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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. What.... are you guys all NUTS! We've got a baby coming! All you boys were going crazy with your fondness for birds. Pyrowoulf has nooooo business getting any bird! She needs to have her baby and focus on just her child. Now you've just screwed up my pledge to myself, to be respectful, and less passionate. Pyrowoulf...Have your baby. Enjoy parrenting. After time.... if still interested, then get a bird. Nancy
  2. I agree with all. Baby too young too understand you were just playing. BUT.... even though baby felt a little threatened by the bottle, I also saw baby trusted you to " keep him safe!" Continue to de3ve3lop the trusting relationship. You are on the right road. Nancy
  3. I am SOOOOOO excited! I LOVE training! Its imperative,one way or another. I never bribed with treats, but if I knew better... I'm sure I would have used it! Nancy
  4. JeffNOK... I always saw Gracie and Sophie having similar traits. Nancy
  5. Tough to tell! The lighter the eyes, the younger.Can only tell the sex by DNA. Your new grey looks quite healthy and happy. Nancy
  6. Dan,Dave,Ray and Jayd... its not just about our birds...its about you all as well. We are all an extended family, and when you guys are struggling with health issues,oneway or another, we are concerned. Noone should be paying 1300 dollars a month for healthcare. Hopefully, Obamacare will make a difference this year. As far as designating in a will about who will care for our birds, I have done so. My bestfriend will care for them if I passed away unexpectantly before kids are finished with college and established. Ryan gets Sophie and Sunny, Sean gets Kiki. She3 is bird experienced and all the birds know and love her. Nancy
  7. Kiki has talent! Especially a woman that is screaming!When she is sleeping... I turn the TV down . She will wake up and scream at perfect pitch during a murder.( i'm not proud!) I AM proud when I play her favorite CD " Phantom of the Opera.She is awesome LOL Nancy
  8. blewuk... Good for you! I WISH I could spray Sophie. When I do, she thinks I'm murdering her, but she needs to get clean. I hope others can reply that have birds that appreciate a spray. Drying out their natural oils of course is a concern. Nancy
  9. Birds recognize a loss in their own terms. Of course they don't understand death, but do know when someone is missing. As they get older... they do recognize and understand when someone is in trouble. ie:when Kiki was trapped under a gate. Dogs alerted me when I got home, all the animals surrounded me when I tried CPR. Everyone was quiet... expected me to help Kiki. Kiki slept with us that nite... dogs moved over. It was all about Kiki.Itis amazing how the animal kingdom works together. Kiki always mistrusted the dogs until this horrible event. Now Ollie and Zoey are her best friends. Nancy
  10. Understanding veggies sounds good too. I found that Sophie LOVES music. Between guitar, piano, violin and saxaphone, Sophie LOVES music! Those are the instruments she is exposed to when kids are home, otherwise just me on the piano. She loves poems and catchy phrases. Especially Dr. Seuss. She is especially fond of all the songs from the " Sound of Music". The" doe ray me", is her absolute favorite. Kiki on the other hand... our Amazon,is fascinated with classical music, as well as a " woman screaming when they are being killed!" She will scream as well. I prefer her to love the classical music, even if its not my taste. Nancy
  11. Mistyparrot... aww... so sorry for the loss of Jezebel.We never forget them. Nancy
  12. Dave007 I beg your pardon? I am QUITE normal! LOL! Sophie likes a good party... LOVES to be the center of attention even with strangers. She is a socialite!. She's an unusual grey who likes to be the center of attention. She's the happiest when there is a good party going on! All that get invited... know how important Sophie is to me, so they all make a fuss over her. I'm lucky to have great friends and co-workers that know and respect my attachement to Sophie. Nancy
  13. DogsBirdFish...If you are intuitive, this rescue will pick you.I think if they split up the grey and amazon... its NOT going to go well. I can't imagine Sophie and Kiki being split up. It would be a nightmare.So even if this grey likes you, but then learns his friend isn't coming.... you my friend, are in for a very unhappy time.I suggest taking them as a package deal, if they like you. If you only want the grey... seek another rescue or a baby. Nancy
  14. Trancework... excellent suggestion about starting a site for "Toys and enrichement". I vote you do the planning for the site, and present it to moderators. If we get three responses to my response... you HAVE to accept the challenge! Agreed? PS... as I see you starting to plan, as I see you losing my challenge... please include Brazil, other areas with Amazon forests. We seek new toys for Kiki all the time as she is toy crazy. Please all... don't respond to my post until Trancework accepts the challenge. If he does....PLEASE respond like crazy! Nancy
  15. Jeez... glad I never had a cat! LOL!( I LOVE them so much! DAMN allergies). Nancy
  16. JeffNOK a 150 words?Are you kidding me? She is AMAZING! Well past my expectations! She is the Einstein, I knew she was capable of. JeffNOK...NO baby speaks that much at 20 months!!!!! Nancy
  17. Jayd... open your mind! LOL! I'm willing! Go out on a limb.I've heard lots of good things with clicker training, that has nothing to do with your tongue! Nancy
  18. Jayd...we all love and respect you. I'm so happy you have decided to remain on this site, as I would be "concerned", if we didn't have you to talk to with our bird problems. If Sophie had an " issue"... you would be the first I would send a request about your opinion. Nancy
  19. garryg... lots of responses! I don't think you understood what I was trying to say. I too, would want to know how old my bird really was. I was focusing on, the age development and expectations are pretty much the same. If you have a checklist... which you DO and should have... they fill those " checks", at their own rate. We know you love your baby. Nancy
  20. stewie3130... Stewie sounds adorable! I bet he LOVES his rides. Nancy
  21. Jayd... we are all so sorry about Spock! Many of us have been "unwise"... I lost Kiki to a tree that was HUGE! No ladder I had was big enough. We camped out in front of the tree taking turns as she slowly came down.We got our girl back. We were lucky.Our home policy changed that day. No matter who rings the doorbell... we only go thru the garage to talk to people. Nancy
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