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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. A birds first words are sooo important! Just the first beginning of developing the relationship with you. Nancy
  2. Sophie understands what shower means. She is polite, and will say no thank you. This weekend is " shower weekend". It gets done and I warn her it is going to happen. She will scream " NO ROM"...she will think I act like I am murdering her, but I'm not! I am empathetic, but showering will get done Nancy
  3. I was " nauseous", reading this! It should be a felony! Nancy
  4. So I'm planning on getting one for Sophie this month. What website is best? I am hesitant, but am now ready. I have been putting it off like forever. I know she will accept it because she trusts me. Nancy
  5. Sorry all, I am old school. Oils, whatever you burn to stop plucking, IS NOT REAL! STOP polluting their lungs. Plucking is a behavior that is not fully understood. Some do, when stressed, some do for no reason. You can have the best parrent that has done everything right, and still have a plucker. Alovera has been shown to be successful. Nancy
  6. Muse....pretty sharp for Megan to say " what're you doin at just three months! Nancy jgerardo... I LOVE the name Luna. my friends bird is Luna as well.I'm sure she is going to be a bilingual bird! Nancy
  7. They are all so adorable with their first words! In all honesty... I LOVED being called ROM. Kids knew it and knew I wouldn't correct her... HENCE... ROM to this day. I explained to kids that Sophie has trouble with her M's. ( sure she does!), kids thought. LOL! When I was at work they would call me when she was naughty and say " Do you want to know what your daughter did today ROM?" I knew that it was going to be bad!!!! LOL! Nancy
  8. Check out your neigbors and find teenage kids. I have done professionals, bird trimmers and breeders. Sophie is happiest finding a teenager that she loves. Nancy
  9. sophie's first word was " Rom". Meaning MOM. She still calls me rom Nancy
  10. Carol... How are you doing? That was a very scary moment for you. I also work in the medical field. If you need help deciphering medical test results, let me know. I'm here for you and your birds. Nancy
  11. Looks GREAT! Can I hire you to " swing by" our house? Nancy
  12. Zelph... certainly read some books, decide as a family, what the plan is. We knew very little when Sophie adopted us at age two. We had NO idea what we were doing! We knew she chose us as her adoptive family. We had little time to look into diet, but that was our next step. We investigated diet quickly, and had a plan. Next we investigated how a grey will pick one owner, we knew that wouldn't work either. We have " open cage" concept with all our animals. I think her original owner just " knew"... that was what Sophie needed. I cannot say it has been easy, because it hasn't, but Sophie is thriving for more than a decade. Nancy
  13. I have had my groomer care for my birds, as well as private caring. Both successful, but I always insisted for my birds to be on social stand. I didn't like, as Sophie loves everyone, I got offers to buy her. It was very annoying, and groomer was obligated to offer me the offers. LAST time I sent Sophie to the groomer. He knew I would freak! Not his fault. Nancy
  14. Mary you can do it! Clicker training sounds good! Get your friends to help. Nancy
  15. I have no clue, but I do know it is alot of work and quarantining the bird, which has affected many a relationship. I also know of some that have left their bird in foster care to find a bird not interested in them after two years. A TRUE dilemma for you! Nancy
  16. Vinegar and water is safe. I also take the cages outside and scrub down with dawn dish detergent for years.I have some kind of cleaner from my petstore for winter. Will see what it is Nancy
  17. The difference with an Amazon and Grey, is the Grey thinks they rule! The Amazon lets them!It was never important to Kiki. Kiki taught Sophie EVERYTHING! Sophie is the bird she is, only thanks to Kiki Nancy
  18. First... get the cage off the floor. Second, don't expect your wife to be " receiving the bites!" Your bird loves mama and mama doesn't know how to take care of the bird. The bird and your wife need direction. We need to meet your wife, and let her talk about their relationship. Nancy
  19. You sound awesome as a parent, and she sounds awesome as a very good friend! I am half deaf, so noice doesn't bother me! If it DOES.... that means they are being VERY loud! I say... " SHHHHHH"... they become like mice. They understand what shhhhhh means. A matter of training. You can do it. Nancy
  20. Excellent advice Chezron! Nancy
  21. Welcome to new members, with great advice! Nancy
  22. Timbersmom... Forearms are just fine! If Timber likes the forearm... that is great. My kids think I have a " germ phobia". I don't touch doors if I can open with my forearm. I do more with my forearms if I can. Sophie steps up to me any which way, but actually, she steps up on my wrist. Once stepup wasn't important anymore to us, I always put her on my wrist. Less contact with my fingers is better.My hands are always dry and peeling, as I wash way too much. I guess Sophie sensed that as she started to step up on my wrist and I really never noticed! Nancy
  23. Muse... if you look how little time you have had Peck... I know you know, he is growing in leaps and bounds! He was meant to be a " fantastic bird", and now he has the opportunity. Nancy
  24. Definitely give her time and understanding. I know you are doing that and it can be soooo frustrating! On the other hand, the other birds can't suffer for her twos... so I suggest close and lock her cage when you need to play with other birds. Of course let her out the moment you can. Kiki our Amazon was the only bird to get hormonal. Sophie never did after getting thru terrible twos. ( six months). When Kiki was " crazy", even Sophie recognized , " I can't be bossy! She's doing it again!" We all gave Kiki plenty of space. Not sure why Sophie never went nuts like Kiki. She is DNA sexed, and truly is a girl. I thank my lucky stars! Nancy
  25. Alex... that is VERY reasonable! Sophie has cheapened my expenses even more now that she trims her own nails, beak and feathers! I use to take them to a groomer, but he was so cheap, I didn't even blink. Maybe 20 bucks. Nancy
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