact in front of the cage. Read to him daily, play games in front of his cage. We did all sorts of family activities in front of Sophie, who came home at age two. I would NEVER put my hand in any of my birds cages. They came out to us. Sophie came out a few days into adopting us. She climbed up on our shoulders. We did " stepup" to whomevers turn it was while playing a game. As far as bedtime... I would put her on her cage, told her it was time for bed. Never a problem in the beginning. Nancy
  2. Didn't help.I will repeat my request...what is this? danmcq... please don't be " smug" with your intelligence. You are not as smart as you think... and are quick to snub your nose at the rest of us!LOL! You have always amused me.... as how smart you think you are, when you know shit! Tired of your attitude that you know so much more, and us mere mortals, know nothing! Nancy P.S. When your grey loves you to death, and wants to hang with you 100%, let me know I will be glad to help you with biting issues. Nancy
  3. make sure you have a calcium enrished perch. I was not as happy as others were.Nancy
  4. Bless hubby! He has stepped up to the plate!The answer is NOOOO! Involve other family members. No chewing! You need alot of family members to say NO chew! Been there. Nancy
  5. aerial.2000 Watched the video. Of course, adorable! I'm just gonna sit on the sidelines... watch you be amazed what baby is gonna do! Nancy
  6. Greys like routine, and DO freak out over new things! Luckily, if a grey trusts you, and they show they are scared... always tackle that scare together. Chewing the box and encouraging it. Don't demolish it... let them!Sophie has attacked any fears with me or kids. We have always been there to support her, and have shown her, there is nothing to be afraid of! Once in awhile, she will scream " ROM"... I come running! She will be frustrated with something! She is safe, and needs to figure it out! I tell her too. My anxiety level drops to zero and she knows it. Nancy
  7. Sometimes... you cant take them with! I've taken my birds to my groomer... discussed they " don;'t have a closed cage policy". It can be a problem. Need to be on the play gym and exposed to people. I had " requests" to adopt them from other people. He was obligated to let me know! It was beyond my comfort zone, although they had a ball. Next I had Ryan's friend, who basically grew up with Sophie, care for her. She learned the word " shit", in a week. BAD Jeffrey! Sophie and gang, have a clean mouth. Next, Sophie loved the autistic teenager that cuts my grass. He is highly functional, and Sophie loved him the moment she met him. His parents were agreeable to help him daily. ( the mom was my kids teacher in elementary school). It worked out and Sophie fell in love with the dad and vice versa. I will plan on Sean to take care of Sophie and gang again, as long as parents are involved. Talon... you need a vacation! Find someone you trust.... have another friend check on the situation daily. I was the " caregiver" for my friends birds. She had over ten cages, didn't know a thing about birds, but we took care of all of them.( she was desperate and gone for two days). She left instructions in front of each cage. We did good, until we saw a note.... " Don't touch this bird", left him enough seed for two days, if you can't feed or change his water, don't worry. He will be fine!Well I KNEW this bird! Everytime I was over, he was on his mamas shoulder! We became friends, as he wanted out.When she came home, her baby was on my shoulder.LOL! Nancy
  8. Isaac is adorable! I LOVED the video. I can understand and appreciate how much work it was for him to chase the cup, and be determined to get it to " cooperate!" LOL Sophie does the same. She now can get the cup to " be still". She can now climb on it sideways... and do the " roll". Cups MUST learn to cooperate with our birds plans and goals. Nancy
  9. I would ask the vet what protein you should feed Sydney. Plan on hand delivering it. I am sure Sydney is drinking alot for some reason, to help with the Zinc poisoning and protein problem. I don't quite comprehend the kidney biopsy. Ask your vet, what he is ruling out with the endoscopy and kidney. If checking for diabetes, it is a blood level check. When birds are malnourished, there is an acidosis vs alcolosis problem. I would ask for a chem 12 panel. That will include renal functions and blood sugar level.Birds are not that much different from humans, just more fragile.If your bird suddenly develops breathing problems.... take Sydney in right away. I would be curious what is PH level is. Nancy
