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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. fmcc Noone thinks you have mistreated this bird. You have had a relationship with your bird for over 20 years. Can't argue with that. Birds health is all that matters. Nancy
  2. I was never afraid of birds, but also didn't know, I SHOULD be afraid of birds! LOL! Before I had birds....my babysitter was desperate, asked me to go care for all her birds. I think it was around ten cages. Brought the kids...instructions left at each cage.This was our first intro to the bird world. Little did I know, a few weeks later, Ryan would be adopted by one of her foster birds. Nancy
  3. YIKES! I don't want to die! LOL! Sophie is wayyyyyy to easy on new people. She gives them 24-48 hours meeting them, then will step-up. She's like a "stepup floozie!"I'm happy that she trusts easily, but only after seeing I trust them. I'm kind of jealous at times, that she gives her affection so easily. I know I should be proud... but I understand how JeFFnok feels about Gracie. Nancy
  4. OMG! LOVED all the responses! Mistyparrot.... I agree.... " thats not for you!" Shame on you for wanting to spritz dear Misty! WHAT were you THINKING? LOL murfchck...LOL! I GET the paper towel thing. Sophie's favorite to destroy. I'm glad she hasn't figured out how to hold onto an end and take off with it! LOL! Timbersmom.. What problem do you have understanding "timber is a good bird?" LOL! They all all BRATS!!!!! Welove them to death Nancy
  5. Brat Birds... teaching stepup to a bird that already trusts you in my opinion, is a " walk in the park!" It usually doesn't take long, if you have a bird that is curious to learn. Peanut I believe will do well. They DO want to please you and understand your expectations. I am not criticizing you at all....BUT.... Peanut will get worse, if you don't set guidelines. I believe in the " flock mentality", and I believe there is a flock leader, and it sure isn't Sophie! (my grey!) She is the flock leader in our animal kingdom, but I am the flock leader of all.That doesn't mean I run our household as a dictatorship. Hardly! Everyone has a voice and opinion. Nancy
  6. After furthur viewing the wound, it is actually quite clean, and should heal well, if treated. There is a 1/4 inch of tissue, that is questionable, needing furthur debridement,if not responsive to peroxide/ saline and neosporin. Nancy Jayd...I .know you disagree with me... but I'm not giving an inch. I know you think my peroxide dose is high, but it really isn't. This bird is only topically infected right now.Your dose of peroxide is too weak. I personally would be cleaning with betadine,for good measure. Yes, I'm an expert with human wounds... but this bird needs our help. Avians are not available. As I am an expert with wounds, even though they are human...I suggest we try it. Nancy
  7. My suggestion of cleaning the wound with 50% peroxide and saline... stands...! This is not a bird that is going to go to the vet. Neosporin,over the counter. Yes... this bird should be on antibiotics, but it isn't going to happen. Nancy
  8. Everyone at work,knows about Sophie.I'm use to the inspection. I'm no longer embarrassed about it. Most have met her personally. I remember once, I arrived at work, had a code, was doing CPR, had poop on my back,my secretary was "cleaning me", as I did CPR! LOL! She felt helpless... but donated to the cause.Nancy
  9. Total brats! LOL! If my NO! NO CHEW, is as strong as hers was....I'd be scared to chew! LOL.She did a "backup plan", dancing and singing. She sure knows what buttons to push. I'm always amused at her attempts to distract me from the issue.She is a smarty pants. Nancy
  10. Sophie will poop anywhere, anytime she feels like it! She doesn't poop on my shoulder anymore... after the time I was dressed up, she wanted to be on my shoulder. I warned her that if she pooped on me... she would have a very unhappy mama. She was good. Sophie and I have a small amount of time to snuggle in the morning, without everyone else. I use to arrive at work with poop on my shoulder that I didn't notice. Now I get inspected daily by my secretary. I know she secretly desires for Sophie to poop on me as she finds this very funny! Nancy
