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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I can imagine an "excessive clipping",can make a bird be more "itchy!" Doesn't mean they are " chewing their feathers!" Babies don't chew. It is tough to decide to choose " flight", vs "clipping". My groomer gets "annoyed", with people that choose to allow their birds to fly.He hates all the calls he gets with a " parent losing their bird!" I understand "full flight", as well as I understand "trimming!" I got Sophie at age two .She was already going thru the terrible two's but couldn't fly. Her lack of flight, helped me to train her within a short time. BUT... it took her 10 years to fly like she really wanted too. I'm still working on my own personal thoughts. I have already decided, babies need to learn to be fully flighted in the beginning. It shouldn't have taken Sophie 12 years to learn how to fly. BUT... with an excellent trimmer, as I have, I would have been comfortable, trimming my babies feathers back, during training. Flight to three rooms is enough. Once training was complete... back to flying 100.%
  2. Vet visit! I don't go crazy encouraging vet visits, as Sophie has been to a vet three times since we have had her. The vet needs to examine the new growth see whats going on Nancy
  3. If you have family members that can be involved,I suggest open the door to birds cage. Let them become comfortable with the door, and progress to spending time with the family. Chewing feathers sometimes can be from boredom or stress. You have to alleviate the stress issue. Nancy
  4. We are worried for you, but know there are many here that can help! Keep us updated.Nancy
  5. all have excellent advice. I would also suggest getting a step stool, so that when your bird is on top of perch, you should be taller.A bird should NEVER be taller than you when learning to trust each other. Many don't believe in that. Kiki has a ton of toys in a basket on top of refrig, as she loves to be there.When I get tired of her throwing the toys, making too much mess, I usually put her back on her cage after awhile.The one time I tried to pick her up, without being taller, she BIT me! OUCH! Not only did it hurt, so were my feelings. I wasn't taller than her at that time. I tried to squeeze my wound for blood to point out to her the damage! None came... but I still was hurt. I'm back to "none of my birds, will EVER be taller than me. " Nancy
  6. Methuselah... awww how cute! We would LOVE a video! Its wonderful, when dogs and birds can get along. Nancy
  7. OMG! We're all cooking them! LOL I'm just barbecuing Kiki as she is more destructive then the rest. Kids in turn, plan on barbecuing Sophie to get even. Nancy
  8. Brain dead as usual! Nancy
  9. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Nancy and gang
  10. I also had a pigeon that I loved as a child. I named him Sebastian. My family didn't understand my attachment to him. I know they still don't understand my attachement to my birds now. Nancy
  11. Rom had to go back to work.What the heck? I was having soooo much fun. Now its ruined with this thing called work. Rom says she has to make money. I'll give it to her! She should be home with me. She told me I can only ruin " one keyboard every two months. " I'm on a budget. I don't know what a budget is... but I don't think I like it! Ollie told me this means I have to get a job! Rom told me what a job is.I can do that! I've decided to be a rap star, as Ryan tells me I dance really good. I need a manager, whatever that is, and a fan club. Can anyone help me?Sophie
  12. I'm lucky to have three birds of different origins take turns with the fresh fruit and veggies that get delivered. Kiki tries it.... then they all dive in. Kiki has a GREAT job of being the tester! Believe me,if Sophie doesn't like it, she will fling it at the walls. I can see her now..." what were you thinking Kiki? "This stuff sucks! LOL! Nancy
  13. alnob All in a days work for a mom and dad.I have two boys both in college...both calling to make sure the Easter bunny has sent them their Easter baskets! LOL! Of COURSE Easter bunny is coming. LOL! Nancy
  14. lol... I LOVED all the nicknames.I can't say I have a nickname for Sophie.I call her Soph at times, she will call herself Soap. I also love that she calls me"ROM" instead of mom.I never corrected her.I LOVE it! Nancy
  15. EllieMae... this stinks! Now its time to take control of the situation. Repeat after me: "I am the parent, you are the child!" Now believe it! Have hubby give a tour of your house when baby is interested. When baby is in a "strange enviroment", wants to go back to cage... YOU take baby back.Never stress the baby, but baby will appreciate you when you have alleviated the stress. Nancy
