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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. She looks GREAT! I don't want to make your decision more difficult, but she has the " Are you my mama?" look. nancy
  2. Stephen... certainly start leaving different veggies and a few fruits out daily. Sophie " chucked" them at the walls for a long time. I kept trying....even the ones she threw at the walls.It sometimes takes a long time. She now does eat a great variety of veggies and fruits. Of course, veggies are more important, so I offer her " fresh", but I also give her freezedryed veggies mixed in her seed mix. She eats it. As far as still wanting formula at seven months....my Amazon did as well. Try a spoon with oatmeal, yogurt,mushy stuff. Kiki went from two times a day, down to one. She is the best eater.... tries all new veggies and fruits. If Kiki likes it....it must be good! LOL! Always satisfy the "oral stage." I advanced to giving Kiki a quick taste of scrambled eggs off the spoon,in front of plate with more egg. Parked the spoon on the plate after a quick bite. Worked quite well.Nancy and gang
  3. Awwwww Storm is having a blast. Loving his toys. I have no idea about the bicycle, maybe when he gets older, possibly, one of those kid zipup things you see people have attached to their bike? Certainly not for a year or two,even if deemed safe. Nancy
  4. Brat Birds... Competition! I have seen your pictures of your sunconure. JUST as beautiful as Sunny our rescue! I thought Sunny had the market cornered!LOL! Please visit in the photography room pictures of my guys. I am at my birdstore all the time. Have never seen a sunconure as beautiful as mine.... until you came along! LOL! Beautiful! Nancy
  5. Welcome Stephen and Bobby. You sound like you really care about Bobby, and we look forward to hearing more. Nancy and Sophie
  6. Sorry for the number three behind my posts. Sophie3 has plucked off my keys once again. Nancy
  7. Poor Alfie! First wound, is as hard on mama, as it is on baby! He may be quiet, trying to make sense of it all I think. I remember Sophie doing that. Just make sure you let Alfie know you " empathize" with his traumatic event. Also let him know how proud you are of him with his bravery. When he is ready....time to fly again. Certainly make sure he is ready. DOM'T let Alfieknow3 this stresses you. They pick up on that. Nancy
  8. Yay Alfie!!!! We are so proud as well. Nancy
  9. Always pay attention to your " gut". If sleeping more than usual tomorrow, get him into vet pronto. How is he eating and drinking? He probably is just fine, but birds hide illness well. Key is.... is he eating and drinking like normal. Nancy
  10. TRUST, RESPECT, LOVE and TRAIN. This is what we do for our birds. This is what they want. Training is NOT reconditioning , its about teaching our birds what behavior that is acceptable, and which is not. Nancy
  11. KevinD To me...it sounds like Sukie is offering you a step up. Lifting of the foot, is either they are stressed... or want to stepup. The scenario you present, was not a stressful moment, so I can only think it was an invitation to " pick me up!" ALWAYS be ready for their invites, and NEVER decline their offerings. You may not get them again. My son Ryan just called me, asking me what I was doing. I was " petting Sophie's foot!" LOL! She lifted her foot to be picked up, but really didn't want to be picked up. I was petting her foot, which she was enjoying. LOL Nancy
  12. Yahoooo! Antiobiotics! I'm so excited for you and your baby. A true fighting chance. Nancy
  13. LOL! She would have made a great parent! I'm glad the drum stage was quick. When Sean lost interest... I gave the set away! I wasn't waiting for a change of heart. Nancy
  14. Maybe terrible twos? Try avoiding during this hour, change the schedule a little. See if it makes a difference. Nancy
  15. Glad to hear that. Even though I feel it wasn't a growl, it really doesn't matter if it was! Baby would need to learn this sound,is a part of life! Part of the family. I've been thinking of getting rid of the piano. Takes up alot of space. Kids say NOOOOOOOO! Birds would be deprived of me playing and singing. LOL! Sophie jumps down onto piano, thinks she is awesome. nancy
  16. If she is not asking for food....open the cage door,encourage her to step out on the door. Maybe, she wants to hang with you. Nancy
  17. Iknow many owners do different things.... but I just say " NO! NO BITE! Return to cage....stepup again in five minutes. Kisses to start. Tell my baby, I don't appreciate being bit, but I love them. Kids did the same thing. I actually did " timeout cage", when Sophie was two. She had a separate cage to " return to", when naughty. Most owners hated my idea, but I never thought it made sense to return a bird to a cage full of toys. Nancy
  18. No. A human can NOT transfer the flu virus to a bird. Unless you are in China. New " bird flu virus" is a concern. Best health practice, always is, not to let your bird near your mouth, as well as always wash your hands with soap and water, when handling your bird. Nancy
  19. Yes....I watched it again. It wasn't growling! Sophie started with the recorder, did the same thing. We progressed over the years. When Sean did a certain note on the violin... Kiki chipped in.Her love of Opera, started with Sean and the violin. Sophie eventualy loved the guitar with Ryan singing. Whether kids suck on an instrument, it is part of the family, and birds learn to love and appreciate their playing. ( whether it is good or bad!) I'm glad that eventually my kids got good with the instruments that they play now. Kids off at college now. Sophie and Kiki miss them playing their instruments. Nancy
  20. y2kunals... stick with Jayd on feedings and diet. Certainly leave your dog separate, as your baby can't fly and is very young. Introduction to other animals CAN happen, but not at this young age, and certainly, if they can't fly. Nancy
  21. I disagree all. Sorry! I'm out numbered.... and now this bird will be limited to exposure to music. A very big disappointment for me. Nancy
  22. Awwww.she is such a baby! Decide on what pellets you want to do. Harrisons is quite popular.Also start leaving her fresh fruits and veggies. Birds wean themselves, but owners need to listen to their request. I would give her a bowl of seed, and a sample of fresh fruits and veggies. Your dog is part of your family, so I would continue to introduce them under supervision. She may fuss... but she eventually needs to adapt. I'm so happy 12 years later, dogs and birds are best friends. They all conspire against me! LOL! I need to leave in my car, all medications that are not in a bottle. Otherwise, Sophie will get into my purse, no matter how quick I think I can be. Sophie will go in my purse, find lipstick, throw it down to Zoey my puppy, that loves lipstick. She will say " here you go Zoey!" Zoey is thrilled! Ollie and Zoey share their treats with Sophie. Sophie yells to Ollie... " Do you want a peanut?" she will give him a peanut that he loves. They go back and forth.When I get home, I open the birdroom.I can be changing... come down to find Sophie in the dog kennel snuggling with either dog.You also have to understand, dogs were Nancypups when Sophie came here, and my senior Lhasha Apso,trained them all. Nancy
  23. WHOO HOOOO! A monumental moment, and I'm so happy you got to witness it a second time around!!!! Escher has just begun! Nancy
  24. Peanit is beautiful! I LOVED the last picture the most.Perfect feathers... perfect everything! You are wrong about Peanut not being able to communicate. He communicated quite well for the class trip. He also has communicated that he has a great dad that takes great care of him. Communication takes all forms, and it doesn't always have to be vocal. Nancy
  25. jbsmomto1 LOL! Oh NOOOOOOO not the recorder! Been there done that. Watched the video... Storm is interested in the sound. This is not a growl, but an attempt to find his voice. Music should be exposed to your bird as much as possible. They love it! Have your daughter to continue practicing in a general room, that Storm can hear....maybe even watch. We've gone thru the violin, saxaphone, piano, and guitar. Kiki the Amazon is partial to the violin, while Sophie loves the guitar. When they did the drums....Sophie got into the beat.( not so much me!) W#hen I play the piano.... they all go crazy and LOVE it! Nancy
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