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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I also enjoyed the video. Very confident and relaxed. I wish I knew Sophie before two, but didn't have that opportunity.You guys will work it out.Those bites will eventually be worth it! nancy
  2. Bummer! I was looking forward to a counselor! Everyone at work wants to have a game party here since I have the space.I asked... " Does this mean you are all going to sleep here?" the answer is yes. I said " Let me ask Sophie!" They all had fun the last time, but Sophie refused to leave the party and chose who she would sleep with. She liked Garry, and he liked her.( tough to dislike a bird when you are passed out!). Nancy
  3. Oh they are all just " conbirds!" Nancy
  4. " When in doubt.... give a shout!" Thats my motto. When I call my vet to make an appointment for one of my gang.... there are two of us with the same name. I always cut it short by saying " I'm the one with the thick chart!" Nancy
  5. Pookie is a doll! We LOVE stories about new guys learning! Keep the pictures coming. My kids make fun of me, tell me I take more pictures of the birds than them! LOL! ( thats not true!) Nancy
  6. She is doing what any bird would do. Warm compresses are a good thought, but with her oozing.... I suspect a infection has developed. Let us know how the vet appointment goes. Best decision. Nancy
  7. Ray said it all! he wont starve. Keep the toys coming! Nancy ( ps... if you get bored.... you can build some for me. Cant keep up with Kiki the Amazon!)LOL Nancy
  8. Piece of cake JeffNOK! It did take Sophie six months to get it, but remember, I got her at age two. She was in the terrible two's, learning about her new family. It took six months of being consistent with practicing stepup, encouraging her to want to be with the family.Playing games.... ignoring her when she climbed out of the cage to play with us. We had more than biting to deal with.We practiced stepup thru games. If she wanted to pop the bubble with the game of trouble.... she had to go to the next family member.Biting.... NOT allowed. Back to her cage. She hated being in her cage while we played games! After several months of this.... she was on my wrist, she said NO! NO bite, and bit the air! She had finally put two and two together. Gracie understands NO BITE! You are lucky that she already wants to be with you. I dont think it will be hard for Gracie to learn and understand " consequenses." Be consistent.Timeout should be around five minutes and I always would get Sophie out after. Havent been bitten in over a decade by my girl.( except when she is hanging on the gate in familyroom and I open it. She will give me a lovebite on my ass and laugh!) Another of her games! Nancy
  9. Jocelyn... I havent been in the bathroom for over 20 years by myself, except the few times I locked the door. LOL! Ignore the scratches.Always take a phone with you, call a friend. They can always calm us down. If not.... send me a message... I'll help you. I laugh now.... kids off in college, but nothing else has changed. When I open the bathroom door, there is Ollie, Zoey and Sophie my bird. Just waiting! LOL! Nancy
  10. Timber may benefit with a game that I, and Mistyparrot are fond of. Contact calls in different rooms. It is Sophies favorite game! I make a whistle... she returns it. I make it more complicated.... she repeats it! We continue to make it more complicated back and forth. Her door is open, so she can fly and find me, but she likes the game of a door between us.If she forgets to " rap", I stand a chance to win. If I win.... I go and get her, tell her " I win!" and do a celebration dance. She " clucks", her displeasure. If she wins.... means she remembered to " rap", which I can't do... she wins! I go get her and tell her, she won!She LOVES this game. Nancy
  11. If your new baby, landed on the floor,stressed out, would he stepup to you?I dont believe in toweling. Reserved only, for nail, beak or wing trimming or vet visit. Sophie or any of my birds always stepped up when they flew to an area they were not comfortable with. Nancy
  12. timbersmom... oh you will! I promise! Once I realized Sophie's reasoning to herself.... I finally understood! ( probably around the age of three). Once I took a step back, and really " listened to her", ignored MY plans for her, and REALLY listened....she really doesn't ask alot of me, but I ask alot from her. I switched that around. I listened....would tell her " thats not going to happen!" OR.... yes.... we can work on that. The moment I walk in the door.... the complaint department is open!At the end of the day, whether they can talk or not... I understand what they are complaining about. Once issues are resolved.... I can go to bed with three birds of different origins, snuggling together.( I do love that pups remain neutral.). It is tough when you choose to have " open door policy." A TON of work, but sooo worth it to me. Nancy
