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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. It sounds like this bird has alot to offer you and your flock! Nancy
  2. Jayd... step it up! We lack the passion you have. Nancy
  3. Close the door and teach your bird. Any bird,requires a commitment. They are NOT allowed to fly everywhere. Nancy
  4. Hope all is well! I'm "illiterate", when it comes down to date and times. I never look. Nancy
  5. OMG! Tango is amazing! He doesn't care about the shower!( although, that is the next step!) Good luck! What I found so wonderful about the video, is Tango is comfortable with himself, and is developing confidence. That comes from his owners. Developing his " autonomy",is the BEST thing you can do for a bird. I see many amazing experiences for you all. Continue what you are doing. Nancy
  6. Oh NO! LOL! You're gonna be like me! Replacing your keyboard once a month! LOL! Once you decide to start the tour,remember it is about your bird. The moment they get nervous, back to neutral ground, thank them for their time, lets see some more when you are ready!They know you are pleased! Then they are pleased. All part of the bonding process and the development of trust. Nancy
  7. Allergy testing is the firstline of defense! If NOT allergic... you are your birds mom and best advocate. Nancy
  8. Its always on their terms!. I can'teven imagine scratching Sophie under her wing! She wouldn't bite me,but she sure would give me a certain " cluck"... meaning, DON"T do that! Nancy
  9. We have several water dishes.Of course, those on top are more safe.Some birds just poop where ever.Sophie does that. I change the water three times a day. Don't get worked up about it. Make sure you have a spot on top where they can't poop into water or food.Work around the poop issue. Nancy
  10. bluedawg...welcome! Some tough love coming your way! ( for your own sanity!) The goal is always to have a relationship with your bird, welcome them to the flock. They appreciate and respect membership.Although.... they don't understand it in the beginning. Your bird is just understanding his needs are being met. Nothing to do with being a flockmember. This is normal. Time to educate your bird, teach baby to understand your expectations as a member of the family.It begins with stepup, stepdown, as well as a set bedtime. Most birds do better with their cage either covered, or partially covered. Birds thrive with routine, and you will encounter times when they " suckerpunch"youinto sympathy.Of course,if my birds were ever scared,I got up and tended to them, just like a mother would do for any child. They tend to act like toddlers, so why not treat them as such? Some disagree with comparing them to children.... but OMG.... they sure actlike it! Its worked for me.Sophie is a happy girl. A true flockmember Nancy
  11. KimKim... such a hard decision! I was lucky knowing I had two asthmatic kids, to get them tested before commiting to a rescue.I'm glad we can have birds.Noone allergic.If they had been... we would not have birds.Not fair for your bird, as they desire to be part of the flock. My guys want out of the cage the moment anyone walks in the door. They are out until bedtime. Sure we all have things to do. Hense.... we trade off the birds all the time! Sophie is so use to being bounced around with all family members, she even asks Ollie our dog, to stepup! LOL ( He puts his foot down at that! He already does all her bidding!) Remember.... one of the best sacrifices a mom can make, is for the good of their children. I believe that as well for birds. Nancy
  12. Jeez...lucky I'm half deaf! I thought those contact calls were nice and easy!Sophie's contact calls are down an octave. Kiki the Amazon.... you can hear three doorsdown. She is a GREAT burglar alarm! Nancy
  13. All have great ideas! I have an average cage,as well as deluxe model ( cost didn't matter!).... but in the end,Sophie preferred the smaller cage.Bigger... is NOT always better. The mostimportant thing to learn with a grey, whatever cage you choose... should be their forevercage. They don't deal with change well. Sophie has had the same metal gym for 12 years.I'vebought the same gym.... not the same. Sean fixes the original over and over. Sophie will watch him fix it.Then.... " okay Sophie, try it out!". She will slide down the sides, 90 miles an hour. LOL! Yup! It works! Nancy
  14. I give my sister " kudos!" I warned her, I wouldn't change my life style for her.She would adjust or not. She did well for a non animal supporter. Birds and dogs were very kind to her. They have all been taught to " respect" visitors. They make me proud with their manners. Nancy
  15. Happy St.Patricks day to all. Nancy and Kiki
  16. I'm going to say something different. NOT books that I have enjoyed.... but books that are Sophie's favorite. " Thomas the tank engine" cloth book. She can quote the book. Its her favorite bedtime story. Shel Silverstein, Dr. Seuss, she LOVES all their books. The " Sound of Music"... when I play those songs on the piano.... she loves to dance. Especially the song " Do, Re, Me". Nancy
  17. Its a VERY important milestone! You new parrents are doing sooo well and know so much more than I ever did as a new parent!Ididn't even make it to our first " well" visit. Sophie was sneezing, I thought she was sick. Called.... explaining I had to get in right away! They knew me....I have lots of animals and don't freakout easily! I got in right away. My vet laughed and laughed at me! ( we have a good relationship!) Apparently greys don't say " achooo!." Sophie was imitating my son who was sick. Nancy
  18. Keep opening the cages and observing their behavior. Safety is the most important thing. They know what to do. You are a bystander, ready to step in only when needed. I'm lucky now to have three birds of different origins, whom originally had three cages, went down to two, but could go down to one, as they all live together in one cage. Second cage there if they want some peace. Rarely doI find a bird in the "palace." Keep working on "stepup and step down". Imperitive for all birds to learn it. I was more sucessful teaching and learning, away from cage. Work with a gym in another room. Nancy
  19. They are awesome. I also believe that all greys can turn into snuggle muffins, even years later. The clock ticks very very slowly, for a grey. Nancy
  20. Sophie would be grinding for the crust! Nancy
  21. Remember too, to take your bird on a tour of the house. Showing each room, talking about it. They get caught up too in the excitement of it all. Nancy
  22. Although Tango is going thru this screaming issue on and off,he sounds AWFULLY cute! You are doing what is important. Picking up, when not screaming. Nancy
  23. I agree as well. I am jealous too! Sophie won't shower and misting might as well be called murder and betrayal.Our otherbirdsLOVE to shower.Sophie will just watch Nancy
  24. Spock... Congratulations with joe. He has come a long way, and is developing the confidence and "loving himself", that all greys need in order to prosper! Its just going to get better for you guys and Joe and rest of gang.Its important for all flock members to feel their opinion matters and respected.Joe obviously is trusting you all and letting you know. I LOVE when Sunny our conure comes out to talk. He unfortunately doesn't talk human... but I know when he is mad. He will talk non-stop bird talk . I will say... " I understand you are not happy. Have you talked to the girls about this?" He usually settles down. Having lots of psychiatrists in the family sure does pay off sometimes! LOL (Nooooo not seeing them.... family members are them for you wise guys!). Nancy
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