  11. Brat Birds...are you working on stepup training? Does Peanut desire to be out with you? The reason I ask... is Peanut needs some serious guidelines on acceptable behavior. Teaching acceptable social skills, it really works well, once they trust you, and desire to be with you. If Peanut doesn't give a hoot... then we need to work on making Peanut want to hang with you as much as possible. Can't train sucessfully, unless your bird has a strong desire to be with you.I can't even imagine having to hide just to make a phone call! Thats TERRIBLE! I'm so sorry! Nancy
  12. Got home from work.Opened birdroom.Sophie immediately flew out landed on corner cabinet in kitchen that I have covered with a towel, as she enjoys chewing the wood.( my new kitchen!) I didn't say a word, as she started to chew on the towel. She gave me one look... said "I said NO!...NO CHEW!" Rom go outside! LOL! Now I'm treated like our dogs! Nancy
  13. I can't imagine life without Kiki. She is vital to our family dynamics.All the birds love and respect her. We do too. Nancy
  14. IFFFF in the future you want an Amazon... they are great, but you better be ready for the noise factor! They are very loud! Kiki screams to her heart content,between 3-4pm.I don't try to quiet her. Its important to her. She is also obscessed with opera, which we all hate. I play tons of Opera ( that I can't stand), but it makes her happy. It does make me happy, that she has a great singing voice, and is always on key. Nancy
  15. garryg...sometimes I "cringe", hold my tongue.Sometimes "I can't take it anymore", and have to say something. I don't cringe when I hear stories about you and Miranda. I see so much potential with Miranda and you. I LOVE hearing about you guys. I have already decided personally,you have an amazing grey, that will go far and look forward to stories about you guys. If you are struggling with anything, remember we are here to help you. I know you can be a fantastic parrent.Any bird that thrives... needs to have a parent that encourages them. I believe you can do it. Nancy
  16. I'd be more scared of the sunconure! Their bites are much worse than a grey.Dan has great advice. Nancy
  17. Thanks Jayd! You are a great parrent as well. We all get there, one way or another,and all do something different, which is okay. We all have different beliefs, but the ultimate goal,is for our birds to understand they are " part of our family." How we get there,is a matter of opinion. "Once gotten there", is amazing! Jayd and I KNOW what to do, to get our birds where they need to be, to create the ultimate setting for our birds to thrive. We get there different ways. but that really doesn't matter! Our goals are the same. Nancy
  18. Another way to look at it... is,when you encounter a grey, that has to overcome a disability, they seem to make it out with personality. A VERY tough decision, but I would always favor a bird that faces a tough road. The personality, and attempt to accomplish their goals, seem strong. Nancy
  19. garryg... You are doing an EXCELLENT job with Miranda. We all feel strongly about that! Nancy and Sophie
  20. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. Don't ever feel alone on the homefront, we are all here to help anytime you need us. Nancy
  21. LOVED the pictures of Escher. Most birds learn to compensate with their physical issues. He looks great! Make sure you encourage hubby to be part of his life, even though he seems to prefer you. A family balance,is very important. Nancy
  22. Loki05deMayo... excellent decision, but I also want to comment on the great job you did with feeding Loki! Nancy and Sophie
  23. What a riot! LOVED it! Yes Timbersmom.... pay attention to cauliflower day.LOL! It does get easier as they get older, I promise. Sure Sophie loves raspberries on Tuesday, then hates them on Thursday... I no longer go crazy about that. I just make sure her cage is removed far enough from the wall, as raspberries take off the paint. I mix up veggie and fruit tray to my liking. Not hers. Nancy
  24. Mike .. Congratulations on your new parrenthood.Seven years is relatively young in the parrot world.Changes CAN happen, and I suspect they will with you and your family at the helm. Definitely visit the vet. Even if you didn't have issues, all new owners need a " well visit", the first time. They both sound very promising, and you have rescued them from a "very ignorant family", that had no business owning a grey( any other bird for that matter)! Welcome! We are all here to help. Nancy and gang
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