  10. All sounds great! Practicing stepup, great progress! Also.... continue to expose your bird to the family. Play some games, that Lola has to stepup to the next person whose turn it is. As far as the regurg thing.... some see it as a sign of sexual aggression. I don't Sophie is 13 now, and has regured to me since she came home at the age of two. She wanted to " plant it in my mouth", but, she accepted putting it in my hand. I always thank her. Every weekend, I have one day for errands, cleaning etc. The other day.... is what I call " lazy day!". Sophie calls it " her day!" We hang, snuggle, watch movies, etc. True regurg day. I'm gonna get it after spending lots of quality time together.She can spend five to ten minutes getting ready to bring it up. I always receive it in my hand and thank her with kisses and pets. A very happy grey for her efforts and that " pot of gold", I hold in my hand.Nancy
  11. What the heck is " tea tree concealer?" As I am a woman, I am embarrassed that all these guys know what it is and I don't! Nancy
  12. My birds eat a diet of fresh veggies, fruits secondary, fresh seeds with protein mixed. They eat chicken and fish, but NEVER raw meat. They don't live in the wild. They live with me. I don't close their cage, but close the bird room. I can imitate their enviroment the best I can. It won't consist of worms, or living off of decayed animals. Nancy
  13. Beautiful pics! Off to a great start. Welcome! Nancy
  14. Sophie loves her 15 minutes in the morning. Just us two. Noone is invited or included. I get up around 430 am, so most arent interested! At bedtime, everyone gets a " nite nite" kiss and book read. Sophie went thru a period several months ago, refusing bedtime. I just put her at the bottom of her cage... ( the floor), she had to work it out. After a week, she decided she didn't like missing story time. It didn't take long. Nancy
  15. After going thru the same number of keyboards.... Sean had a point.... push the keyboard IN! LOL! OHHHHH! Nancy
  16. I'm so happy that after a decade plus.... they all go like crazy.... then all of a sudden it is quiet! Must be 8pm. YAY! They put themselves to bed now. Once in awhile.... I have a stray. Always Sophie. She will tell me " shhhhh!" Mostly I ask her " what are you doing up past bedtime?" Sometimes I let her hang with me and she is delighted that she is pulling a " fast one", on the other birds. Nancy
  17. Whether Irwin is 30, or five, it really doesn't matter! You learn what he has learned. Decide what behavior is good, what is bad. Make a list. Work on it together! If I can take a bird that was out of forever homes, a bird that was probally around 20, that would attack people's jugular, and teach him within a month, this is not acceptable behavior, anyone can do it! Sunny was my first bird. It doesnt matter their age. All birds are trainable. Its just about trust. Nancy
  18. LOVE the cage and gym! Similar to our birds cage and gym. We have an " exotic" cage, they all ignore it. All have chosen to live together in this cage. Grey, Sunconure and Amazon. Nancy
  19. Whoa!Quite fancy! Sophie has a single perch carrier, Kiki and Sunny have a dog traveling kennel. I know it is unheard of for a Amazon and Sunconure to travel in the same cage, but they are in love! They travel together. Nancy
  20. Remember, as you want them to practice flying, I feel very strong, about practicing flight with two humans. One to send off.... one to receive. Birds should practice flying with two people. Nancy
  21. Avoid the play stand for now. Have baby perch on your wrist and hang with you. When family members are annoyed about him, tell the family members to " shut up!" they ARE making him nervous.When you choose to adopt a grey... its YOU that has to adjust to their schedule. Once you adjust... developing the relationship is very gratifying. My Amazon Kiki, enjoys screaming between 3-4 pm. She LOVES opera, so this is the time I play her music. How is her behavior the other 23 hours? FANTASTIC! This is her time to shine and we all support her. Nancy
  22. I would have been scared with Wingy! Thinking.... tracheoesopageal fistula! Sometimes being a nurse.... sucks! Hope all is well Nancy
  23. If painting the walls is what you want to do.... I have always removed my birds as far as they can be from room being painted, and hangup plastic.Painting during spring or summer is best, as you can open windows. There is no paint ( in my opinion), better than another. Ventilation is extremely important. Nancy
  24. As baby decreases amount of formula, it is important to see if they are eating enough seed as well as fresh fruits and veggies.Start weighing your baby daily. Most babies will drink when you dont see it, so that is hard to measure. Monitoring their poop, weight and activity, is a great tool to help you determine their well being. As far as showers.... Kiki and Sunny love them. Sophie will reject a shower, and loves to watch everyone get showered and blowdryed! She is thrilled they are enjoying themselves. We have tried everything possible to get her to enjoy a shower, but no go! I think it is important for greys to learn young about the shower. Nancy
  25. Thanks Wingy! Kiki is getting so expensive with toys. I just can't keep up to her demands. Nancy
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