  13. Jocelyn... proud of you for being honest. Remember.... a grey is extremely intelligent. We are lucky that they forgive and forget quickly. BUT.... they are physically inferior to a dog or cat. You can do what I did when my kids were younger and driving me crazy.... lock yourself in the bathroom for ten minutes! LOL! You are going to be a great mama! Always remind yourself how fragile they are. Nancy
  14. I think Gracie understands the " NO BITE". She is halfway there. Now she needs to learn " there are consequenses to her bite. Return her to her cage with a firm " NO BITE!". Ignore her for five minutes then take her out again. If she bites again.... back in, repeat NO BITE! Sophie is not a docile bird. Full of energy and mischief. LOVE her for her love of life and constantly thinking of " what can I get into next!" I was lucky to have kids taking care of her when I was at work. We taught her thru consistensy. Meaning.... she didn't get away with " murder", when kids were caring for her. Nancy
  15. Earthchild... open the cage! They can only do so much INSIDE their cage. Open the door to the REAL world! THATS where you will see their true ability to learn. Nancy
  16. Carol and Dave are fantastic! I will be honest.... Sophie my grey, trims herself quite well, but Sunny and Kiki, do need to go in for nail trimming. Sophie goes in, mostly for the ride! She gets the " spa treatment as well". What I usually hear is her " unbalanced wing trimming!" He gives her a better cut. She leaves quite happy and flying as usual. Nancy
  17. Awww.... sorry all. Greys, Amazons and Macaws should always be in a home where they can talk freely. While walking my dogs, talking to neigbors... Sophie and Kiki can be heard doors down. My neigbors just laugh. ( thank GOD!) Nancy
  18. Jayd... a little insulted! Dave does not have medical or personal experience with asthma. You " blew me off". I am an asthma pro both profressionally and personally. A filter, will do little for a person that is allergic to a bird. Same histamine reaction will occur if a bird is introduced and someone is allergic. I guess I really understand now, where I stand. Nancy
  19. Jayd... I certainly know, you agree with yourself! I get a kick out of it. You know, I agree with myself too... but sometimes I DO make an ass out of myself! LOL I'm okay with it. Nancy
  20. I'm glad many people have air filters. I had the " original charcoal filter" over 30 years ago. I had asthma since I was 8. If a person after being allergy tested... is positive to birds, cats or dogs... don't get them!When we were asked to adopt sunny our sunconure, as he fell in love with ryan at daycare...I took the time to get us all tested. No allergies to birds. Sunny came home. Airfilters should be used to cut down on the dust, but never used for allergies to birds or other animals. It doesn't change the normal immune response. If allergic.... don't get the animal. Nancy
  21. Jayd... sorry. I was detecting tension between you guys from other posts. Glad all is good because I like you both. Nancy
  22. Bongo will be talking like crazy before you know it.Sean came home from college last nite. Sat with Sean to watch Django unchained. A very long movie, and very violent! But good. Sophie decided to watch the movie with us. UMMMMMM.... should I say she decided to watch the movie with Sean.Well past her bedtime, but I let her occasionally. She didn't leave Seans shoulder for three hours. Nancy S for three hours.
  23. katana600... as you are our moderator, for rescued animals, I would like us to do what we can for the bird"Kogi" Empress is interested. Texas to Florida. Empress can't afford the transfer. Nancy .I feel there is a connection. Meant to be. I've worked with rescues and gravy trains with rescued maltese. I am more than willing to help. I have Empress's phone number. PM me what we can do. Nancy
  24. Jayd... excellent post! You are a great grand daddy! Now you know we need you.... tons of info that new parents need. Keep it coming. Nancy
  25. SURE Jayd.... whatever that means! Nancy ( thanks for all tolerating my ignorance with a computer!) Nancy
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