  16. trancework... welcome. I suggest getting your bird off your shoulder. Wrist only. They get on the shoulder, once they have learned to " trust you!" No earlobe bites. They shouldn't get that far, nor be put in the situatation to bite your ear. Its a very simple plan. I think sometimes we as parents have an extremely complicated plan for our greys. When parents " stop, and listen"... its really not so complicated. We make it hard. The best advice I got from Sophie's owner,when she adopted me,was to " listen" to Sophie! I took the advice seriously. I " listen" all the time. Sometimes she is full of " nonsence" and I just laugh at her for attempting to get her way. I LOVE her for trying! Nancy
  17. Stepup,begins the moment your bird walks in the door. Training, begins then as well. I see many eager parents wanting to "get going!" Unfortunately, it is at their pace. Some people can get their bird to "stepup from the cage, some cannot". I suggest all new parrents read everything you can about the " stepup process!" It is vital. Many here also have different opinions regarding the " stepup" process. I for one.... have NEVER put my hand in their cage. It is their territory. I always worked with my birds off the door. When I adopted Sophie at age two, I had no clue what to do for her. I opened the cage,kids and Iplayed games in front of her.... she came out... walked over to us, wanted to be part of our game. Okay! She stepped up to whom ever turn it was. Now.... a decade later... she knows when someone is losing and switches teams! TRAITOR! She will go to the winning team. Gotta love that girl Nancy
  18. I'm glad you are not going to BBQ! LOL! Nancy I LOVE your sense of humour!
  19. What I encourage most...is offering a feeding off a spoon. It DOES eventually replace a syringe. Kiki was oatmeal crazy, as well as yogurt. I moved away from syringe rather quickly...went to tablespoon. If she wanted or needed it,I gave it to her. Birdswill let you know when they are done with the "oral stage". They adapt quickly, in how it is delivered!
  20. Mamawise... you can't go wrong with a grey. Many argue, they are NOT children. Sure...I agree... but they SURE do act like them! Not knowing a thing aboout a grey,I used my parrenting experience with Sophie. OMG! I did timeout, I treated her the same as I did with my kids. Within six months, we had a very important relationship.12 years later... she is my bestfriend. Of course our kids and grandkids come home, but they will leave. Sophie will always be here. She was young enough to " hangout" with the wrestlers, when they slept here... noone knew if they would wakeup with Sophie sleeping with them. She always found a wrestler to sleep on their shoulder.Sophie has been an important part of my kids growing up.They love her. When I broke a rib, and was struggling to clean their cages, my youngest came home from college over the weekend. I know he was worried about me, but birds needed to be tended too. He was worried about them too. Having a grey in our life, has just " enriched" it! Nancy
  21. Sophie doesn't screech. I adopted her at age two, just when she started the terrible two's. Within six months, she was adorable. She is 12 now... I had a horrible day at work today.Got home and went and picked up my girl. She always calms me down and the kisses ( as well as the farts), just makes me always realize what is important. I can't imagine life without Sophie. She makes it amazing! Nancy
  22. Luckily,I don't have an issue with loud noices. Usually! Sophie sitting on her favorite perch in family room, being very noisy. My reactions are routine, so I didn't know what I do.I paid attention. I told her " NO!" Started whistling one of her favorite songs... she continued to finish it. Stopped her screaming. She understands the word"no", as well as she is easily distracted.Amazing... I had no idea its a routine, and I automatically respond. Nancy
  23. Iook forward to videos as well. Nancy
  24. before you know it,he's gonna sing" rock a bye-baby..."Nancy
  25. JeffNOK LOL! LOL! I'm really not laughing at you, but your reaction is precious AND... completely normal. Gracie still loves you the most, but she had a great time with your dad. What a wonderful thing, you have a responsible babysitter. Within a few days, Gracie will love you just the same. As Gracie gets older, and you go away more, you will appreciate having that relationship with your dad. When I go away, Sophie always carries on and on about the babysitter.I know she had fun and am pleased.(I usually find the babysitter had just as much fun and come visit her!). Gracie will always be your baby, and she knows it. They don't do the OMG... you're back! If they act normal when you get back, or are excited about their new experience, that is a good thing. Remember...its never about us(how was your trip?), its always about them. Nancy
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